Dred Malachore
Ne Shab'rud'ni - Don't mess with me

Intent: To create armor which suits the needs of Dred Malachore
Dev thread:
Manufacturer: Dred
Model: Personal Armor
Affiliation: Dred
Modularity: Yes (detachable cape and Kama, holsters, modifications to color, etc)
Production: Unique
Material: Beskar, Stygian Triprismatic Polymer, armorweave
Description: This is heavy armor designed by Dred for Dred so that he can continue in his line of work. It is composed of several different layers. The first layer would be the light armorweave undersuit which is air tight and water tight. The next layer is the beskar plates. Shoulder plates, chest plates, the back plate, bicep plates, abdominal plates, thigh knee and shin plates, and the cod piece all are able to be attached and detached from the undersuit. All of these plates are made of beskar with a thin under layer of Stygian tryprismatic polymer ( a stronger version of duroplast) to keep it lighter than thick beskar plates would be. The forearm gauntlets are also made of beskar, each one having an extendable 6 inch vibroblade hidden in the under side so it slides underneath the palm. On the top side of the right gauntlet is a small lanvarok built into it. The left gauntlet features a built in datapad which allows the wearer to communicate with global positioning systems, view maps of the battlefield, and even check their spacebook among other things. The beskar helmet is include in this layer of the armor. The final layer of the armor is the thick armorweave Kama as well as a thin armorweave cape, both being detachable. Downsides to this armor would be that it is quite heavy and has the normal weak points; joints, the neck, etc.
Classification: Multipurpose, anti lightsaber, anti blaster
Weight: 30 kg
Quality: 9
Other Features:
Vacuum seals: Protect the wearer from any harsh environment as well as the vacuum of space for up to 8 hours
Helmet: 360 degree HUD, built in comm unit, air scrubber, sound dampeners, infared vision, thermal vision, rangefinder, night vision, voice modifier
Boots: jet boot capabilities
Side note- I understand that I am very new to the mandalorian faction but I do intend to be quite active in it. I need a good set of beskar'gam before I can, though