Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Drehich Ortuga

NAME: Drehich Ortuga
FACTION: The One Sith
RANK: Acolyte
AGE: 15
SEX: Male
EYES: Emerald
HAIR: White
SKIN: Pale


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ - Is an adept Force user.
+ - Is very cunning, and has a silver tongue.
+ - Is an ideal strategist and opportunist.
- - Can be VERY overconfident in his abilities at times.
- - Usually relies on his Plan A, rarely coming up with a Plan B.
- - Can be easily provoked into a conflict when he is insulted, or one of his dear people is insulted or hurt.
In addition to the appearance of him on the avatar, Drehich has several small scars on his torso and chest, and one large scar, running down his back, his one present back from when he was young.

When Drehich was young, he was born into a wealthy, noble family on Alderaan. He and his family, which consisted of his mother, father, 2 sisters, and twin brother, lived a happy life, being spared (somewhat) from the corruption on that world. However, his family had no idea Drehich was a Force user. Later, when Drehich was 13, he went out to play with his friends, other boys from other noble families. When he got back, he saw a gruesome image. It was his entire family, being slaughtered by Republic Soldiers. Before his father was slaughtered, his final words were that he told Drehich he loved him, and that he needed to run. Heeding his father's words, Drehich started to run, but got a nasty, long scar on his back from one of the Republic Soldier's Vibrosword. The rage from the wound, combined with the despair, anger, and sadness of his family's death, Drehich went into a Force surge, electrocuting the soldiers to death. Seeing the Republic Soldiers, dead, made Drehich want to help the Empire and the Sith Order, whom he had little knowledge about, except for the obvious things, i.e. they were the sworn enemy of the Republic, they were affiliated with each other, the Sith's homeworld was on Korriban etc. So, Drehich took the nearest shuttle to Korriban, and upon seeing his amazing Force talent for a young age, the Overseers decided to let him enroll early. For the past 2 years, Drehich has been going through harsh trials as an acolyte, though something tells him he's near the end, and after that, he will find out why his parents were murdered.

SHIP: N/A. Drehich has been in the market for his own starship for a while, and has actually found one. However, he has decided to wait until the end of his trials to buy one.

N/A... for now...

I figured I was going in the normal zone, I even looked up an average height and weight chart, but if people are saying that's unhealthy, then I might as well change that. Thank you for your opinion. Is there anything other you would like to note?
Factory Judge
By lord, if you are meaning Sith lord/master then you will need to apply for your rank by giving proof that you hold that rank.

And by me saying it's unhealthy. It's more so that a man that skinny would not be able to preform well in battle. I mean unless you guy had anorexia or some kind of eating problem.
Yes, I was unaware I actually had to start out the RPs as an Acolyte, I figured you could have been an Acolyte, or mention your passing of the trials and being an Apprentice if I was to go straight to Lord. And, I fixed the height and weight. Hopefully, it seems more reasonable now.
Factory Judge
Well if you are transfering from another site, you can link that you were a master, but I you can not, then yes you will have to be an acolyte first.

And as an apprentice, you're height a d weight are fine.

(sadly I would know because that is my RL heigh and weight)

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