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Approved Species Drek

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Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one


Name: Drek
Designation: Non-Sentient
Homeworld: Daoria
Language: N/A
Average Lifespan: 90 Years
Estimated Population: A few million

Average height of adults: 1.5 Meters at the Shoulder
Average length of adults: 3.9
Skin color: Red
Hair color: N/A
Distinctions: The Drek is a large, armored herbivore native to Daoria. With a small face and a tortoise-like body the Drek boasts some of the best defense on the desert world. Its carapace is made of incredibly strong keratin which has been found to protect even against lightsaber blows. While most of its body is covered in this highly protective keratin exoskeleton, it is only the face and torso that is that strong. Besides that there are many gaps in its protection, exposing the red skin of the beast. Its neck can also extend up to almost a full meter when not in immediate danger, allowing for a single well timed shot to bring down the beast.

Breathes: Type I
  • Incredibly Strong Carapace: The shell, or carapace of the Drek is incredibly strong. With it being able to withstand lightsaber blows and even most kinetic and energy weapons it makes for a wonderful defense on such a dangerous world.
  • Strength in Numbers: The Drek travel in large herds, providing great early warning detection and strength against a predator. No Drek gets left behind.
  • The Best Defense: Because of their hard shells, getting rammed by a Drek is incredibly painful and likely to cause broken bones, internal bleeding and maybe a collapsed lung or two.
  • Slow: With a heavy shell comes a slow pase. Their regular walk and gallop are very, very slow. Despite this, over time (5 mintutes) they can hit speeds of 64 kph, though in five minutes most have already run away.
  • Inability to Swim: While this may seem silly to add in a desert planet, the Drek live in the savanna which have substantially more water than the deserts and crossing rivers is a great challenge for the Drek. Often fear of drowning in even the shallowest rivers can cause herds to travel for miles just to go around the river or lake that needs crossing.
  • No Such Thing as Perfect: The armor has natural gaps for movement, but these gaps are the same on every Drek and as such a skilled hunter can put down several Drek in one go as long as they aren't spotted. Their necks are also almost always exposed, offering an easy kill point as their flesh has no resistances whatsoever. Intense heat can also cook them from the inside, which is often a strategy of the Sneer Cat when hunting the Drek.

Races: N/A

Diet: Herbivore; Cacti, Desert Grasses, Trees
Communication: A series of groans and moans
Culture: The Drek for almost a thousand years have been hunted by the Daorians for not only their meat but their sturdy shells. Used in all manners of recopies, weapons and armor the shell of the Drek has been a prized and expensive item to the Daorians. At one point in time the Drek were even used for mounted combat and ambushes.
Technology level: N/A
General behavior: The Drek live in medium sized herds throughout the savanna, usually with only one or two bulls with calves and cows filling out the remainder of the herd. Bulls from opposing herds will fight frequently for the sole purpose of testing their strength. Despite their lust for battle, the cows are usually the ones to defend the herd from predators like the sneer cat or in the rare occurrence that a Goi attacks.

The Drek are naturally wary of humanoids and will attack if they get too close. This has caused trouble for the One Sith as when they first arrived they assumed their weapons held sufficient strength to fell these massive beasts but the Dreks' hard shells proved a nuisance for them.

History: The Drek had lived a relatively undisturbed life on Daoria. While the occasional hunter killed them for large celebrations, they were deemed too difficult to hunt for the average hunter due to the Sneer Cat's almost constant presence around large herds and the aggressiveness of the Drek itself. However, during the thousand year war Drek shells were utilized as armor for the different factions and their military units. Generally a Daorian wearing such armor was considered to be high rank and dangerous as to obtain the armor one had to kill a Drek themselves. Because they only lived in the savanna this armor was even rarer for the Daorians that resided only in the desert.

Once the war ended though there was no need for such heavy armor and most was locked away in family chests and armories. Instead the Drek were used for large family and community feasts and holidays. It was seen as a rare and delicious food and could be cooked in any number of ways; from being baked in its own shell to being cooked in a sand oven or even fried. Always the Daorians made sure to make use of every part of the Drek.

When the Sith came however the Drek proved to be a nuisance. With its overly aggressive behavior and thick shell the One Sith had trouble killing them at first. When the Daorians and Sith realized the power of having a shield against the lightsaber, both the One Sith and Daorians began hunting the Drek extensively for their shells and old families began bringing out ancient armor and weapons from ancient times. This didn't last long however as the Daorian resistance phase was quick and painful for the Daorians.

After the rebellions the One Sith made it illegal for any Daorian to own Drek Shells in any capacity which meant many of the family and community traditional holiday meals ended with the beginning of the One Sith on Daoria.

Notable Player-Characters:N/A

Intent: To add some cultural flavor to the desert planet of Daoria that was created for the event contest and to give the Daorians a plausible means of resistance against the One Sith as well as a way for the One Sith to oppress the Daorians.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
[member="Werah Unon"]

No, I just assumed since for other creatures I've done since Length has been a thing, if they aren't abnormally long I've been okayed with a N/A or just taking it out. I'll put one in tomorrow.
For a humanoid, it is not a big deal, as they are all relatively similar in that respect. For creatures such as these, though, you will have to add in the length.

[member="Gilamar Skirata"]
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