Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Catalog Drey Incorporated

An Agricultural, and Mining company, based in the Lianna system.


  • From the ocean world of Ruisto enjoy our fresh produce of Fish native from the saline sea waters caught by local fishermen under our employ and housed within several fishing colonies located across the planet. We are also are a supplier of Salt.​
  • The rich farmlands of Lothal are ready to supply you with Wheat and other foodstuffs cultivated in our homesteads including our native Nerf and their famous Blue Milk. Among our catalogue of foodstuffs produced locally by our native farmers Drey Incorporated stand ready to make arrangements for the supply of Doonium to our customers.
  • Among our portfolio are the rare skills of the Keganites. The animal cultivation skills of these people are infamous among the systems that make up the Tion Cluster. We can offer our customers the skillset of our valued employees in the raising and cultivation of a number of animals for numerous tasks including their butcher for fresh meat; the acquisition of hides; or training of livestock for a variety of needs.
  • Deep within the swamplands of Obredaan Drey Incorporated- in collaboration with our partners Salacia Consolidated, Arceneau Trade Company and Mecetti Nationalized Industries- can offer the rare ore of Cortosis to our prospective clients as well as Duranium and Titanium from Drey's Mine.

  • An assortment of Fish native to the planet Ruisto and Salt harvested from it's saline oceans.
  • Wheat and other forms of Agricultural products. If you can think of it we can grow it on our lands found on the planet Lothal.
  • Blue Milk from our assortment of Nerfs native to the planet Lothal.
  • We can offer the services of the Keganites. These Humans native to the planet Kegan are infamous for their animal cultivation skills. Any animal or breed is not a problem for our expert. You name the creature and service you want then leave the rest to our experts.
  • Drey is now a supplier of the heavy metal Doonium: used in the construction of Capital grade ships, defence technologies, and weapons. Contact us today for your Doonium needs!
  • In collaboration with our associates at Drey's Mine we are a supplier of weapons grade Cortosis ore. We are also a distributor of Duranium and Titanium.

Please make your inquiries down below to acquire our goods and products.
Price and distribution are circumstantial based upon factors ascertained through inquiry and arrangement.
We are operators along the Perlemian Trade Route and Corellian Run within the borders of the
Tion Cluster.
We look forward to your custom, and commerce.

Alicia Drey Alicia Drey ,

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