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Minor Faction Drey Statement about the Trade Federation of Planets | Order of the Sith Lords

Drey Statement about the
Trade Federation of Planets

An Agricultural, and Mining company, based in the Lianna system.


902 ABY;

After considerable deliberation, following internal and external discussion with our clientele and associates, Drey Incorporated announces it's decision to enter into the Mining sector. Our decision to expand our portfolio into this market follows the decision of the Trade Federation of Planets to place the territories of the Empire of the Lost into an Embargo Zone thereby cutting off vital access to the prospective products and distribution networks of the Federation.

These sanctions, combined with the on-going conflict with the Sith Empire, resulted in an economic crisis that has depressed the economies of 39 systems of the Empire of the Lost and directly contributed to the subsequent Sith victory at the Siege of Tion.

Our position within the Agricultural market, namely in the manufacture and distribution of foodstuffs within the Tion Cluster, and other outlying systems belonging to the Empire of the Lost (namely the planet Kegan) has helped stemmed the economic crisis wrought by the on-going conflict between the Empire of the Lost and Sith Empire which was exasperated by the decision of the Trade Federation of Planets to support the Sith in their subsequent invasion and destruction of the planet Tion through the creation of their Embargo Zone around the territories of the Empire and the subsequent sanctions thereby enforced through the removal of trade rights between the Empire and the Federation itself.

Furthermore, despite the economic sanctions placed upon the Empire by the Federation, Drey Incorporated has recorded substantial revenue and profit in our first quarter and will continue our operations to ensure that the citizenry of the Empire will continue to be fed in spite of the Federation's remarkable decision to categorise the Empire's territories as a C-class economy and embargo 39 of it's star systems.

Following significant overtures in revenue within this first quarter, with thanks to our work within the foodstuffs sector, our decision to enter the Mining market will help ease the burden placed upon the Empire's economy in spite of the combined economic sanctions of the Trade Federation of Planets wrought by it's created Embargo Zone and the on-going war with the Sith Empire by filling the void left behind by the Federation's decision to stop supplying the Empire with necessary goods and services which contributed to it's security and peacekeeping efforts before trade rights were rescinded.

Drey Incorporated takes this moment to announce that Doonium has been added to our portfolio to go alongside our foodstuffs products and is now available for distribution (subject to inquiry and arrangement) to our customers and prospective clientele across the Outer Rim Territories and systems located along the Perlemian Trade Route and Corellian Run hyperlanes.

Lothal- a recent addition to the territories of the Empire of the Lost- has been a constant exporter of the heavy metal Doonium along the Perlemian Trade Route and Corellian Run hyperlanes since the discovery of the Pryce Mine at the turn of the last millennium. This valuable resource contributes to the construction efforts of the Galactic Alliance and therefore makes Drey Incorporated a contributor, and distributor of Doonium following the acquisition of Mining rights to excavate and therefore distribution of this valuable resource to the Alliance in it's on-going war with the Dark Empire colloquially known to some as
the C o r e W a r s.

In addition to Doonium Drey Incorporated announces it's decision to enter into collaboration with our associates within the Mecetti Nationalized Industries, Salacia Consolidated and the Arceneau Trading Company. Last month our combined venture on the planet Obredaan saw the opening of Drey's Cortosis Mine. Among our product line we can now include Cortosis, Duranium and Titanium to our portfolio following the conclusion of our Obredaan Peel.

Drey Incorporated can now reveal details of our summit held by the late, and great Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti of House Mecetti, former CEO of Mecetti Nationalized Industries, former Senator to Obulette, and former representative of the Obulette system, located within the Tapani sector, of the Galactic Alliance's Federal Assembly, held on board the Ayrix.

Drey Incorporated invited delegates of the Trade Federation of Planets to participate in our aforementioned venture on the planet Obredaan. The Federation declined participation in the opening of Drey's Cortosis Mine and the subsequent acquisition of Cortosis to add to it's substantial catalogue of products. This decision, combined with it's economic sanctions placed upon the Empire of the Lost, which has directly contributed to an economic crisis within 39 star systems belonging to the Empire of the Lost, and the subsequent Sith victory at Tion, suggests that trade is not the only agenda of the Trade Federation of Planets.

This conclusion is further collaborated by our discovery of the build up of Federation forces near the Alliance aligned star system of Alderaan. A clear act of aggression against a member of the Federal Assembly.

The Federation retains two representatives upon the Galactic Alliance's Federal Assembly in the form of Senator Lodd Grimmin, and Monaray Dod: representative of Cato Neimoidia. The Trade Federation of Planets, as a member of the Galactic Alliance, has directly affected the economies of 39 star systems belonging to the Empire of the Lost: a neutral entity to the Galactic Alliance. Furthermore their economic decisions contributed to the destruction of the planet Tion. Millions of surviving Tionese have been displaced from their homes following the Sith attack on their homeworld which includes the refugees recently accepted by the Dosuunian Commonwealth.

Drey Incorporated concludes that a member of the Galactic Alliance has colluded with the Sith Order in the destruction of Tion; has contributed to an economic crisis among a neutral power to that of the Galactic Alliance in the form of the Empire of the Lost; and the displacement of an estimated three million Tionese refugees.

Drey Incorporated, in accordance with Galactic Law, and in compliance of the Federal Assembly; as a direct supplier of goods necessary in the construction of Capital grade star ships, defensive technology, weapons and foodstuffs to star systems presently found along the hyperlanes of the Perlemian Trade Route, and Corellian Run (located within the borders of the Galactic Alliance) demands the immediate investigation into the Trade Federation of Planets regarding it's actions surrounding the creation of it's Embargo Zone and the subsequent economic sanctions enforced against the 39 star systems within the Empire of the Lost which contributed to the supremacy of the Sith Order at Tion and the deaths of millions of Tionese after it's destruction at the hands of the Butcher King, Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex .

Lastly, we would like to take this time to offer our condolences to House Mecetti for the loss of their matriarch during the Battle of Carlac.

Please browse our portfolio of goods and services here.


Alicia Drey Alicia Drey
CEO of Drey Incorporated,
Staff Director
of the New Imperial Security Bureau.

The machinations of the Order of the Sith Lords begin to take shape.
Through destruction I breed creation.

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