Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dreya Shynn

Dreya Shynn


Normal Form

Shaper Form

Name: Dreya Shynn
Nickname: Silver Angel
Age: Presumably 22, though actual age was forgotten
Species: 15% Human, 40% Diathim, 5% Epicanthrix, 20% Clawdite, 20% Accumulated Force Energy (Due to Sith Alchemy experiments)
Gender: Female
Normal Form: Deep Purplish-Burgandy
Shaper Form: Silver
Normal Form: Reflective Silver
Shaper Form: Reflective Silver
Height: 5"90'
Weight: 122 Lbs.
Complexion: Varies
Build: Willowy, Curvy
Force Sensitive: Yes

Shaping Abilities: Dreya has incredible shaping abilities allowing her to control every element one at a time, or all four elements combined.
Force Powers: Though Dreya doesn't possess any of the normal Force abilities that all Force-users have, she does have control over all four elements.
Wings: In her Normal Form, Dreya has no wings. In her Shaper Form, however, her wings are large and silvery white. This gives her a distinct advantage in a fight.
Loyalty: Dreya would die for her friends.

Ultimate Mode: Ultimate Mode is when Dreya shapes all for elements at once. Though for a time this makes her unimaginably powerful, it uses up the majority of Dreya's energy and concentration, making her extremely weak when she returns to her Normal Form. For this reason, Dreya only uses her Ultimate Mode when her situation deems it absolutely necessary.
Normal Form: Dreya's "creator" made her a ring that, while worn, forces her to stay in her Normal Form. While in this form, Dreya has no powers whatsoever, for the ring keeps them contained for her own safety. Once the ring is removed, Dreya can shift into her Shaper Form, which in turn allows her to control the elements.
Sensitive: Dreya can become easily offended or saddened.

Dreya is, at the least, unstable. Because she spent her entire life locked away from the outside world, forced to undergo brutal and agonizing experiments and enhancements at the hands of a Sith Alchemist, she has a very fragile mindset. This makes her, at times, very reclusive and shy. There are even instances where she will "Lock Down". That means she will put her head between her knees, cover the back of her head with her arms, and become completely unresponsive for hours at a time. Such can be expected from the constant trauma she has endured.
On good days, Dreya is rather friendly. She'll talk to people, smile and laugh. She might even tell a joke or two. But remember, this is only when she is feeling good. When she's feeling bad, she'll go back to being a social recluse.

I can hear it. Screaming. It's in my head, it's in the walls, it's in the corridors. It's everywhere. I want to ask who's causing all the noise. But then I realize it's me. I'm trapped here. He has me strapped to the hard metal table, unable to move. My whole body is burning and freezing and aching and breaking; All at once. He keeps telling me that I'm one step closer to perfection. That when he's finished, the pain will cease. I scream louder as I feel a million sharp things dig into my skin. I can smell the toxins, feel them seeping into my blood. They make my tears burn like acid in my eyes. I'm begging him, someone, anyone. "PLEASE! PLEASE STOP!! PLEASE!!!!" I don't ever understand why I beg. It doesn't help. No one listens, and the pain keeps coming. My vision is blurry with tears or with hallucinations. I don't know. I don't care. I just want the pain to end. When will the pain end?

Dreya Shynn

Checked. I won't RP Dreya until I get a species sheet done. Until then, I'll get her situated OOC. :)
@[member="Spencer Jacobs"]

Dreya Shynn

Are you saying you don't have an answer, or are you referring to Dreya as if she were a thing instead of a person?
(Oh yeah. I just made it serious...... :p )

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