Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Drinking And Forcing Don't Mix (Training)

It was one of the few pleasant bars on Nal Hutta, you could tell because they'd somehow managed to eliminate the order instead of just trying to cover it up. Being on a mountain and utilizing triple-filtered air and a quasi-airlock door system probably went a long way to helping with that. Inside an artificial stream meandered around the earthworks that divided the restaurant portion into more personal spaces. Fountains trickled down these sculpted stone dividers to feed the stream and provide ambient noise. It was the type of place people went to to propose or to rub shoulders with the wealthy. Or like Domino, if you didn't want to do that shoulder rubbing (always at a safe distance that didn't risk any actual shoulders getting rubbed) you could rent out the entire second floor balcony for a private party. To date only one person had bothered with this extremely expensive feat.

It was in this luxury that Domino awaited the arrival of the other force-capable people in the Black Suns, a cage of ropos sitting rather out of place on the table. They were to be today's training aid as she taught the more subtle machinations of sensing and influencing others. The table should be large enough for even a Hutt to cozy up to and had seating for anyone else that cared to show on either side. Sipping her wine, Domino idly wondered who would be the first to show.

[member="Gordosa"] [member="Rayl Wilded"] [member="Ariella"] [member="Wendy La Fey"]

Wendy had cut her hair again after her duel with the other apprentice and him ripping her hair from her head she had said frak it and cut it short. Now she was wearing the durasteel armor and she had her saber on her hip. This place was lovely and she felt out of place running a hand through her hair before she stood looking around, her head rising up to where her master was and scratching her head. "This place is nice." Her eyes finding the place that was booked for them and moving up quickly as she stood before her master and waved giving a smile. "Hello Miss Domino."


News They Don't Want Heard
Like it or not, Kamon was already there. He had been for some time. Of course he'd been masking his presence and standing on a nearby balcony, out of direct eyesight, but he was there nonetheless. The metal monstrosity, darkside infected as he was, was not easy to disguise, but never truly wavered. When he didn't want to be seen, he knew how to not be seen. These people, the Black Suns, were going to be his gateway to a new future of the galaxy. They just didn't know it yet. Out of touch with reality, they were. Though, less broken than the Jedi or Sith.

After a smiling girl appeared, he made his presence known, letting them bask in the power of his darkness, but not using it to overwhelm them. These were allies, potentially, not enemies. Allies that he could use to bring order to the galaxy. Peace could be obtained with sacrifice. He stepped inside, not saying a word, and stood near the table, not taking a seat.

[member="Wendy La Fey"] [member="Domino"]
Looking up at the place. Walking into the place as if she own the place. Walking up to order her drink. Bring it up to her lips to take but a little sip. Making her way to the room that had been reserved for them. After all was here for one thing that was to start her training in the force. Needing to be a more skilled in the Black Suns was her goal after all. Coming into the room after which she saw she wasn't the first one. In all hoping she wasn't to late. Feeling the power with in the room.

Needed to take this training serious after all she wanted to know more about this power she had inside. After all just to think of what she could learn by those of Master level to be teaching. "What a great place, drinks aren't bad either."
[member="Domino"] [member="Kamon Vondiranach"] [member="Wendy La Fey"]
"Wendy," Domino said, acknowledging her apprentice with a nod as she arrived. "That's..." she looked the human over from her shorn hair to the armor she was wearing. "...some pretty nice armor. I know I said be ready for anything but this isn't exactly what I had in mind." Still, they were allowed to be eccentric and it wasn't like a lot of people could easily see them from the first floor. Should keep most of the rubber-neckers at bay. She small-talked with Wendy for a bit, just waiting for anyone else that was coming before Ariella arrived with her drink. "Glad you could make it." She told the blond and gave her another nod.

"Okay, I don't think anyone else is going to show and if they do they can pick up wherever we are. No point in waiting any longer for them though." Two out of the four people she'd invited. Not the most promising of turn outs but then it just showed who was the most interested. Who could be counted on. "Wendy, this should be pretty basic for you at first. I think you knew it before you even left the jedi, but Ariella hasn't had the benefit of formal training until now. First I want you both to close your eyes and clear your minds, just block out external distractions and imagine yourself standing alone, wherever your mind takes you. Take your time, be at peace." This is where the ambient water noise and gentle sounds of far off and muted conversation would come in handy. Domino hadn't just chosen this place because it was exclusive, but because it was one of the few places on the planet that catered to all five senses and let them relax.

Gordosa Rayl Wilded Ariella Wendy La Fey

((I'm ignoring Kamon's post as he has already left the Suns and this is a faction thread))
[member="Domino"] [member="Ariella"]

Wendy was sittign there with her master and enjoying the small talk now that she had the time. IT wasn't often she got to talk since the incident with her master. Quickly her mind flashed back to walking in on Domino with her collection of plushies.... Then she was hearing how she needed to clear her mind and looked at Ariella with a bow of her head. Sitting still and putting her hands on her hips, her tongue to the roof of her mouth and eyes closed, mouth half closed while a low vibrating hum came form her throat to focus on. The background noise letting her go to her happy place and find that moment she she was playing with her own and holding the limited edition Raz plushie that her master had two of and the fun of it all. Then she was focused and just forgetting about the incident with the Harvesters and Coruscant, Nixor when the mine went off and sent her into a wall.
Charlotte Homura was sitting at a table next to Domino's drinking some kind of carbonated drink with lots of sugar in it... Zelosians are addicted to sugar by being plants, so this kind of makes sense to her.
It looked like [member="Wendy La Fey"] had done as instructed, [member="Ariella"] must have had a bit too much to drink and was taking her time and while Domino could have gone into her mind and basically done it for her, that would have been quite invasive and not taught the other woman much of anything. She had to learn how to do this on her own. "Once you're ready, I want you to let the world back in. Keep your eyes closed but let your senses extend outward to rebuild the restaurant on your mind. Focus on the ropos in their cage, feel them out. Tell me about them, or something else nearby that's caught your attention." as she spoke Domino kept her voice calm and even, almost like a hypnotist does to prevent their subject from being distracted by the hypnotist them-self.

Seeing [member="Charlotte Homura"] watching from the next table over (hard not to considering they had the floor) Domino gave her a soft smile and waved to an empty spot. "Would you like to join us or would you just care to watch?" She asked the lady plant.
[member="Domino"] [member="Ariella"]

Wendy continued to focus and do as instructed looking between her master and Ariella in the moment. Less with her eyes and more with the force while she noticed there was possibly a third one standing there with them but didn't seem to have much happening. She was hoping the girl was not to bad off and able to follow the lesson.

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