Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Drinking Blue Mountain Cappuccinos

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Lianna was feeling more like home than anywhere else in the galaxy, lately. Even more so than the Abrion Sector, and Roon, or Hypori. Of course, after the fiasco during the Moross situation, Marek was doing a lot of time away from the nation he was a part of, and working on his business arrangements elsewhere. And that meant Bright Star.

And hunting down the damned Rebels.

But he had heard an interesting bit of thought from [member="Jared Ovmar"]. And that was something he’d like to discuss. The business bro of marek was in charge of a company far larger than Bright Star, and the offer was something that would give Marek a bit of benefit. Keep him well funded and remove even more effort from him.

Of course, he had to consider his business partners. And how this would affect them. Taking another drag from his cigar, he leaned back. Sure, maybe a strip club on a starship that allowed for smoking wasn’t the brightest idea, but Marek had a lot of connections, and cleaning the air for this one establishment was nothing to worry on.

Putting the smoldering cigar on the tray, he picked up his glass of Whyren’s, compliments of the Blake family, and took a sip. “So, what you’re saying, is that Neuro-Saav is looking to expand its market?”
The Admiralty
[member="Marek Starchaser"]

‘Yup. I am aiming for Neuro-Saav to become more of a Holding company, umbrella corporation for a variety of different markets. I ain’t gonna try and start dominating all of ‘em, but I think we can get ourselves a nice little niche, expensive and robust ships, exotic weaponry on one hand. But service companies aren’t a joke either, you know of my connections - Czerka only broadened them, through an… associate I already control a lot of clubs and bars throughout the Galaxy. Brightstar would be an interesting addition to the catalogue.’

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
If there was one thing Marek did, it was keep tabs on the galaxy. He enjoyed having his fingers in a lot of different holes, as it were. And knowing what was going on? That was information, and information was one of the strongest weapons. Probably why he hired Jenn Blanchard many months ago. She was a hacker, and her unique use of the Force was very useful.

“Makes sense to me. Being involved with a holding company would be useful for Bright Star, granted we’ve got a lot of contracts out with members of the Hegemony, for storefronts at our resorts. This other company you’ve got, are they looking to stay on their own? Or work with Bright Star? Can always use new talent.”

Again, working with [member="Jared Ovmar"] wouldn’t be hard.
The Admiralty
[member="Marek Starchaser"]

‘They like to stay individual, that said? I will start running some numbers. It will be beneficial for both companies to start cooperating while under the same holding, carving out the territories, making sure there is as little competition as possible. All good and well for the consumers, but for us monopolies are more profitable - at the moment it makes the most sense for Bright Star to handle the gambling and for the second party to do the clubs.’

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Taking a sip of his drink, he nodded to Jared. Really, he wouldn’t mind not over taking a company, but pushing a minority interest of bars into something owned by Neuro-Saav? That’d let Bright Star focus on the real estate and information gathering from the casinos, and less on the bars. Though, they’d have to get ears into the bars.

Right, who was taking information and eavesdropping on all their patrons? Not Bright Star. They were friendly and always did bug scans.

“Yeah, that does make the most amount of sense. If we do this, though, I’ve got a few requests. The first being myself keeping a controlling interest in Bright Star.” He looked and signaled a few dancers to come closer to where they were speaking. Block any cameras or listening devices in case Hegemony talk crept in.

[member="Jared Ovmar"]
The Admiralty
[member="Marek Starchaser"]

At that the Sith Lord simply shrugged, he didn’t need a controlling interest in every venture he was committing himself in. Sometimes it made his life easier, especially when you were talking about the holding company or things like Baktoid Industrial. But Starchaser was a good guy, discussing things would probably lead to a good solution if any problems would ever arise.

So Ovmar nodded.


Then he took another puff from his cigar, ah… cigars.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Besides, Marek and Jared were the bromance of the business world. Maybe only eclipsed by [member="Darth Janus"] and his hair. Jared was one of the people in the galaxy Marek trusted fully, and having his company under the holding of Neuro-Saav but keeping controlling interest, it made sense.

“And one other thing. I’ve been taking a lesson from Sith tactics…” He put the glass down. “I’d like one of my own on the board of Neuro-Saav. I’ll provide you a list of the best candidates I can field, they’ll be your pick.”

Simple, right?

[member="Jared Ovmar"]
The Admiralty
[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Done, and done.’ the Sith Lord simply replied, offering his hand in a shake.

It was pretty simple, had it been anyone else Jared wouldn’t have offered such a deal. He would have demanded 51% of the shares, and laughed off the possibility of agents infiltrating the board - why give enemies leg ups?

That being said.

Starchaser was a good guy and they had been partners in crime with many things.

Ain’t no point in trying to screw a friend over, you only make sure nobody wants to be your friend when pulling schet like that.

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