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Governor Pro Tempore, Dantooine

DRL 50 Recalcitrant Laser Technology - Prototype MK1
  • Manufacturers: The Diarchy; United Trade Authority; N&Z Corporation
  • Affiliation: The Diarchy
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Prototype MK1
  • Modularity: Yes: very modular. So long as a license is purchased, the Recalcitrant Laser Mk1 can be outfitted into any rifle, turret, cannon, or mortar.
  • Production: Mass-Produced.
  • Material: A rail rifle passes an energy beam through the coils. The orb is electrified, magnetized with EMP, and irradiated with a substance called "Jedahi Poison" that is deeply corrosive only to Sithspawn.
  • Jedahi Poison: "Jedahi Poison" is essentially a severely unstable radioactive isotope that seeks out and kills force corruption. It is a chemically reverse-engineered version of the "Sith Poison" isotope, which was created using Sith Alchemy.
  • Two modes. Pulse laser mode is offensive, and beam laser mode has a medical application.
  • Concentrated blast of EMP, sonic, and radiation put through an accelerated mag rifle and electronic transformer.
  • Fires through a slug-thrower rail-rifle design, and so it is rarely deflected by the force. Light-side force users have a higher chance at deflection.
  • Does very high biological damage to enemies, creatures, and beasts that are afflicted by dark-side force corruption.
  • Does high damage to biological creatures who are not afflicted by dark-side force corruption.
  • (Medical Beam Mode) Can remove force corruption if the afflicted person has a doctor perform a force corruption removal procedure.
  • (Offensive Pulse Mode) Will severely damage and/or destroy force corruption, until the person is either unconscious or dead.
  • Very high degree of modularity. Technology can be implemented into any existing factory-approved laser-based weapon.
  • The force corruption removal procedure is expensive and tremendously painful, and it can cause serious changes to a person's personality and potentially with their relationship to the force.
  • Prone to misfires and malfunctions because the technology is built on a prototype model.
  • Weak cell transformer: can be permanently damaged if hit by a laser or lightsaber.
  • No penetrative power. Does not puncture structures.
  • Causes only average damage to droids: the equivalent of firing a small munitions slug at them.
  • [Medical Application] Requires a doctor, pharmacist, alchemist, or another trained medical professional to operate the DRL50 as a medical laser.
  • Utterly despised by dark-side force users. This has the same reputation to the dark side that force lightning has on the light side. Any Sith worth their salt would have nothing to do with the DRL50, and anyone who uses it is frequently confused for a Jedi, even if they have nothing to do with the Jedi, or if they are in fact a Sith.
  • The use of the cannon causes deep waves of disturbance in the force, and could attract additional enemies in the form of sithspawn, star weirds, force abominations, demons, vampires, werewolves, malevolent spirits, etcetera when used against dark side forces ("the force brings balance").
  • Light side force users may be able to deflect the orb projectile like a grenade, and the DRL has no effect on "force touched" beings.
  • [Medical Application] The use of the medical extraction laser could unintentionally kill, maim, injure, or traumatize those that it aims to help.
It took the engineers at United Industrial decades to reverse-engineer the substance known to them only as "Sith Poison", which makes the pull of dark-sided anger irresistible to force users. However, with the paid willing assistance of N&Z Corporation's pharmacists and researchers, and with access to the Gree's highly-advanced technological wonders, the proverbial shoe is on the other foot. The chemical engineers did such an excellent job of reverse-engineering the substance that the prototype radiological material, "Jedahi Poison", has a high probability of knocking the wind out of dark-siders.

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Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
First and foremost welcome to the factory... second after consulting with John this is going to be denied.

This is overly ambitious and seeing out of the box thinking is fun. Sith poison can be nasty but canon has shown it takes more to break its hold then medical sciences. If it could be as easily removed as with a laser it could have saved a lot of people a lot of pain in some cases. Mass production was one of the biggest in terms of mistakes. This should have at best been unique for consideration as a one off technology. You would also want cann examples and lore backing up the methods.
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