Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Droc'tav'nar

Name: Droc'tav'nar (Octav)
Alias(es): -
Class(es): Aristocrat, Politician, Diplomat
Birthplace: Zogoto, Excarga
Force Sensitive: no
Force Alignment: -

Species: Chiss
Age: Mid 20s
Gender: Male
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 182bs
Eyes: Red
Hair: Black
Skin: Dark Blue

Rank(s): Representative of the Planetary Republic of Excarga
Allegiance(s): House Droc of Zogoto, Planetary Republic of Excarga, The Confederacy
Language(s): Galactic Basic, High Galactic, Cheunh, Binary, Huttese, Falleen

Personality Traits: Ambitious, Gregarious, Arrogant
Education Traits: Noble Education
Lifestyle Traits: Multi-billionaire Nepobaby
Character Alignment: True Neutral

Firstborn of the Patriarch of one of Csilla's surviving Great Chiss Family, Droc'tav'nar, known by non-Chiss as Octav, is the newly assigned Representative of the Planetary Republic of Excarga in The Confederacy Parliament. Groomed to be the heir of House Droc, Octav was introduced to the family's mineral extraction and freight forwarding business early on. While he showed promise in some aspects of the business, mainly the relationship aspect, he never quite grasps the technical side and has a horrible financial acumen. Thus his interest shifted from his family business to politics and intergalactic relations. Enrolled to the most prestigious IR school in Coruscant, he learnt from the best-of-the-best, war-hawk policymakers, conniving lobbyists, and savvy politicians, and took back to his family a niche that only they can fully exploit.
While House Droc never had any official political position in Excarga ever since their arrival on the planet after the annihilation of Csilla, they have a strong influence on it due to their unrivaled dominance in the planet's mining and shipping industry. Now, with one of their own representing the Republic on a galactic level, the sky is the limit for House Droc to stake their claim as the true heir of Csilla.
Skills and Abilities: Negotiation, Diplomacy, Networking
Strengths: Athletic, Charming, Perceptive
Weaknesses: Impulsive decision-making, Prideful, Risk-lover

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