Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Droid In Blue, Force In Green

Virgillia was, as always, a pretty consistent place. People always moved the same way, went to the same places, and lived the same lives. The Typhoon Squadron's soldiers were fixtures in the nearby towns, and their Commodore was a major influence on the workings of the planet's defenses after protecting it for nearly a decade.​
So, when news came of an unidentified mercenary, Watcher was always interested. Even more than the fact that the Squadron always needed new ships, they also needed good people to crew the ships. That was why the blind human replica droid was chasing down this visitor. To find them, and figure out just what they would want in order to accept an offer of employment.​
Visiting a new place always made people look at her with a sore eye....more or less because of her height and the fact she was a rouge knight commando.....aside the fact that a hrd has been trailing her causing her to feel as if something wasn't to right...then again might want a autograph....

She stopped at a cantina to let the hrd be able to find her....last hrd was a odd ball and she lost him to ....natural causes

She sat in a corner booth and waited

[member="Watcher Three"]
Watcher stopped as he entered the cantina. A couple of people greeted him and waved, although he pretty obviously couldn't see the waving. The blur of Force Energy in his sight that he'd tentatively identified as the former Dark Jedi Stardust had stopped moving. It was pretty clear that she'd sat down, so the commodore slipped into the booth across from her with no discernible effort.

"Miss Stardust? I'm Watcher Three. Welcome to Virgillia."

She saw him enter and sat back hand on her pistol ready to be drawn and shot, however she noticed his body language gave nothing off at all and let go to watch him come closer.

She noticed his eyes were dulled out....a tell tell sign of being blind...however he slipped in perfectly in to booth

OK one how do you know me two nice to meet you watcher you almost got shot a couple times following three why were you following me?

[member="Watcher Three"]
Watcher smiled at the woman. Of course she couldn't see things the way he did, but to anybody who happened to have the ability, she was quite a large ripple of Force energy. From the way the cloud he could see was spread out, she seemed to be rather tall, too. In the low light, his eyes had dulled for a moment, but then they went back to their normal shade of blue.

"Ah... Sorry if that disturbed you. One of my people told me there was a merc wandering around, so I came and tracked you down. Standard for me, really."

He spread his hands apologetically and his smile widened.

"I promise you won't have to shoot me."

She relaxed some and saw his eyes go blue.... She found him odd yet interesting
And contrary to him she could see with the force rather didn't want to...she quite liked color

No no not disturbing me just well hmmm when one follows another without the other knowing them they get suspicious

She bowed and grinned

I promise not to shoot
[member="Watcher Three"]
Watcher visibly relaxed a little, leaning on the cushions of the booth. Now that he wasn't in any danger of bodily harm, he was quite comfortable in his surroundings.

"Well, nothing to be suspicious of... I just wanted to know if you needed work."

He leaned on the table, gesturing to the spot on his jacket where he knew for a fact the Typhoon insignia was.

"I run Typhoon Squadron. Besides keeping Virgillia nice and clean, we also hire out to other planetary leaders and such. Sometimes defense, sometimes attack."

Hmmm I am looking for some type of job

She said looking atbhis insignia

But what would this job include"she said setting up getting into a business mind set

I mean a job could mean many different things
[member="Watcher Three"]
Watcher grinned at the woman again. The conversation hadn't gotten particularly interesting, yet, but he had a gut feeling that it could be.

"Basically, most of my main crewers get room, board, and a paycheck not very much unlike that of the guy who mows my lawn. Pilots and officers make more depending on rank et cetera, plus a cut of whatever jobs we take."

Another shrug, and the droid felt like he'd probably made the offer as enticing as he realistically could.

Watcher raised his eyebrows at Stardust's first condition, and shrugged at the second.

"Assigning you right under me is easier done than said, but specific numbers are a job-by-job basis. If it makes you feel better, you can look at all the offered rewards over my shoulder, or something."

And with that, the business meeting was over, and the replica droid wanted something alcoholic. He gave the bartender a look, and the Sullustan came over with a couple of bottles of beer. As he always did, Watcher gave the drink a forlorn look. He couldn't get drunk.

She grinned, check mate

She sat back and relaxed grinning like she just won the space lotto

Then you my new friend have got me hired on"she said nodding"and looking over your shoulder won't be so hard heheh your quite short compared to me"she said with a chuckle

She looked at the beer and chucckled again"can I ge the strongest they got?
[member="Watcher Three"]
Watcher raised an eyebrow again. Just who was this woman? He'd heard of her before, and the ID she had on record identified her as some kind of Jedi Knight. Clearly, that was wrong. And she was right about being taller than him. By at least half a foot. Wow. The little Sullustan left and came back with another bottle of the same stuff he'd gotten the commodore, and Watcher cracked his open.

"To the real business, then."

She grinned at him, hrds were so weird hahahah. But yet this one felt...unique? Per say he had human emotions without emulating those said emotion.... And the fact he was blind....odd

Ayr to real business "she popped hers open
[member="Watcher Three"]
Watcher laughed as he drank, warming up to Stardust pretty fast, even if he found something about her kind of weird. But everybody had something. So, he just continued drinking and grinning.

"So, before I get into anything else... What's with the request to work right under me? It's not the weirdest condition I've accommodated to hire somebody, but it's never come up before."

She took her drink chuckling and looking at him, it brought back memories of the past a dark one yet she was OK with this one

Well hmmmmm....I don't wanna work with any below you if I'm being hired by you then I listen to only to you...unless situation calls for me to listen to another

[member="Watcher Three"]
Watcher almost snorted. It wasn't like he had an overabundance of pilots, and the fact that Stardust had arrived in an X-Wing suggested at least mediocre combat piloting skill. That pretty much made her a shoe-in for a squadron leader, if not more.

"Like I'd waste somebody who can fly an X-Wing on one of my officers. At the very least, you can help me train more pilots."


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