Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Droid in the Void

A cluster of cargo canisters, worn down and scratched floated through the void scattered. These canisters floated with weak momentum as if they had just been dumped and sacrificed to remain in the void until their end of days, when they would finally fall into the gravity of a star or a planet and burn up as they entered an area of danger be it from high temperature, an atmosphere or impact.

Inside one of these container, a piece of history in a sense, for wars of the past a fragment of history. A battle scarred and burned body of a droid, a unit of the IG-100 Series its Central Photoreceptor showing signs of serious damage, its lens cracked and burned from a blast impact. The alabaster colour scheme of its body far from its glory days of its original lifetime just flakes and the occasional blotch of colour on its now near bare Duranium frame, a good eye would still be able to find the small grains of sand left in the droid joints, an even greater mind would be able to eventually attribute the location of where this droid was discovered would lead them to its original resting place of Tattoine.

However, it was not just physical damage to the IG unit, under the skin its memory unit damage and a remnant of what it once was, the piece of technology still held some of the droids old recorded footage, for those with the ability to access it.

The droid would float through the void in its long sleep until any fate took it, for eyes dark and grey won't light without a key...
Eventually, a ship would come by to scavenge the area. It was a young man, and though he had little room for storage in his E-wing, he always took what he could. Searching through the cargo, he would come across what he deemed to be an old IG unit. Though he had no real use for the rubbish which floated past him, he did take an interest in the droid. The young man stepped out of his ship to examine the droid. Very old, it had seemed. Still, it could have been worth something, maybe even keeping. He would have to figure out how to activate it, however. With his prior knowledge of droids from his extensive studying years back, he knew that IG units were heavily used as assassination droids during the Clone Wars.

Deciding the droid was the only interesting thing in the cargo heap, the man stuffed it into his ship's cargo hold. At 123kg, this was slightly more the ship could take, but it would have to do. He set off for the nearest planet of Bovo Yagen to further investigate the droid...

[member="IG-198-SA"] ((Apologies, I'd write more but I'm in a rush. Also, I put Bovo Yagen as a random planet, assume it is the nearest planet to Tattooine.))

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