Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Droid Question

So i got an Idea for a droid and i need to get it approved but is it possible to make my own droid and make multiple

like change the Quantity to a set #

Ex: A new 4th degree droid
Quantity : 6 instead of 1
I have an Idea for a droid and as far as i understand the factory will only allow me one with out making it open to the market. Im not a buisness person i just need like 4 assassin droids of my design. Is that allowed? [member="Lok Jorunn"]

Is that clearer?
[member="Shiro De'Vol"]

There shouldn't be any rules as to how many you can make. The "Production" listing in most factory submissions means how many of that specific submission are in existence. There usually isn't a numerical value so yeah, having four is fine.


[member="Shiro De'Vol"]
Lol, you're not limited to literally one per submission. Like Lok said, there's a production listing on every template

Unique = Only one
Semi-Unique = Only a handful, usually not reproducible
Limited = Only enough for a particular group or set of people, may or may not be reproducible
Minor Production = Produced for a limited market
Mass Production = Produced as much as necessary

So for instance, a Unique item would be like a special sword made for a Sith. There's only one of that sword in existence.
A semi-unique item might be made for several namely individuals.
Limited would be, for instance, for a particular FU group or a special unit in a faction. Enough are made that if one is lost or damaged, it can be replaced.
Minor just means you won't see entire armies or fleets of them, so they're a bit less common.

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