Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Droizer

Designation: Sentient

Homeworld: Conglomerate Prime

Language: Bianary and Basic

Average Lifespan: 200-300 years

Estimated Population: 1 trillion

Average height of adults: 6 feet to 6'8"

Average length of adults: N/A

Skin color: Ranges from White, Silver, and Rusted

Hair color: None

Distinctions: Robotic

Breathes: Don't Breath

Droids- Don't age only become obsolete and warn.
Adaptive- Don't require to breath, nor are they susceptible to weather effects or toxic
Very Strong- Build to handle heavy loads and a strong frame

Robotic- Weak against Ion Weapons and electric storms
Sentient- Droizers often become rampant
Tunnel Vision- Unless you catch their attention they practically ignore you, easy to stealth around.

Rampant: Droizers who have gone crazy
Guardians: Protectors of Zeltec Relics
Wanderers: Droizers who are peaceful to other species

Diet: None

Communication: With enough time Droizers can speak any language.

Culture: Split into three different sub categories of one another, droizer are mainly in the Rampant category. As such they will kill or destroy any race of they come in contact with. Sometime if one goes crazy enough, they can kill one another. Guardians made a pact with themselves and stood guard over their creators holiest sites. Then finally the Wonderers are rampant droizers who self fixed themselves and were no longer a threat to anyone, they are satisfied to freely trade with another and wondering the planets surface.

Technology level: Being created by cousins of the Rwa, Droizers are highly advanced in technology and are the peak of Robotic Technology. Though their armor is not build for combat, it is still very difficult to penitents with normal weaponry. After reaching sentient consciousness, the droizers became a collective and often went crazy.

General behavior:
Rampant - Destructive in nature, kill nearly all they come across.
Guardians - Protective in nature, will not concern themselves if not provoked.
Wonderers - Literally just wonder the planets surface.

20,000 BBY- The Zeltecs a distant cousin to the Kwa, created a planetary sheild and stealth generator, this new creation had now protected them from the Infinity Empire, but unknown to them the empire was dead. With the belief that the Rakata where still in control of the Galaxy, the Zeltecs build sentient droids to act as protectors from such brutish warriors as well as constantly keeping the shield generator from failing. These creations were called the Droizers, specialized robotics to protect them from attacks elsewhere. This was a super success as the Droizers reached a small level of continuances 12,000 years later.

15,100 BBY- After over 100 generations of fear running through the streets of the whole planet. Also at the peak of their civilization where the population of the planet allowed for over 50 billion Zeltecs. Something horribly went wrong, the shield that they believed was protecting them, was actually killing them. Nearly running for over 10,000 years, the shield was causing the planet to become like a giant green house. This caused a huge ecological shift and billions were killed in the slow destruction of the planet.

The next problem was that the Droizers were programmed to protect the generator, and keep it from shutting down. While the Robotic droids weren't effected by the sudden shift in the world, billions of more Zeltecs were killed trying to shut off the generator. Until ultimately, the Zeltecs became extinct.

9,200 BBY- The Droizers become self aware, learning that what they did was wrong, some even driven insane into a frenzy to forever protect Zeltec Ruins. Some still kept the generator up, if only to try and repay their sins they thought they committed. Others returned to the city and became better then the creation of destruction they were designed to be.

832 ABY- Without any more resources to keep the generator from overheating, the Caretakers of the generator alerted the new sentient inhabitant to evacuate the capital. It is unknown why or how the generator exploded, but it causes such damaged that the previous capital is now the location of Zeltec Crater.

836 ABY- In the year 836 A.B.Y. a merchant chip ran by the Trade Conglomerate was delivering cargo along the Sanctuary Pipeline when it was pulled out of hyperspace by a gravity well. Returning to the HQ of the Trade Conglomerate, the captain informed the leaders of the new planet. That was when the Trade Conglomerate was first made aware of the planets existence. Scientist, Explorers, and Corporate Leaders traveled to the planet to learn more about its history, little but speculation was brought back. Hundred of thousands of Conglomerate employees, military and civilian were sent to investigate the planet. The Leadership of the Conglomerate with hold the location of Seltec and change the planets name to Conglomerate Prime. Scientist and explorers find new raw metals called Zeltec Untra-Anium, as well as DZ Conduit.

Late 844 ABY- Conglomerate leadership opens the planets boarder to outside trade and politics.

Notable Player-Characters: None

Droizers are the current inhabitants of Conglomerate Prime. Providing an enemy for a storyline for the planet.


News They Don't Want Heard
[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
Item numero uno: If these are a droid race, which I think that's what you're going for, the Droid type needs to first be submitted to the factory and approved there. Please provide a link to the approved submission if there is one. If there isn't one, I'm going to have to ask that you get that approved before this can continue.

EDIT: Also, and I apologize for not mentioning this originally, but for a droid to be considered sentient would require Artificial Intelligence, which requires a dev thread. Likely the factory guys will tell you that. AI has the following requirement as a restricted material/item: A thesis must be written, either in a blog or over the course of a role-play thread, consisting of the concepts of your Artificial Intelligence’s design. Scientific journal excerpts from your character’s time spent designing the Artificial Intelligence must be included. Minimum 1000 words total. They will likely tell you that when you submit the droid in the factory, but I wanted to give you a heads up. Additionally, when you get that approved, the production limit will dictate the population numbers for your species submittal.

Please do let me know that you understand this with a post, and whether you intend to work on such.
[member="Darth Ignus"]

I'm not sure......

I'll have to get back to this if that 1000 word thread is a concrete thing. Do you mind archiving this and I'll message you when I get around to this.


News They Don't Want Heard
[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
Sure thing.

[member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Reverance"] [member="Silencia"]
Tagging for archival.
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