Not Ordo
Just under the upper hand.
[member="Morgaine deWinter"] [member="Aiden Krato"]
So this was drop point station. My mind reeled at the thought of being around so many people but everyone needs to refuel and this was one of those places that didn't check your cargo or ask where you were heading they just had one rule; don't cause propblems for the station. The place was relativly unknown most of it's needs were met by spacers of various kinds making deliveries to the station as needed. There was no crime lord here, just a lot of like minded people keeping out of the public eye. Many people said the place was founded by a fleet of Vagrant spacers, but their existance was more of a rumor than my own people.
I walked along the promenade with my rucksack over my shoulder and my blade on my hip. Work had been scarce and what little I had I would need for a meal and the cost of fuel and water. my boots clicked on the durasteel flooring as i passed a load lifter droid carrying a 2m x 2m grey crate. It was said that this was one of the safest ports on the Hydian way and judging by the way people acted toward new comers, I believed it. The port master, the big wookie with grey on his chin, and his protocol droid gave me the rule before i even left the seat of my Skipray blastboat. It was ok though, i needed trouble like I needed a hole in the head. So on I walked looking for either work or a cheap meal preferably both, but in reality I would have settled for some scraps and a pallet on the deck.
Finally, I came across a sign asking for help. Waitress...lovely. I had as much love for taking people orders as hutts have for bathing and so I moved on. After an hour or so of wandering between shops and eateries I found a small droid repair that was looking for some help. Now that, that I could do. When you grew up on a nomad fleet you had to be self sufficient. If it broke you fixed it, if you couldn't fix it, you went without. I walked up to the old sullustan and adjusted my sack on my shoulder.
"I'd like to apply for the droid repair assitant." I said as i hoped he would make it quick and hire me.
"Do you know the differance between a hydro spanner and micrograbber?" he asked.
I reached into my sack and pulled out my tool kit, opened it and held up my spanner and my micrograbber.
"Hydrospanner" I said motioning with the tool.
"Micrograbber." I said motioning with the other.
"You hired." he said, "I have three ancient industrial automaton R7 droids that need work, can you bridge processors?"
"Do mynoks suck power cables?" was my reply.
"Good take the R7-X3 and see what you can do and I'll take the other two." he said as he pointed to a good looking green and white R7.
"Thanks." I said as my stomach rumbled.
I walked over to the deactivated droid, sat down my tool kit and got to work. Processors were a schutta to deal with if you weren't careful. It was clear I was going to be a while.
So this was drop point station. My mind reeled at the thought of being around so many people but everyone needs to refuel and this was one of those places that didn't check your cargo or ask where you were heading they just had one rule; don't cause propblems for the station. The place was relativly unknown most of it's needs were met by spacers of various kinds making deliveries to the station as needed. There was no crime lord here, just a lot of like minded people keeping out of the public eye. Many people said the place was founded by a fleet of Vagrant spacers, but their existance was more of a rumor than my own people.
I walked along the promenade with my rucksack over my shoulder and my blade on my hip. Work had been scarce and what little I had I would need for a meal and the cost of fuel and water. my boots clicked on the durasteel flooring as i passed a load lifter droid carrying a 2m x 2m grey crate. It was said that this was one of the safest ports on the Hydian way and judging by the way people acted toward new comers, I believed it. The port master, the big wookie with grey on his chin, and his protocol droid gave me the rule before i even left the seat of my Skipray blastboat. It was ok though, i needed trouble like I needed a hole in the head. So on I walked looking for either work or a cheap meal preferably both, but in reality I would have settled for some scraps and a pallet on the deck.
Finally, I came across a sign asking for help. Waitress...lovely. I had as much love for taking people orders as hutts have for bathing and so I moved on. After an hour or so of wandering between shops and eateries I found a small droid repair that was looking for some help. Now that, that I could do. When you grew up on a nomad fleet you had to be self sufficient. If it broke you fixed it, if you couldn't fix it, you went without. I walked up to the old sullustan and adjusted my sack on my shoulder.
"I'd like to apply for the droid repair assitant." I said as i hoped he would make it quick and hire me.
"Do you know the differance between a hydro spanner and micrograbber?" he asked.
I reached into my sack and pulled out my tool kit, opened it and held up my spanner and my micrograbber.
"Hydrospanner" I said motioning with the tool.
"Micrograbber." I said motioning with the other.
"You hired." he said, "I have three ancient industrial automaton R7 droids that need work, can you bridge processors?"
"Do mynoks suck power cables?" was my reply.
"Good take the R7-X3 and see what you can do and I'll take the other two." he said as he pointed to a good looking green and white R7.
"Thanks." I said as my stomach rumbled.
I walked over to the deactivated droid, sat down my tool kit and got to work. Processors were a schutta to deal with if you weren't careful. It was clear I was going to be a while.