Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dropping all Characters


I hope this kind of a thread could belong to the LOA forum.

Sad (or good; depends on how you think of me) news incoming. I have decided to completely abandon all of my characters besides Ellya and Sophia (for Senate purposes only) indefinitely, or at least until I get my things done. For now, all threads I have with any of my subaccounts will receive no replies from me anymore.

That means [member="Caleb Brolen"] and [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] would have to find new Masters, and I'm really sorry for that. I am not bothering to mention everybody I'm having a thread with, but I'm really sorry for you, too.

My characters are:
- [member="Jhoren Drenall"]
- [member="Veega Anarth"]
- [member="Valera Morrow"]
- [member="Ava Solborne"]
- [member="Hugh Seyley"]
- [member="Nam Karakk"]
- [member="Aliannah Sophia Filia"]*
- [member="Navo Intan"]
- [member="Rylan Turow"]
- [member="Maria Natalja"]
- [member="Darth Malificete"]
- [member="Theo"]
- [member="Arbaal Mistcaller"]
- [member="Megàn Alestria"]

Why am I doing that? Well, first of all, I am really tired. Tired of everything. I only have time and muse for one character and my stupid little bursts of inspiration to make a new character have been rather annoying, and whenever I create a new one, it's quite likely they never get touched again.

Second, it's for all of your good so that you wouldn't have to wait a gazillion years for me to finally post in the thread. My posts are not worth keeping your characters shut in one place forever.

Hoping for your understanding,
I can completely understand the struggle of not enough muse for several characters. I've quietly shelved several of my own over the last two months and it's worked wonders for the ones I chose to focus on more.

[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] I'm happy to take you up as a Padawan if you like since we're already working in my current Healer thread.

Darn...but...but...I love Ava! * sulks *

Seriously, I understand. I've had muse problems with my chars as well, so focus on those you have inspiration for. I hope we get to write together again in the future. :)
[member="Darth Vornskr"]

Kark, it was supposed to be a secret reason why I am abandoning them. What do I do now? My life must be over.

But everybody else, thank you for understanding! I know I am very sad to see them go, too, but I can't just lie to myself anymore. :(
Thank you, thank you all you kind people!

Forgot to tell you about the IC cover-up for abandoning all characters. Let's just say that all of them went missing and nobody knows where they are. I can't come up with something too huge for the one reason that I may bring a few of them back some time.

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