Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Druig Killian

Name: Druig Killian

Faction: The Sith Order

Rank: Sith Order

Species: Twi'lek


Sex: Male

Height: 5ft 11inchs

Weight: 121.25 lb

Eyes: Orange

Hair: None

Skin: Grey

Force Sensitive: Yes

Twi'leks are considered highly force sensitive with a percentage rating of 0.00012 % are acknowledged Force Sensitives.

Dueling (Killian does heavy attacks so that makes him hard to block fast)
Anger Issues
Trust issues

Appearance: Druig Killian is a Grey Twi'lek with orange eyes

Biography: Druig Killian was born on Ryloth had a good life, until the empire came to Ryloth and soon to be his master Darth Baras saw his force sensitive abilities and made him apprentice soon after that when Killian was 81 after serving Baras for most of his life Baras saw how strong and powerful Killian was with the force since Twileks without the force sensitive or good health live until 75, Killian was living longer, Baras thought of Killian as a challenge an obstacle of Baras becoming more stronger than Killian so one day Darth Baras tried to strike down Killian but Killian felt betrayed abandoned so Killian stabbed Darth Baras without killing him after that Killian took one of Barras's ships the Fury-class Imperial Interceptor and went to start his own story.

Ship: Fury-class Imperial Interceptor

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