Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[SIZE=9pt]NAME: Dryden[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]FACTION: The Sith Empire[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]RANK: Private[/SIZE]


[SIZE=9pt]AGE: 22[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]SEX: Male[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]HEIGHT: 6'2[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]WEIGHT: 182 lbs[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]EYES: Brown[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]HAIR: Blonde[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]SKIN: Light[/SIZE]



[SIZE=9pt]STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Sith Trooper Training[/SIZE]
Once enlisted into the Sith Imperial Army, Dryden experienced rigorous basic training to train his mind and body for what comes with being a Sith Trooper. This includes training in martial arts/hand-to-hand combat, weapons training, and mental stability.

Loyalty / Efficiency
Dryden has a large devotion and belief in the Sith Empire, and is extremely loyal. Not only is he just loyal, but also very efficient as a trooper. This has caused him to be deployed more than other troopers, and earn promotions quicker as well.

Environmentally Trained
At one point, Dryden had began training to become a Sith Commando Trooper but gave up on that idea. However, he still retains the training which prepared him for things like interrogation and uncomfortable environments.

Determination Issues
He often has issues with giving up on any mission, which can cause harm to him or who he is working with.

Underestimates Enemies
Due to his high views of The Sith Empire, he often sees every other enemy as extremely inferior to him and any other member of the Empire.




He was born on Korriban to human parents, in the borders controlled by Sith overlords. Here, propaganda was very common and even without it, Dryden was very loyal to the Empire. When he turned the age of 13, he began participating in the local government campaigns. He would help hang up propaganda posters, create propaganda ideas, etc. This earned him plenty of recognition from the local government officials.

When Dryden turned the age of 15, an extremely large rebellion began an attack on Korriban's capital. This attack dominated territory of the Sith slowly due to its size. At this time, the Empire's military consisted of mostly Sith, and no troop units. After some time of the beginning of the rebellion, the army was established. Dryden fit the physical requirements and immediately enlisted.

His basic training was short and very basic, with him only learning formations and basic weapon training. Immediately he was deployed to an outpost that was holding the border between Sith territory and what the rebellion had dominated. The outpost was eventually attacked, and the rebellion was winning. Dryden was performing very well, and was helping direct the troops there even though he was just a private. Eventually, two Sith Lords and troop backup arrived.

For several weeks large transport ships could be seen entering the planet's atmosphere, delivering troops to the rebellion. Eventually the rebellion's forces grew so large they were able to make a direct assault straight into the central capital of Korriban. Sith military and personnel began being transported into large ships to leave Korriban. The ships took off, and for several years they lived in space with no proper surface home. Eventually they landed at Dromund Kaas and began forming society there.

Still, Dryden serves as a trooper and is deployed to fight for The Sith Empire.

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