Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Drydocks under the sun

Even though Rendili StarDrive is still claiming to be active in the orbital drydock market, as of late that division is losing money or otherwise struggling to sell because they are still holding on to the Mobile Spacedock 220, which costs the same as a Sacul but can only work on ships half the width or height. In either case, so long as the width or height does not exceed a certain value, the drydock can be adjusted and can work on starship segments of any length. So that even Rasta Subs can be built in an Egroeg. Only 1000m+ ships in the current catalog require the Sacul. When building starships in orbit, using such drydocks, one needs to be mindful of a few things: the ship needs not be fully encased inside the drydock's ribs. Marcia guides Horus inside the complex called the orbital facility of Ringovinda StarYards, while Jessica has returned to Dulvoyinn after the quarterly board meeting to finish another component. As they arrived on Alexandria, at the other end of the galaxy from Ringo Vinda:

"Horus has contacted us, boss. He says it's regarding the purchase of orbital drydocks for a company called TaraTari Wartime"

"Hmmm... is TaraTari Wartime supplying starships for gods? I've only heard of your name in history books about theology"

"Gods and men, there's little difference," Horus remarked, "But no, TaraTari Wartime is supplying warships to the Commonwealth." He motioned as he talked, he was a natural conversationalist and he exuded confidence, his manner was calm and persuasive, "We're deeply interested in your drydocks, it would enable higher productivity. The Commonwealth is in a position of vulnerability from attacks on all fronts as of now, and any potential ally are leagues away from the Cadi System. Higher productivity, more ships, more ships and the Commonwealth won't be so vulnerable."

[member="Charzon Loulan"]
"Not only higher productivity, but also the possibility of evasive maneuvers and even moving the adjustable drydock off-system if push comes to shove"

"Please tell me, admiral, how wide or high do you expect your ships to be?"

"The main competitor in this market is Rendili StarDrive, and frankly, their product does not have much of a bang for the buck: for the same amount of money the Commonwealth would spend for a drydock capable of producing ships 1km wide or high, theirs only allow for a 500mx500m cross-section to be built inside it"

And that's why Rendili StarDrive struggled to even sell drydocks worth two beans these days. Ringovinda Staryards has almost driven Rendili StarDrive even when they are roughly the same size as Rendili StarDrive as corporations by now. They have now shown they could build the largest noncombat ships in the galaxy capable of landing on planetary surfaces, now they intend to build larger noncombat ships, the likes of which they have never seen since the Clone Wars. That was the major project whose research funding was approved not long ago. Jessica et al would be busy for a few more months: a supercarrier-sized noncombat ship was going to be a major statement of the resurgence of economic activity in the galaxy. Huge amounts of materials were needed not only to build starships, but also with keeping planets supplied with hypermatter, supplies or even simply as landfills. And yet, at this time, the only hope of ever selling these things, even the lead ship, would have to be with major factions: not even Maersk Star Freight or Bluth Company is big enough to legally own larger ships than the Ultima-class.

"By now you know that, with orbital drydocks the main limiting factor is the cross-section"

"That is classified," he remarked, "Your specifications will tell me enough. I am only here to purchase the drydocks." He patiently listened to the contractors while he reviewed schematics of the drydocks available for purchase. The Commonwealths military was costly, far more than many other nations. He needed a way to turn this around for the benefit of both parties. "Understandably, a corporation as yours need minerals. I'm sure TaraTari Wartime can make a mutual agreement both parties will favor. The Commonwealth will purchase one dozen smaller drydocks, and half a dozen larger. What I also offer is a contract from TaraTari, we are also a mining corporation. I'm sure your company could do with cheaper minerals. Our mines are vast and the Commonwealth has much to give."

[member="Charzon Loulan"]
That was nearly 700 million credits' worth of drydocks... a large sale of drydocks to be sure. Now that they are directly competing on equal terms with Rendili StarDrive, and pushed them out almost entirely from the non-combat markets (and Kuat Drive Yards as well - KDY will regret having let go of Jessica of they haven't already) but such business requires minerals. Yet she knew that Ringo Vinda's facilities will be supplied from Ringo Vinda itself, and Soceras was supplied by Justice Shipping's durasteel facilities on that planet. But the collapse of the Republic would cause logistical problems on Bimmisaari and Gyndine. Mandalorian embargoes are not helping here. For 700M worth of minerals, that would easily supply Bimmisaari and Gyndine pretty much long-term. Pergitor was pretty minor in the grand scheme of things as far as corporate supply chains were concerned. She knew better to avoid the Mando supply chains by now...

"As for the minerals, the early shipments of Commonwealth minerals will be used in the very drydocks you have just ordered. I could make use of the minerals to supply the Gyndine and Bimmisaari locations"

"Our mines are without end, your needs will be fulfilled," Horus said. He would need to discuss with the TaraTari board about the shipments to leave 244Core. Planning such an endeavor was new to them, they had never sent minerals further than the Outer Rim, let alone to the other side of the galaxy. Even if pirates stole a shipment here or there, it would almost be of no trouble to the Commonwealth. 244Core had been mined for thousands of years by hundreds of companies and scientists estimated that despite the extreme mining operations across the planet the companies had yet to make a dent in the natural resources of 244Core. "When an we expect the drydocks at Alexandria?"

[member="Charzon Loulan"]
"In two weeks perhaps. A day or two for the materials to come from Alexandria to Gyndine, a week, maybe ten days, to build the drydock, two or three days flying the drydock from Gyndine to Alexandria. The first one delivered will be of the smaller variety"

It wasn't quite that case. It would probably refurbish one of those on Gyndine in that timespan while the actual drydock would be built somewhere else in orbit around Gyndine. Building Egroegs usually took about two or three weeks from the keel up, and the first shipment of materials from Alexandria would be enough to build multiple Egroegs and Saculs from it. Assuming of course that the Commonwealth could try out various spacelines: Maersk Star Freight and Star Tours are the more likely candidates, since Bluth Company has almost no presence around Alexandria's corner of the Western Reaches. But Charzon knew that it was the first step in the New Republic to be doing commerce with the Commonwealth (despite the company being headquartered in SSC space) and FO-based Star Tours would probably be doing inroads at some point from the First Order side. They would probably have to face the Black Empire however.

"We ought to discuss a length of contract for minerals," Horus remarked, nodding his head solemnly, "We can offer minimum price minerals and beat competitor prices where applicable for long-term customers." He curled his wrist over where a wrist-mounted datapad lay ready for commands. He thumbed the screen, a ping settled as the datapad unlocked to his finger print. He brought up a map of TaraTari mines, "As you can see, we've barely tapped the surface, and we've been mining here for decades. We can fulfill all requests."

[member="Charzon Loulan"]
"For 700 million credits' worth of minerals, and have said minerals supply the entire production of Bimmisaari and Gyndine, it would be safe to say that it would be ending when the last of 18 drydocks will be delivered, which will take about 3-4 months"

"Gyndine and Bimmisaari, under the rates given by TaraTari Wartime, each consume about 100 millions' worth of minerals monthly. That would represent monthly savings of 50+ millions a month for each location"

Even though most of the production would be devoted to Neimoidian Yachts or AT-AT barges, with perhaps a few Tofolks, Dennaris being manufactured there. Point-to-point courier companies usually wanted Neimoidian Yachts or maybe AT-AT barges; of these there were many. But cruiser-sized bulk freighters and up, the clientele dwindled. Even the Big Three of shipping didn't operate more than 100 such ships at any given time. Maersk Star Freight and Bluth Company operated 70 Maersks apiece, but Star Tours will soon make a large order, or so they hoped. They say their business calls for new ships but no new Neimoidian Yachts or AT-AT barges would be ordered to this end. That will eat up some of the capacity on Geonosis, Bimmisaari or Pergitor very easily.

"Then all is finalized. I'll have lawyers write out the papers with your people. A trade agreement, even temporary, between us should always be profitable for us both." He smiled a warm and gentle smile. "If you wish to visit the TaraTari shipyards and see the progress of my fleet you're more than welcome, your drydocks will prove quite resourceful in years to come as the Commonwealth strengthens and secures its borders." He motioned with his hand to the left, "Alternatively you could visit the mines, I can arrange whatever it is you so wish, though I dare say I may wish to come back and watch the drydocks progress as it is under construction."

[member="Charzon Loulan"]
"When can I expect the papers to arrive? That is, the contract?"

Although the construction would start immediately, that is, before the contract is formally signed, the agreement isn't binding until the contract is formally signed between both parties. Plus Charzon harbored hopes that the peace talks contain trade provisions: she has seen multiple peace treaties and for once that a dark-sided faction actually seems to consider the economics of a peace agreement, the First Order would probably be in a better position to endear light-siders among the dark-sided, compared to the traditional dark-sider economic incompetence. That, even if greed was generally considered a dark-sider thing.

"Although the peace talks between all three of the First Order and our own factions are just beginning, I hope that there are trade provisions between the three"


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