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DSA Infantry Armor MK-1

Macharius Solaire


Image Source: Source
Intent: Basic armor for sale to government or private buyers.
Development Thread: If Needed
Manufacturer: Denon Stahl Arms
Model: DSA Infantry Armor MK-1
Affiliation: Open market
Modularity: No
Production: Production: Massed Produced
Material: Durasteel, plastoid composite, synthcloth, leather, rubber.
Classification: Multipurpose, Anti-chemical attack
Weight: 14 Kg
Quality: 5
Special Features:

- Chemical and biological airborne weapons resistant.
- Self-Polarizing lenses.
- Different vision modes. (Explained below)
- Waterproof boots. No one else advertises this but we do!

Description: Several concepts were studied throughout the initial development phase. From full body armor like the Mandalorians to lighter and more maneuverable armored kits. In the end, the more maneuverable and cost effective design was chosen. It was dubbed the Infantry Armor MK-1. The first mass produced armor package the company will put to market.

Materials chosen to construct the various pieces were done simply due to costs, the increased difficulty in acquiring rarer materials due to shortages the ongoing conflicts have caused. This is nothing to say the materials used are not quality and well suited for their intended purposes of course.

Much of the armor is situated in the upper body and head areas. The helmet is made of a durasteel shell with a plastoid composite liner inside for additional protection. A simple battle computer allows for encrypted communications, a basic military grade HUD system, and run controls for different vision displays (Night-vision, Infrared) and voice commands to use these systems. Two hoses run in fresh air and out exhausted air. The former connected to the rebreather, and can be removed from both ends if needed.

A flak vest made plastoid composite protects the wearers vital core. Two additional durasteel trauma plates can be inserted in the front and back to greatly increase protection. Or left out to reduce weight. Three simple plastic clips on both sides hold it snugly in place. A rebreather system sits in the main utility pouch, connected to the helmet. Protecting the user from harmful atmospheres. As well as chemical and biological attacks so long as they are only harmful if breathing them. Additional utility bags can be hung on the belt to store more ammunition, rations, necessary equipment or whatever you want.

Durasteel knee guards and a plate on the upper arms provide the rest of the real protection.

The gloves are made of reinforced synthcloth and leather layers. Designed to protect the users hands while using mechanized equipment and not diminishing their motor skills much. During repelling operations from aircraft or structures. Weighting has also been added to provide an additional punch to your punch if you must.

The boots are reinforced synthcloth and leather much like the gloves. But with an additional layer of rubber under the first to provide an impermeable barrier. They are tall enough to wade low level waters and allows the wearer to stand in water, mud or other uncomfortable substances for extended periods of time with no worry. A durasteel toe cap and underplate protects from piercing underneath the boot or crushing the toes.

Bellow all this armor is a simple sythcloth jacket and pants. What the user wears under these is up to them, if they decide to wear these at all as different. Denon Stahl Arms recommends retaining the pants for its sturdy belt loops and tough fibers to protect from the dangerous scrap metal littering battlefields as you walk about defeating your enemies.


- Not flame resistant.
- Exposed areas like lower arms, upper legs, groin, and small gap in the neck.
- Rebreather hoses can become pinched, blocking air flow.
- Lenses glow a orangy-red when running a vision modifier, but don't when these systems are not running. This may expose you to the enemy.

Primary Source: N/A

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