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DSA's Republic Armerment Initiative: Round 2

Macharius Solaire

It's time for Round 2 of the initiative!

What will you chose for Denon Stahl Arms to make for The Republic this week?

Last weeks winner was the Trench Knife and is still in development.

A whole new list is here for this weeks vote. Got some real goodies in here I want to make.

Rules can be found in the old post.

Voting will go to Tuesday at midnight. I hope we have a lot more votes this week so I can have some good data.

Happy voting!
[member="Macharius Solaire"] Hi there, this is nice. I think we could use some more support weapons, so I chose the option for a new heavy repeater cannon.

[member="Elaine Thul"]
@Thorja Arlos
[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Elaine Thul"] no we have the multi-spectral shield just can't be used by darksiders

and well the toolkit for wrist weapons is hard to match or beat same with a normal belt when we have access to the tensai.

and I don't remember the previous submission actually being submitted to the factory after the people voted on it.

I'd go with something we don't have like a cannon
After checking out the shields we have available, I believe the combat shield is moot. I withdraw my vote for them and would like to see the Heavy blaster cannons. Whilst cumbersome, the cover fire aspect is sound and lugging one around would make me look pretty cool :cool:

[member="Matsu Ike"]

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