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Approved Starship DSD - Dominion

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Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Length: High
Width: High
Height: Average
Size: Large
Lord of the Diarchy

  • Defenses: High
  • Point defense
    • Twin triple point-defense laser cannon batteries (10)
    • Point-Defense quad concussion missile emplacements
  • Multi-Layered Shield system
    • Deflector shielding
    • Ray shields
    • Particle Shields
    • Ion shields
    • Molecular shields
  • Interior defense
    • Automated turrets
    • Blast doors
    • Patrols and sentries
  • Hangar Space: Average 11
    • Star Fighters (6)
    • Bombers (3)
    • Support craft (2)
  • Maneuverability Rating: Very low
  • Speed Rating: High
  • Hyperdrive: Class 2.0 (Primary) Class 5.0 (Backup)

  • All Standard features
  • Training center for force users
  • Meditation chamber for Darth Reign


  • Powerful Hull and Armament

  • It is not as powerful as some of its contemporary brethren. It is retrofitted and upgraded so some equipment may not be the top of the line.

Serving as a home base while Darth Reign consolidated his power and position, the Dominion includes many upgrades and features needed by the dark lord, such as a meditation chamber as well as practice chambers for training his apprentices. Boasting some modern upgrades and new hull technology and shielding the Dominion is stout enough to keep the dark lord safe


Out Of Character Info

Intent: A command ship/Flagship and mobile base of operations for Darth Reign and The Diarchy
Image Source(s):
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: The Diarchy
Model: Resurgent-Class Star Destroyer
Starship Class: Battlecruiser (2000m-5000m)
Starship Role: Command
Modular: Yes
Material: * Material: * AB-163 “Svalinn” Class Starship hull * Alusteel Frame * Alusteel Subframe with Impervium Reinforcement
Armaments: * Armament: High
* Turbolasers and ion cannons (500)
* Port and Starboard Primary dual turbolaser batteries (16)
* Twin Dual and Heavy turbolaser batteries (8)
* Dual heavy lancer canons (16)
* Lower mounted heavy triple turbolaser turrets (2)
* Twin triple light turbo laser turrets (-72
Defense Rating: High
Speed Rating: High
Maneuverability Rating:: Low
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Radiation Resist: Low
Minimum Crew: 30000
Optimal Crew: 74000
Passenger Capacity: 1000
Cargo Capacity: Average
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Reign Darth Reign

Simple and solid. I would like to mention, you can't edit the Factory subs anymore, so if you don't write anything to the Advanced systems, if you want to update the thread, you need to repost the thread.
  • It is unique sub which means only one faction/company/group/etc can own it, so you can write only 1 thing to the Affiliation. And because an individual cannot own larger than 500 metres warship, I would like to ask you to remove Darth Reign, Lady Shadow and Lady Nightmare from the field. You can always give permission to others to use the sub and you can always use your own subs.
  • And these are not part of the pre-made fields, but part of the original template, and these are important, so I would like to ask you to add these fields to your template:
    • Hangar Space: (Please provide the amount of fighters/support craft this submission can hold in it's hangar by count of Squadrons, which hold 12 average Starfighters. The higher your squadron count, the lower your Armament and number of advanced systems should be. )
    2000m [Base: 2 | Very Low: 5 | Low: 8 | Average: 11 | High: 14 | Very High: 17 | Extreme: 20]
    2500m [Base: 3 | Very Low: 6 | Low: 10 | Average: 14 | High: 18 | Very High: 22 | Extreme: 25]
    3000m [Base: 3 | Very Low: 7 | Low: 12 | Average: 16 | High: 21 | Very High: 25 | Extreme: 30]
    3500m [Base: 4 | Very Low: 9 | Low: 14 | Average: 19 | High: 24 | Very High: 29 | Extreme: 35]
    4000m [Base: 4 | Very Low: 10 | Low: 16 | Average: 22 | High: 28 | Very High: 34 | Extreme: 40]
    4500m [Base: 5 | Very Low: 11 | Low: 18 | Average: 25 | High: 32 | Very High: 39 | Extreme: 45]
    5000m [Base: 5 | Very Low: 12 | Low: 20 | Average: 28 | High: 35 | Very High: 42 | Extreme: 50]
    • Hangar Allocations: (This is the allocated amounts of starfighters and support craft (dropships, shuttles,gunships,etc) this submission can hold in its hangar based on the maximum hangar space capacity listed above)
      • Starfighters: x squadrons
      • Support Craft: x squadrons
And if you have any questions or help, feel free to ask them in this sub.
Lord of the Diarchy
Darth Reign Darth Reign

Simple and solid. I would like to mention, you can't edit the Factory subs anymore, so if you don't write anything to the Advanced systems, if you want to update the thread, you need to repost the thread.
  • It is unique sub which means only one faction/company/group/etc can own it, so you can write only 1 thing to the Affiliation. And because an individual cannot own larger than 500 metres warship, I would like to ask you to remove Darth Reign, Lady Shadow and Lady Nightmare from the field. You can always give permission to others to use the sub and you can always use your own subs.
  • And these are not part of the pre-made fields, but part of the original template, and these are important, so I would like to ask you to add these fields to your template:
And if you have any questions or help, feel free to ask them in this sub.
Fixes have been done, I added just a few advanced systems since I can’t change them later.

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