Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: DT-8627

Faction: Galactic Empire

Rank: Commander

Species: Human with classified enhancements

Age: 26

Sex: Male

Height: 6.5 Feet

Weight: 200 Pounds

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

Skin: Light

Force Sensitive: No

Strengths: Fast, Agile, Superb Marksman, Commando, Guerilla tactics, Stealthy.

Weaknesses: Tall, Temperamental

Appearance: Tall, slender, dark hair, and eyes.

Homeworld: Rishi

Biography: DT-8627 enlisted in the Stormtrooper Corps at the age of 15, and was put into service three years later upon completing his training. He served as a Stormtrooper squad leader for many years, until being selected for Death Trooper training at the age of 23. He was sent to Scarif to undergo training, and finally classified enhancements.
Ship: Raider-class Corvette


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