Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Duan Xiangu

NAME: Duan Xiangu
FACTION: Unaffiliated
RANK: Initiate
AGE: 32
SEX: Male
EYES: Amber
HAIR: Black



  • Mind over Matter: Tough to break and staunch in the face of death, he won’t back down. Which can get him in trouble almost… all the time. Hard to be a small fish in the proverbial big pond.

  • Esoteric Dribble: Most men in this world are either all business or all leisure, few if any can appreciate the occult and esoteric arts of the Galaxy. Duan is different, he has an inherent affinity towards the arcane and obscure - which puts him at a disadvantage when dealing with the more straight-forward things.

  • Brother-complex: Used to looking out for the ‘little girl’, this desire to shelter women and children will probably stab him in the back at the wrong time, it can also makes him pretty ruthless when he perceives a threat to his charge.

  • Magicka: Apprentice


Dauntingly tall, dark and dangerous; three adjectives one could describe Duan with. He has two distinct features that one might notice right away. Strange symbols adorning the area of his left collar-bone, if one pays attention to it they would observe that the symbols are constantly in slow motion changing. Other thing is a fairly big scar across his neck that cuts straight through the skin of his other collarbone to his chest.


A man’s only a man as far as he’s able to take care of his family, that’s how I perceived the world for a long time.

When she had left us I was sad, angry, tired, all of the above? Probably.

I put all that bitterness into the work, because the world keeps turning and it doesn’t care if you are prepared for it or not, all went relatively well in the end.

I learned to live without her and adjusted myself. Should have known that things are never as easy as you want them to be, couple of years after [member="Matsu Xiangu"] left us the last drop fell.

An accident? Murder? I never found out, but the conclusion was the same. My parents were gone and I was left alone. To my shame I have to admit that I fled Corvanni, took the remnants of the money I had and left.

The road brought me to many places, but there was one who took me in - sorta. I doubt she does it out of the kindness of her heart. No matter, I will learn what there is to learn and take control over my own destiny.

It’s all that matters.






Probably not.




Connor Harrison

[member="Duan Xiangu"]

Wonderful! Another one of the litter to put it their place!
[member="Duan Xiangu"]

I have my eye on you. ;)


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