Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Dude, Where's My Space Station


"So, good news and bad news."

Kahlil lowered his hands from the controls, taking a breath as he looked over his shoulder. For a moment he paused, staring at Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn . The fact she was there was.. Well, he hadn't expected that at all. When did she step through? That- No, it made sense he didn't feel her approach. And right now, gift horses. He smiled softly, giving her an appreciative dip of his head as she set about helping the wounded.

"Good, Master Valery will be able to find us. Bad, we're randomly somewhere in space. It'll take a bit for the navigation to figure out where. Worse, no. We can't leave. With the undead on board, we need to keep it contained. My wife will know as much, at least, so when they come to help they'll bring containment. For better or worse, we'll have to work with people to survive."

Work with the Imperials who survived. With the Sith who survived. Darth Immortuos Darth Immortuos was the one who unleashed this plague. Right now, that made him the expert on how to survive it.

Objective I - Survive
The Undead have control of the Tython Space station. The plague has spread rapidly, and the few around you who are not infected are likely all that remain. Avoid infection, find the supplies needed to survive while you wait for rescue, and hope that the other survivors aren't going to remain hostile. Together is the best way to survive, but enemies rarely stay allies.

Objective II - Rescue
The call was sent out. Valery Noble Valery Noble leads the rescue operation with the intent to secure a pathway to the survivors and back out to waiting transports. Help her secure the path from the undead, and avoid giving them a way off. Blackwing infected zombies are capable of using technology, and won't hesitate to find ways off to escape to other systems.

Objective III - Containment
The Blackwing virus is one of the most dangerous strain of zombie infections. It's airborne, transmitted by bite and scratch. The infected are capable of using technology of all kinds, and are learning fast. Escape pods have already been launched to avoid giving them a way off, but transports are still flightworthy. Contain the infection and eliminate the infected before they start to make it across the stars.
Tags: Pal Veda Pal Veda | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Mahsa Mahsa | Ran Serys Ran Serys | Joseph Torson Joseph Torson | Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen | Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt | Darth Immortuos Darth Immortuos


Outfit: Operative Suit | Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsabers | Double-Bladed Lightsaber

The transport shuttle hummed softly as Valery guided it through the dense fog of space debris, her gaze fixed on the ominous station ahead. The dark, twisted structure loomed like a graveyard monument, and she could feel the oppressive weight of the Blackwing virus lurking within. Valery's hands tightened on the controls of the shuttle as they neared the station, her heart heavy with worry. The bond with Kahlil pulsed through her, guiding her like a flame in the cold expanse of space, but it also carried the weight of fear. Fear for him. Her amber eyes burned with an intense fire, determination mixed with the simmering dread of what might happen if she didn't reach him in time.

She wasn't leaving without him. No matter what it took.

Not again.

Turning her gaze toward her strike team, Valery took a deep breath, her expression unwavering but the concern visible in her eyes, "Listen carefully," Valery began, her voice calm but firm. "This station is infested with the undead, infected by the Blackwing virus. These aren't mindless creatures; they can use technology, they learn fast, and they are extremely dangerous. We cannot let them leave this station or reach any ships. Stay close to me, no matter what happens, and follow my lead."

Her amber eyes lingered on each of them, the weight of responsibility heavy in her tone. "I know exactly where we need to go. Kahlil is deep inside, and we have to clear a path through the infected to reach him. There's no time for mistakes, so stay sharp."

The shuttle trembled slightly as they neared the docking bay. Valery could feel her connection to Kahlil through the Dyad, guiding her like a beacon in the dark. But the bond wasn't just a tether — it was a reminder of what was at stake. She clenched her lightsaber hilt tightly, prepared for the fight ahead.

The shuttle landed with a soft thud, and the hangar bay doors hissed open, revealing the darkened corridors of the Tython space station. As the chilling sense of death and decay washed over them, Valery stepped out first, her lightsaber humming to life in her hand, casting a violet glow across the shadowy hall.

"Stay close," she repeated, her voice a low command as they ventured into the heart of the station, where death awaited in every corner.




Objective: Containment
Tags: OPEN
This wasn't the first time Drego had dealt with Blackwing. Not too long ago, Drego had dredged through the swamps of Yavin fighting them off. Today, Drego wasn't going in with just a ragtag group of Protectors, low on ammo and relying on their wits.


Today the Pillar of War was pushing in with a full arsenal. The bandolier on his chest rattled against beskar plate. The Star Dragon II made it's way onto the drifitng station, and immediately, Drego to to work. The first thing that was left loose was Drego's Personal Walker, followed by the man himself.

"Tanya, set blasters on the War Jaws to stun. We won't be able to reliably keep these farkers down, we gotta keep them at bay until I can get a disruptor round on them."

"Gotcha boss. Keeping the teeth set to bite, not chomp."


Deep Space
Objective I - Bridge of the Tython Space Station
x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Allies: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ran Serys Ran Serys Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Mahsa Mahsa Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn
Unknowns: Joseph Torson Joseph Torson Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen Darth Immortuos Darth Immortuos

Zaiya drifted back into consciousness slowly, as though she was rising from the depths of a thick fog. She didn't know how long she had been out, but everything felt different -- heightened. Her senses, already raw from the intensity of the Force light, were now painfully sharp, and the slightest brush of energy in the room made her skin prickle. It was overwhelming, like feeling everything at once: emotions in the present, emotions from the past, and something dark and twisted but cleansed with the Light... imprinted into the cold durasteel of the bridge like scars on the galaxy itself.

"No, this… this cannot be… am I going to protect her now! WHY!!"

Her body stirred, but it was her skin that responded first. Mottled tones of dark, inky greys rippled across her flesh, blending into waves of empathic bronze and brief flickers of anxious yellow. Zaiya's brow furrowed, and her head jerked slightly, as if some unseen force tugged at her. Memories -- or were they echoes? -- rushed over her like a cold wind. She could feel it: the Force scream, the banshee cry of ghouls. Desperation. The crushing weight of someone's plea for help, full of broken pride and panic.

" Dont. Dont leave me here. Pl-ease, dont let me...I..I..I cant control them."

A gasp tore from her throat as her eyes snapped open, and she jolted upright. The world spun in a dizzying flurry of colors, her skin flashing and stuttering between shades that reflected the chaos inside her. Muted silvers, pale greys, all washed with sweat that beaded at her brow, leaving her skin clammy. She blinked hard, trying to clear her vision, but it all felt like too much.

The sharp scent of copper hit her nose -- blood. The putrid, sickly stench of something rotting, something burned. Charred skin. Cold steel. Sweat. Musk. The air felt thick with it all, like it was choking her. And beneath everything, weaving through the ship like a living thing, was something darker -- a slithering, ravenous hunger that oozed from beyond the bridge. The sound of banshee-like wails echoed in her mind, twisting around her thoughts, and it made her blood run cold, chilling her to the bone.

"No!" Zaiya cried in desperation, still lost in the delirium, her heart thundering in her chest as she scrambled, still unaware of where she was in the throes of memories and the fog confusing her.

Objective I : Survive



As the Shield of the Jedi briefed the others about the current situation, a trio of Special Forces Operators who fortunately were unaffected by the Blackwing Virus appeared at the entrance of the bridge, their guns aimed at the group of Jedi. However they did not fire, as Torson was brought towards the bridge supported by both a Special Forces Operator and a Commando as he wasn't able to move very well considering his legs had been partially crushed by that massive door. Half of his Team were still in good condition with the other half having suffered severe injuries due to Mahsa's attack. The Soldiers who couldn't move and were left in the hallway, guarded by the Commandos who were still capable of moving their guns aimed at the end of the hallway keeping an eye out for any of the undead.

Ignoring the Jedi, the troops brought Torson towards the consoles of the bridge before gently dropping him, leaving Torson to use the consoles as support as he began to manipulate them sending a message to the Warlord of the Empire Marlon Sularen relaying the current location of the Station to him and the Empire while also proceeding to activate the Space Station's reserve of Dark Trooper Battle Droids which were immediately ordered to head for the bridge, granting both the Jedi and the Imperials with a first line of defense against the undead as the Dark Troopers would be able to hold them off for a good while.

Once Torson finished, he motions for the pair of soldiers to pick him up before looking straight at the Shield of the Jedi. "Me and my men will work with you for now. Jedi." he said begrudgingly. As much as he hated to admit it, both the Jedi and the Imperials needed each other, especially to fight off the undead and even though they had been fighting each other just a while ago. "I've activated the Station's reserve of Dark Trooper Battle Droids. They'll head for the bridge and provide us with a first line of defense against the undead." he further explained. "I also sent a message to the Empire calling for an extraction and sent them our location. I'd prefer that me and my men are allowed to return back to our Empire freely rather then to your Alliance in chains."

The soldiers then guided Torson to a nearby chair before helping him take a seat allowing the injured Special Forces captain to get some rest especially after the previous extensive battle. A Blackwing virus outbreak was definitely not the outcome Torson had expected, but now given that the Orbital Station had been moved outside of Tython, his previous mission did not matter anymore, all that mattered was that he and his man got out of here safe and sound. To live to fight another day in the name of the Empire.

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Location: Tython, space station
Objective: Contain the zombies
Tag: Drego Ruus Drego Ruus


Silas had faced many disgusting enemies in his time as a Jedi. The Walking Dead however was something that could be at the top of that list.

Reports had been circulating that Tython station had been overrun by those infected with the blackwing virus, a nasty plague that turned any lifeless person into a flesh eating monster. At all costs, they needed to avoid being scratched or bitten, or else they risked ending up joining the dead in their relentless hunt for blood.

"We have multiple readings up ahead, unsure if it's friend or foe" one of the three troopers said briefly when he lifted his head up from a datapad. Along with Silas, they traveled through a ruined corridor filled with a variety of objects and dry blood patches that smothered the walls. Whoever was still alive was clearly fortunate, those who weren't lucky seemed to be ripped to make them into a blood bath.

"Ready your weapons, Identify and then strike swiftly" Silas whispered, a hand resting on the lightsaber attached to his belt.

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Location: Bridge Room
Objective: Survive

Her consciousness came and went, adrift amidst cosmic waves as it tried to piece together bits and pieces. The Force was the glue that kept everything together, like a mother’s warmth embrace that offered the young padawan the comfort she needed as her body vied against time in its efforts to heal.

"No… No, this… this cannot be…"

Whispered echoes batted away the silence, accompanied by the briefest of glimpses into moments she hadn’t personally witnessed. She’d only caught a passing glance of the crumpled body by the bridge, but here she could see every minute detail on Darth Immortuos Darth Immortuos ‘ face as his panicked cries rose in volume.

" am I going to protect her now! WHY!!"

The guilt, the grief, and the desire to protect… to rescue, to save someone dear. All of them were emotions she could understand, that her young mind and heart could empathize with, feelings that had once run deeply in her veins too.

" Dont. Dont leave me here. Pl-ease, don't let me..."
" I..I..I can't control them."

Zaiya’s voice tears through the fog like a blinding beacon, a gasp of air announcing Mahsa’s return before a series of coughs follow shortly after as the sharp inhale of cool air rasped the back of her throat. "W-What… W-Where…?!" Panic laced her voice and manifested in vibrant ocher and deep amber shades that rippled through her hair, her senses immediately stretching out in every direction through the Force, before the Kazelrrian recoils as her mind brushes against the festering sickness growing deep within the station.

A wince crossed her face as a hand reached to press against her wounded side, the injuries still not entirely healed, before the erratic beating inside her chest slowly started to subside as the voice of Kahlil echoed through the bridge. It offers a sense of safety to know they’re not alone, though it is quickly shattered as her golden eyes finally spot movement where the bridge’s blast doors once stood.

A vicious hiss escapes the young Kazelrrian as she spots the familiar face of Joseph Torson Joseph Torson among his troop, a visceral reaction as her instincts flag his existence as a menace for her survival. She scooted until her back pressed against cold steel, seeking to place as much distance as possible between herself and the man that had relentlessly pursued her through the whole station as his men assisted on helping him reach a console further into the bridge.

Just what the fark is going on...

Objective II: Rescue
Valery Noble Valery Noble | Aris Noble Aris Noble | Azurine Varek Azurine Varek | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Mahsa Mahsa
Enemies: ??? | Zombies

The air was sterile. It always was on spacecraft. Had to be. But sterile didn't always mean clean, or lacking of sickness. No, the sterile air filling Ayhan's nostrils, the too clean stench made his stomach turn. He stared at the floor across from him even harder than usual, boring a hole through and straight into the airless void. It wasn't worry. Of course it wasn't. Not for Mahsa.

Neither was the rapid heartbeat echoing in his ears. The sensitive organs were just picking up the heartbeats of the others. Aris, or Master Noble, or maybe the new girl's, Varek, or whatever her name was. Yeah, definitely hers. Not adrenaline coursing through his blood, threatening to send the Firronthix straight into heart attack over fear of what might or might not have happened to Mahsa.


His foot tapping continued wear a hole through the sole of his boots as the Sword began to brief them on the situation. Undead, adapting to use technology. Don't get infected, don't let them off the ship. She knows where Kahlil, and Zaiya, and Mahsa are. Stay close.

Ayhan could do that.

The Firronthix stood, following after Noble with his own saber ignited, thrumming, and casting its golden light beside violet. Ayhan's eyes began to adjust. He didn't need the lightsaber to see in this darkness, or any kind of dark. But the first creepy crawly he didn't recognize was losing it's head.
"I don't know who I am anymore."

You Shan't Share My Fate


Outfit: Clothing | Right Arm | Glove
Weapons: Lightsaber | Vibrosword

Azurine sat in the Co-Pilots seat, occasionally checking the insurmentation and running checks. The job of the co-pilot was only to make the pilots job easier in situations like this, so that was what she was going to do.

The shifting violet sea of her eyes moved from the console to Valery, filled with both determination and worry. She knew exactly what her master was feeling now. She'd been in this position at least three times ... and one of them had been that which had shattered her heart.

She recalled what she'd said to Val after everything that had happened with Darth Reign and Darth Rellik, how she'd been so cold to state that Valery could never know how she really felt since Kahlil was alive, couldn't possibly understand the pain of having that bond be stressed and distorted into what she was forced to bear with Kynn's death. She had spoken in agony fueled anger then, trying to convey how shattered she was that she'd been so willing to listen to people she never should have, and it had immediately been followed by a guilt for it even then.

That kind of pain she suffered and continued to suffer while her soul was still inseparable with that of a ghost, if her master would even survive it being so violently severed given the strength of their tie, was not something she would wish on anyone, least of all Valery. She wouldn't allow that kind of outcome, not while she still breathed.

"We're going to get them out, Master Noble." she stated, the fires of her strong will lighting her eyes with the fiercness she'd become so known for after her spar with Aris as well as the deep compassion and loyalty she carried in her heart.

As they landed, she gripped her lightsaber in her right prosthetic hand and the lightsaber that Valery had allowed her to use after her vibrosword had been destroyed at Akar Tsis (they hadn't had the time to go looking for much else) in the other. She took a long look at her companions, two of which she was very familiar with by now, then out into the darkness before igniting them both. Her own cast a piercing yellow light across that half of her face, the other a violet the same hue as her eyes. The air was oppressive and dark, and when she focused out into the sea of auras, all of the broken souls of the infected came back. Tragic and terrifying as it was, she was ready.

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Location: The Bridge
Objective I
Tags: Ran Serys Ran Serys Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn Joseph Torson Joseph Torson Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen Pal Veda Pal Veda

Charred withered hands shook as he inspected the ruin of his body, what little remained anyway, after the searing light of the Force had burned away the vestiges of the man he once was. His skin, blackened and flaking, clung to the brittle bones beneath. Flesh that once pulsed with unnatural vitality now hung loosely, scorched, and hollow. His face, twisted in a grotesque mask of agony, no longer resembled the fearsome visage he had worn for centuries. He could feel little of the pain in his body—his nerves were too deadened, and his state of undeath dulled any sensation. But the mental anguish was all-consuming, gnawing at his mind like a beast trapped in its cage. It amazed him how quickly ones own events could alter their life. He had not felt as he did since...well...the death of his wife. It was then a chasm opened in his mind and for a instant the memories of her cold body stained his eyes. Like a smear on a lens. He could see her everywhere and nowhere.

I should of never made that deal...I should of died.

But it wasn't the old sith lord in him that lingered in his thoughts. Nulgath Zardai, the paranoid womp rat of a man he once was, had long been buried beneath layers of Sith cruelty and ambition. That version of him, always lurking in the shadows, scheming for more power, was only a layer of his personality. This broken thing before the Jedi was not the man who craved knowledge. His body twitched involuntarily as he tried to stand, legs unsteady beneath his ravaged frame. His reflection caught in a piece of shattered glass—horrifying, yet mesmerizing. Charred skin stretched over a skeletal face, the glow of the Force Light still imprinted deep in his sunken eyes. He stood there in awe. The undead abomination he had become was all too visible now, no longer hidden beneath the illusion of power. His forced breath came raggedly, wheezing through a throat that no longer functioned as it should.

The darkside that had once sustained his connection and means of control—was absent. Gone. Hollow. A dead thing. He reached out again, pathetically, trying to grasp at the threads of the power that had always answered his call and to no avail. He felt cornered now, a predator with no fangs, with nothing left but the frantic instinct to survive. And when cornered, even a wounded animal was at its most dangerous. His mind spiraled, frantic and wild, clinging to what remained of his former power. His eyes darted toward the Jedi, toward the bridge's exits, toward the imperials of the Dark Empire and anything that could be used to his advantage. Then with a squint he eyed the female jedi adjacent to him Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania . His gaze brief but plotting.

His shoto saber. It should still function. The sight gauntlet he was wear. It was destroyed. Also the sith crown or circlet he had. Also destroyed, though it seems remnants are in my flesh. This was all he had on him aside from half burnt tattered robes that partially were fused into his charred flesh. The rest of what he had was his wits, knowledge and ability to sense the infected nearby. Possibly even see what they see, but that in itself posed a danger for his own sanity with the darkside removed.

If he wanted to survive he had to make his himself useful. Build trust with this group and for the time being play his part. And so he steadied himself against a console and spoke aloud for those on the bridge to hear after the padawans Mahsa Mahsa and Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti seemed to awaken. Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble did a great job informing the survivors but there was much he did not know about Blackwing, The Sickness and the infected.

"We cannot stay on the bridge!.... They share a hive mind. The infected. They learn and grow. They use tactics and adapt. They are all sentient.....Their screams is their language, though they are capable of speech and mimicry of others and possess echo location as well." He paused. His speech was becoming more competent but his confidence and demeanor was still grim and defeated. " If you are bitten or scratched or ingest any fluids. Amputate the part. A pray you do not turn." He trailed off some and did not bother finishing his sentence. He was talking to himself lowly. There was something he had left out. Something he did not tell the Jedi and he would not.

Trust no one. I can trust no one. Not with that.

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