Mr. Dizzy Man
Dumah Zohar
Image Credit: Unknown || Face Claim: Ulquiorra Cifer from Bleach
Voice: Richard Cansino when he voiced Legato Bluesummers
Other Images: {x} {x} {x} {x} {x} {x} {x}
Homeworld:Image Credit: Unknown || Face Claim: Ulquiorra Cifer from Bleach
Voice: Richard Cansino when he voiced Legato Bluesummers
Other Images: {x} {x} {x} {x} {x} {x} {x}
- Unknown
- N/A
- Born 815 ABY
21 years old as of 836 ABY
- Human
- 181 cm or 5 foot 11 inches
- About 175 pounds
- Black
- Green
- Pale White
- None
- Assassin
- Yes
- Creepy looking and very melancholic, he's not much for being very critical about his appearance (yet secretly makes sure he looks good wherever he is), but his lack of outwardly emotions makes him very hard to read. His lack of physical emotions is similar to Sorin, but unlike him, Dumah takes his job more seriously to make sure that no one can read him. It's not such that he doesn't have emotions, he just finds it unfitting to display them. For a long time, Dumah was always shorter than Sorin, but it has only been in the last few years that they've grown to the same height. Due to their similar heights and body types, they're of similar weight as well, though this will vary from month to month depending on muscle mass and other factors. His hair is equally as wild as Sorin's, though slightly longer in comparison. Completely black, it reaches to his neck, with the front extending down between the ridge of his eyes. His eyes are green, but of a darker and more sickening variety. His extremely pale skin and vertical scars down from his eyes give the appearance of being emotionless, cold, and calculating. How he got the skin, he isn't sure, likely just born that way, but the scars came not from an accident, but from being on the job. During one of his contracts, he was hunting an assassin who fled the Assassin's Guild. The confrontation resulted in two scars colored a dark green from a unique poison concoction on the assassin's blades. The concoction not only colored the scars a dark green, the closeness to his eyes caused his pupils to become slits, much like that of a snake's. Dumah never learned what it was, since soon after he killed the assassin.
At present, his choice of clothing isn't all that well elaborate, or revealing of his personality. His general normal appearance, preferring a simple choice, is often thus: simple, wearing dark jeans with black leather boots. His choice of a shirt ranges from short sleeve t-shirts, to high collar long sleeves. No matter what the choice though, he always wears a jacket of some kind over it, and will wear one or two belts. He has some fascination with wearing belts for some reason. He will occasionally also wear a necklace around his neck. The dark jeans and leather boots are always the same, but everything else is different. Sometimes, it consists of a t-shirt with a random logo, a black belt around his waist, and a white jacket that fits very well to his frame. Occasionally at others, he will wear a black and red checker-board like cotton coat that is thin enough to fit along with his jacket, making a sort of double jacket appearance. His second outfit also has a black belt, but he uses a second white one that's wider and hangs on his side. Again he will wear a t-shirt underneath, but mostly either purple or black, paired with a high turtle neck collar shirt, long sleeve, that can open up at the front. With this, he wears his favorite white leather trench coat with a split tail end, reaching down to just short of his knees.
- Before, Dumah was not always so cold and calculated. He was friendly before, but over the last four years, he's sought to master his emotions and not display them. In that sense, he cannot easily be read, but every now and then, some emotions appear on the surface. In this, he has changed himself. Like an assassin, he analyzes much the same as Sorin does, understanding his prey's lifestyle to know when to strike, and when it would be the time of least exposure. In days past, he would care for his prey, but now, no longer. To him, hunting prey is similar to solving an equation. There are certain points to preform a task, what to do and what not to do, and eventually, he will reach his end goal. He treats his allies much the same way, even Sorin, and will have no qualms about turning on his allies-of-the-moment if it furthers the goals of the whole. If harming others will help get what he wants, he will do so, but he views himself as above careless acts of evil, seeing no benefit from it except a moment's pleasure. While pleasure and pain are the two core senses of feeling in this universe, pleasure can be of two instances: short term or long term. Short term is momentary and will quickly pass on, replaced by an emptiness that can spawn the desire to have more of it. What he strives for is a gain that is long-lasting, such as the profits he earns from his contracts. Dumah will follow the contacts given to him to the letter, for as long as the agreement stands valid, and it is convenient for him. However, the moment he no longer has a reason to keep the contract going, so long as it does not bring harm to himself, he will not hesitate to betray his clients.
As with all his contracts, Dumah likes to cover his tracks, both in a physical as well as a psychological sense. He tries to keep everything organized and to the letter, but his variation is both chaotic and random. Rather than keep an organized procedure and have someone track you down based on your hunting patterns, he mixes it up and become unpredictable. Pointless violence to cover tracks only seems to keep evidence on the one doing it, and so he will instead do what is needed: hacking, identity swaps, smoke screen, and known others. If however causing a distraction through violence guarantees his escape, he will do it. He is not bound by any sort of honor or tradition, and will use any means at his disposal to get where he needs, putting him in a very flexible position. Evil is one way to describe him, but it is as pointless to him as it is to question his motives. Is a Krayt dragon evil when it hunts its prey? Is a Rancor evil when a person is dropped into its cage and feeds upon them in the most hideous and disgusting way imaginable? The term evil is a perspective, not a fact. All of these creatures are fulfilling a basic instinctual behavior: the need for food. When Dumah completes his contracts, he is also fulfilling this need by acquiring the means to fulfill his lifestyle. He does not consider himself any more evil than a hunter searching for meat for his family.
As an assassin, Dumah takes pride in his work to understand his targets and their habits, even becoming mechanically observant of everything around him. It has become second nature to him. He will search out every possible entrance and exit to an area, every view point and angle of descent. For him, it is better to be above the target than below, for above is often the greatest blind spot of almost every species. He also likes adding a mysterious nature to himself and his work. An assassin's job is not just to kill their target, but do it in such a manner that no one is any the wiser for who exactly did it. It is for that reason alone that separates a bounty hunter from an assassin. He tends to preform his jobs at night, the time where everyone's vision is impaired, making his escape that much easier. Living in the shadows of mystery, preforming contracts to kill another, and leaving before anyone knows the difference, the night has always brought for him a comfort that he finds little of elsewhere in the galaxy. He views the shadows as something to be respected and feared. It is not the darkness itself that should be feared, but for what comes out of them. The unknown, both a comfort, and a curse.
- Dumah received very similar training to Sorin, though he was more adaptive to social situations and the behaviors of people. He was also better at infiltrating a building that was considered closed to the public. When it came to becoming the unknown, the shadows were his domain.Computer Hacking (15%) ■■■■■■■■■■
- Mechanics (17%) ■■■■■■■■■■
- Demolitions (15%) ■■■■■■■■■■
- Swordsmanship (35%) ■■■■■■■■■■
- Martial Arts (30%) ■■■■■■■■■■
- Hand-Held Blaster (21%) ■■■■■■■■■■
- Sniper Rifle (38%) ■■■■■■■■■■
- Psychology (40%) ■■■■■■■■■■
- Drug and Medicine (27%) ■■■■■■■■■■
- Espionage (30%) ■■■■■■■■■■
- Unlike Sorin, who never really comprehended what it was he was doing, Dumah knew immediately the circumstances and reasons for why things were how they were. From the very beginning, he knew he was using what many called "The Force", but there was one draw back: he didn't know exactly what it was he was doing. For all his knowledge, he couldn't exactly find a book that taught one how to use the Force. What he could do was based on instinct and poor experimentation, a very crude imitation to the real power of the Force.Force Sense (5%) ■■■■■■■■■■
- Force Precognition (5%) ■■■■■■■■■■
- Force Cloak (5%) ■■■■■■■■■■
- Other than the occasional credits, he prefers to have little on him. At most he will carry around two weapons: a 434 blaster pistol like Sorin's with the same modifications, and a single sword. The blaster is an identical copy, containing 250 blaster shots, and with a greater rate of destructive firepower, but requiring a much more expensive power supply. The sword is a different variety, a katana in nature with a green hilt and spiral design guard. The blade itself is made of steel, though it contains a cortosis weave within it, making it resistant to blaster fire and lightsabers. One can never be too prepared. He keeps his other weapons in various stashes across worlds. He also has a sniper rifle like Sorin's, or rather, the proper term is had. His last one was unfortunately sliced in half by a blade trap in gang territory on Nar Shaddaa. The pieces though made very good use as melee and explosive components.
- Like Sorin, he was good with a sword in hand, and just as well with a blaster aimed at someone's head. While Sorin was instinctual with the Force, Dumah was analytical, analyzing it to how it best be used, and becoming stronger from it. His calculating nature was his strength, something stronger than Sorin's own, and for that, he understood the people on an entirely different level. To know the situation became second nature to him, and then the only problem from there would be to organize his operations. He worked from the shadows, made himself mysterious, unknown, sneaking into secret places, and using his skills at espionage to their best. Once more, even when found, he could not easily be read. He works hard to master his emotions, and from the years he's done it, he's made himself out to be cold, ruthless, and without thought or feeling. The well trained swordsman react to their enemies by reading their emotions. If there were no emotions to read, it made it that much more difficult to fight your enemy.
Despite his bringing up, there were some gaps that could not easily be filled, or would never be filled. While blasters are his specialty, rifles are not, and he finds them to be clumsy weapons. Understanding technology never was his strong suit either, but he picked up what he could. Other languages were just the same, a course that their teachers unfortunately left out of their list of training sessions. Less of a strength and more of a point to attack his character, he has confidence and pride in his work, and it can become irritating when someone begins to attack it. As he is not bound by any honor or tradition, however, he is prune to not think twice about betraying his partners should he see a need for it. It's because of this that anyone who knows Dumah will find he has a lack of trust in people, for others, and even his own partners.
- Dumah Zohar was the most recent addition to the long line of assassins from the Zohar Clan, whose reputation effectively matched that of the Vanado Clan, both clans being of the Assassin's Guild. It was also these two that worked together to make the most efficient assassins of the next generation. He never stayed in one place for too long to the point that Dumah and his parents eventually forgot where he was born. With the constant moving, he never found time to get attached to any one or any thing around the various planets he lived on. Sorin became his only companion, and his only friend. Unlike Sorin, however, Dumah was not concerned about being happy. He was content enough with learning what he was told he needed to learn. What he was concerned about though was the method by which they learned their studies. It was too constricted for his tastes, too close minded to only certain texts. They couldn't even get their own books without their approval. Eventually, Dumah got sick of it to where he sneaked what books he wanted into his things. It wasn't hard to do, considering what they were teaching them.
Among their studies was what their teachers considered to be the most important findings they would need to know. As if that would be all they'd need to know. When it came to swordsmanship and martial arts, he loved the practice sessions and feeling a blade in his hand, an enthusiasm that Sorin shared with him. While not exactly good at the time, they did their best to get at the other, equaling out their skills against each other to the point either could win during any session. Their weapons training with blasters and rifles were very different. While Sorin was significantly sharper and better at rifles, blasters were Dumah's specialty during training, outclassing him to the point Sorin had no hope of catching up. When it came to the finer skills of an assassin with technology, their progress was varied. While mostly equal when it came to demolitions, Sorin was the better at computers and machinery. The more human aspects was more in Dumah's favor, understanding his prey better and how best to get past them when it comes to getting their target. Like demolitions, however, their skills in medicine and drugs were about equal. The only real difference though was that Sorin used drugs to help with his job and Dumah did not. He viewed it as weakening and slow, unproductive toward being an assassin. Yet through all their training, their fast pace was neck and neck, and both became frustrated with their teachers and their lack of imagination for learning. It was all quite contradictory for them: to be an assassin, one must learn and imagine, yet their teachers stuck with their methods and books, leaving no room for growth. How sad.
Born on the same day, they were the only friend the other had, yet they could not be more different. It wasn't always this way, until they reached the age of 17. Given their first solo assignment as a duo without supervision, it was their mark of ascension into the ranks of the assassins. A passage of adulthood for them, it would be an easy assignment for them considering their skill. At least it was suppose to be easy. Before, they had hated their life, but with this, everything turned upside-down. Their target was a married couple in Coruscant, targeted because they didn't pay their fines to the Assassin's Guild. They tried to run away, but it was a chance they weren't going to have. Set up as the sniper in a nearby tower, he looked down the scope of his rifle toward the street below, prepared to shoot on sight once within view. Sorin was back-up below on the street to make sure they didn't escape alive should he miss. Easy spot, easy shot, and all would be fine. Everything went to plan as the couple walked down the street, melding with the crowd and the others around being none the wiser for what was about to happen.
The moment he had a clean shot on the woman, he fired, and it hit home, going straight through her skull. The man was shocked when he saw his wife, but he already knew what to do. The crowd went into a panic, and Dumah's second shot at the man missed him by inches. Cursing his luck, already knowing he wouldn't get another clean shot with the thickness of the crowd, Dumah retreated back, concealed the rifle, and sprinted to catch up with his prey, just as Sorin would be doing at the same time. It would be luck by this point whether they get this man or not. Thankfully their luck was not as bad off as he thought. After a few minutes of running, he acquired a view of his prey, Sorin running on his tail, and their best course of action would be to cut off the man's path of escape. He eventually go to the end of an alleyway, withdrew his rifle, and aimed just as the man ran out of an alleyway. Unfortunately, the crowd was too thick, too many, causing his view to be impaired and without a clean shot. The delay cost him his view as the man started running again, Sorin on his heels and Dumah now catching up behind them.
Eventually, there was no more running. Cornering the man into a dead end alleyway, Dumah raised up his rifle and prepared the shot, but Sorin had already raised his blaster. It was in slow motion to him what happened next. The blaster bolt was released from Sorin's gun and went straight through their target, but didn't stop there. It hit some container behind him, and it exploded in a roar of fire, engulfing the man. The force of the explosion sent both Dumah and Sorin flying backwards, super heated air blasted full force into their bodies, and the air was knocked from their lungs. How Dumah wasn't knocked out, he may never know, but his partner was not in a better position. Explosions from the building lit up everything, and smoke was starting to layer down over top of them. He knew he needed to get Sorin out of here, so with his arms, one hand holding the rifle, he picked him up onto his shoulder, and carried him away from the scene. It took a few minutes to find a building nearby that wasn't occupied by people, an abandoned warehouse a block over, and with Sorin out of harm's way, he looked out of the cracked and broken windows to see the carnage below. The building had apparently been an orphanage of some kind, though why there were flammable contents in the container right next to it, he may never know.
Dumah didn't care though. The job was done, their participation concealed by the explosion, and for all anyone would ever know, it was all an accident. A few minutes later, Sorin woke up in a sweat, panicking and incoherent to what had happened, spouting out random sayings about wanting to see if the child was okay. So he saw a child through the window before hand, or was it during mid shot? Either way, Dumah was not convinced of how they should be concerned. The deed was done, the targets dead, and as assassins, they should not become attached to the circumstances by which their work filters in. Yet no matter, he could not get out a word before Sorin ran off, commenting that he should return to the clan to report the news. As if he was going to stay around to watch what he'd do. It sickened him. He reported back to the guild without him, and collected their money, along with the praise of a job well done. The idiots didn't even ask where Sorin was, assuming he'd be back within the next few hours. When the guy did, he mentioned the explosion and the children who died by his hand. Shock did fall on Dumah's face, but not because of the act they preformed, it was for the fact Sorin became attached to their job and circumstances. Yet Dumah could not have forseen the path Sorin would take because of this day.
Sorin wanted to leave, partnering up to go and work what jobs they wanted to do. There wasn't much complaining, if any. Dumah saw the praise their teachers gave and it sickened him that they weren't the least bit concerned why only one came back. Didn't even ask if Sorin was dead at the time. It was time he journeyed to find others to work for and become a part of. For the next four years, he traveled with Sorin and sometimes traveled apart, taking jobs here and there, and over time, he began to wonder about what his purpose was, if there was something better out there. It was during this time that he discovered his Force powers, becoming aware of them, and being able to slightly control them. Experimenting with them did little good when one didn't have much of a foundation to sit upon. Still though, there were only two major groups willing to train Force sensitives: the Jedi and the Sith. The Jedi would never accept him into their stupid order, but the Sith were always one for having stronger people within it. Maybe it was time Dumah worked for the strong for once.
- After what seemed like a slow period in his contracts, the Assassin's Guild finally sent something to him after several weeks. His next target was a politician by the name of Arviar Kumol, an unfortunate individual who had the bad luck of pissing off the wrong Senator in the Republican Senate. Dumah cared not for what he did, but for how much money he would be paid for killing him. Searching his records and his flights, Arviar eventually went to Telos, deep in Sith Empire space. Perhaps he thought that by distancing himself from the Republic, he could somehow disappear within the shadows of mystery. A logical conclusion, until the shadows start hunting you. He tracked his moments to a cantina he frequented, named the Villas Bar, and thus the game of patience began.
In time, Arviar arrived, but who also arrived were three bodyguards that followed him: his hired muscle. Dumah's first plan was to poison his drink, but that was shot down immediately. They took their places and ordered their drinks, the guards grouped together nearby their employer. For a few minutes, he waited, and thought of a plan of action that would be best. When the waitress came up to Arviar, Dumah made his move, slipping up to the table, and striking a conversation. He offered a deal to the politician: pay Dumah and he'll make sure his bounty disappeared. The man was hesitant at first, but grudgingly agreed. The man didn't have much of a choice in the matter, for within a few seconds of starting the deal, Mandalorian mercenaries walked into the cantina, and made a bee-line straight for where they sat. With the deal sealed, Dumah took action on the Mandalorians the moment they reached the table, killing all four of them with two grenades, his sword, and his blaster. When it was done, some negotiation later, he got his credits, shot the bodyguards while they looted the Mandalorians, and shot Arviar dead. Their bodys would insure fingerprints, something that Dumah lacked.
Just as the deed was done, a woman's voice was heard nearby, a cause of surprise for Dumah as he turned himself around and pointed his blaster upon her. She offered to wipe away clean that this incident ever happened, to assure the rid of evidence. Unsure and unconvinced of the methods she spoke of, especially after she appeared out of thin air and assured that either way he would be coming with her, he declined, and proceeded to fire bolts at her. The first round of bolts veered abruptly from her, and after another few, Dumah quickly figured out the meaning of her words and what she could possibly be. She wasn't just any old person, but a Sith, using the Force to make him and his blaster next to useless. In one of the few times of his life, he felt helpless. Knowing he was defeated, he holstered his blaster. Within moments, she delivered a mental attack on his mind, severely causing him pain to the point he could barely stand. With time, he had the focus to walk after the woman as she left. Not as if he had a choice in the matter.