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Approved NPC Dumelie Holdo

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To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before

Image Debit: Dumelie's haircut, while wearing black robes

  • Intent: To create a witch that provides exotic services on behalf of the Utai Magic Circle
  • Image Credit: Latest Hairstyles by Cindy Marcus
  • Role: Dumelie is there to provide insolvency services on behalf of the Utai Magic Circle
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Utai Magic Circle
  • Age: 35
  • Force Sensitivity: Knight (Spellweaver)
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: Standing 5'5" at 120 lbs, Dumelie is a slender human female sporting somewhat curly purple hair. She has green eyes, and is often seen wearing black robes. However, while functional, her black robes seem a bit average: unrefined to some "impoverished patrician" kind of clients that used to be high net-worth before going insolvent, but well enough to blend in among other Witches at the coven.
  • Name: Dumelie Holdo, CPA, LIT
  • Loyalties: Nightsisters Coven
  • Wealth: Moderately
  • Notable Possessions: An ultralight swoop, a gonk droid
  • Skills:
    • Accounting: Veteran level
    • Insolvency law: Elite level
    • Mind trick: Knight level
    • Force lightning (includes chain lightning): Knight level
    • Force Storm (weather): Knight level
    • Force Sense: Knight level
    • Telekinesis: Padawan level
    • Memory Rub: Knight level
    • Drain Knowledge: Knight level
  • Personality: Dumelie is a person whose approach to using the Force can be summarized in using it as a tool. As such, her favorite tools are Force Lightning, which she regularly uses to recharge power cells, the mind trick and Memory Rub. She is incredibly passionate about insolvency, and its business thereof, that she won't hesitate to talk about it with other students in fields such as accounting or law. Of course, one should do well not to underestimate her intellectual capabilities. Surprisingly, she seems very calm and collected for someone that draws upon the dark side.
  • Weapon of Choice: Force Lightning
  • Combat Function: Dumelie would most likely be throwing up lightning at point-blank range, but unlike some dark-siders, she is much more finesse-intensive
  • Very good control over lightning: can make very precise adjustments to electrical current in use, which people to target and how to prevent collateral damage
  • Wits: Dumelie's intellectual capabilities are very sharp
  • Overreliance on the Force: she is virtually defenseless without it and has to fall back on wits then
  • Can be easily picked off at long ranges
  • Headaches can be very dangerous to her: it would make it difficult for her to make any use of the Force or her wits
Rumored to be a descendent of the Holdo family of Crait fame, Dumelie was quickly identified as a Force-sensitive and also underwent psychometric testing at an early age, as lived on Gatalenta. As a result, Dumelie was taken into a special education scheme, which turned out to be Nightsister training on Dathomir. During her apprenticeship as a Nightsister, her clan went bankrupt and its creditors forced the member witches to join different clans or to leave Dathomir altogether. Dumelie then made the decision to devote her life to the practice of insolvency as an accounting area of practice, while keeping in mind that debts are part of the common folk's lives.

Oblivious to the political situation of the galaxy at large, Dumelie continued to study accounting, albeit off-world, while keeping her powers on a low profile so that she could continue to pursue her objectives, and only using her powers in an emergency or in self-defense. Upon graduation, she undertook her articling period as an accountant with one of the few firms on Dathomir that allowed people to practice insolvency right out of graduation. At the time, insolvency was considered the most undesirable branch of the Dathomirian accounting world, at least from a Witch perspective.

When the Sith Empire occupied Dathomir, Dumelie no longer felt welcome on Dathomir, especially given the Sith propension for committing atrocities. As a result, she resettled on Utapau and kept a low profile, practicing as a licensed insolvency trustee (or LIT) while holding a CPA designation, allowing her to provide accounting services to insolvent entities, because all too often, clients of LITs are unable to make their own accounting. In fact, few clients that she served in her capacity as a LIT even knew about her heritage as a Nightsister. Yet, she could not deny her identity as a witch any more and then she joined the Utai Magic Circle, a local Nightsister coven.

John Locke John Locke Srina Talon Srina Talon Move to NPC section please...
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