Duncan Voidstar
NAME: Duncan Voidstar
RANK: None
AGE: 23
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6 ft 1 in
WEIGHT: 193 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: White
Deadeye- Duncan is a natural with the blaster.
Graceful- He is very graceful and quick on his feet.
Ace Pilot- Duncan is a skilled almost naturally as a Pilot
Reckless: He is impulsive and reckless.
Impatient: Duncan is impatient he doesn't tolerate waiting for almost anything.
Duncan is 6 ft 1 in and weighs 193 lbs. He has blonde hair, blue eyes and white skin. He generally wears ordinary clothes for the area he is in to better blend in.
Stock DL-44 Heavy Baster Pistol
Duncan was born in 822 ABY on the first Centaxday of the 6 month on the planet Nar Shaddaa. His mother a dancer in a local club his father a useless drunk who left once he heard about his mother being pregnant. His mother tried to shelter him from the filth of Nar Shaddaa, but his mother couldn't protect him forever. He began to work for a small time criminal at the young age of twelve scamming money off some of the less bright people of Nar Shaddaa. The small time criminal taught the young boy to shoot finding out that he was a natural with a blaster. As the time passed because of his skill with a blaster he attracted the attention of some bigger criminals who could see the potential of the young boy, but the life of a criminal on Nar Shaddaa wasn't to be for this young man. As shortly after he turned sixteen his mother died at the hands of an obsessed fan. Enraged by her death he killed the man and paid for a ride off the moon not sure where he might go. He wound up in Coruscant working for an old smuggler by the name of Alex. He learned to fly from Alex becoming a proficient pilot and co-pilot. Alex became a father figure to the young kid. He worked for Alex for around 4 and a half years before the smuggler decided to retire giving Duncan his ship a modified TLX-3000 Light Freighter. He's been traveling the galaxy since smuggling and working part time as a sort of mercenary.
SHIP: Duncan's ship is a modified TLX-3000 Light Freighter that is named Omen. It was modified for speed mainly so it can better outrun enemy ships. It is black with green details.
Maneuverability Rating: 3.5 (average of the stock TLX-3000 Light Freighter)
Speed Rating: 5 (the rating is 1.5 above the average for the stock TLX-3000 Light Freighter)
Hyperdrive Class: 2 main | 12 backup (average of the stock TLX-3000 Light Freighter)
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