Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Durisan Windrage


NAME: Durisan Windrage


RANK: Jedi Knight

SPECIES: Ragithian

AGE: 35

SEX: Male


WEIGHT: 200 lbs

EYES: Yellow

HAIR: Blonde

SKIN: Tanned



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Humility: Due to Durisans extended stays in nature, his level of humility is much higher than most - he sees the galaxy in a different light than most sentient beings do and truly has respect for all life as opposed to some Jedi who only have respect for sentient life.

Wisdom: Durisan has wisdom beyond his years and rank as a Jedi Knight having a thorough understanding of life and the way the living force works.

Plant Surge: Durisan has developed his abilities for plant surge to far exceed just the basic and simple abilities most Jedi have in the force move - and continuously adapts the force power in order to better suit his needs in dire situations. This offers the element of surprise to any enemy who is not ready for him.


Fire: With a strength in plant surge and the ability to manipulate nature around him, the one major weakness in combat that he has is of course fire - that which can destroy all of nature.

Attachment: While he doesn't hold normal attachments like Jedi do to lovers or other beings, his attachment resides in Nature itself - seeing it destroyed may push him over the edge one day.

Durisan hardly dresses normal. He's a hulking tower of a man who is typically clad in clothing he made himself out in nature or if the Silver Jedi Order makes him, at times he will be in light green robes. The Majority of the time though, he wears a green robe under neath shoulderpads made of twigs and leaves, and the rest of his body is typically coated in some form of mud.


As a padawan Durisan was relatively normal. He went through his daily life with his master [member="Ulic Adraya"] with out a hitch and had a relatively normal apprentice ship under the Knight. At some point, though it is not known of the exact date, he had a mental break down when communicating with a Sith.

This Sith [member="Lord Depravious"] , communicated to him that it was the Jedi who sought to destroy the natural order of things, that Chaos is woven in the very fabric of nature, it is an inescapable fact that Jedi seek to dismantle chaos, but why would the Jedi want to destroy natural Order? This was a thought that plagued the young Jedi Knight for months until he finally broke down and broke away from the Jedi Order. In this case wehre most jedi faulter is they fall to the Dark Side; however, instead of that he fell to nature. Durisan fled to the confines of the many forests of Kashyyk and other forested planets such as Ossus or Tython.

It was there that he spent years of his life developing his love and attachment to nature as well as his own theories of the living force. He realized that while yes, Jedi do seemingly go against the flow of nature their actions are what can help to guide the balance within nature. While the Jedi aren't exactly the balance of nature they are one side of the scales, while the sith are the other side - and in order for nature to exist that balance needs to exist.

Something else that Durisan realized in his journeys outside of the order is that an individual Jedi can change the flow of the entirety of the order, meaning that all it could take was him - to help change the way the Jedi view non-sentient beings.


Will Keep updated.

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