Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Dustin Cin-Bad

Dustin Cin-Bad




NAME: Dustin Cin-Bad


RANK: Knight


AGE: Middle Aged (50s according to timeline)

SEX: Male


BUILD: Athletic

EYES: Dark Green

HAIR: Amber

SKIN: Fair




Independent: As is frequently the case of many Jedi Sentinels Dustin can work well on his own. Although solo work isn't really something he prefers he is quite capable of it.

Profitable: Not the most Jedi like trait but Dustin has a knack for being rather lucrative. Having plenty of
experience in the galactic underworld around Hutt Space. He has picked up on a very many things to earn himself credits both legally and... less than legally.

Damaged Force Connection: From his past experiences Dustin's once raw potential in The Force has been diminished. Somewhat offsetting his high potency from earlier on in his life and making him a less proficient as he once was. His connection even atrophying to a degree as he has become less reliant on it in his day to day life.

Cybernetic Prosthetics: Dustin has a few cybernetic appendages which are really just replacements and offer no real enhancements such as improved durability. If anything their vulnerabilities to things such as electricity as the higher conductivity of the cybernetics can prove detrimental to Dustin.

Scoundrel: From his time as a Rouge Jedi Dustin has made a lot of
acquaintances. Unfortunately though many were unsavory characters and has made far more enemies than he has friends. Having burned bridges before and after his time as a Jedi Watchmen and hasn't done himself many favors in regards to his Jedi contemporaries.


Dustin looks like a rather athletic human male with generally slicked back hair and stubble covering the lower half of his face. Most notable physical features of Dustin however is his the lower halves of his left arm and left leg which are cybernetic prosthetic replacements. As for clothes he's most frequently wears a large tattered cloak.

Born on the world of Ossus as one of the naturally Force Sensitive Ysanna. From the moment of his birth Dustin had a profound connection to The Force afforded to him by a complicated mutation that also cost the life of his mother. Unsure of who his father was and rendered an orphan mere hours into his life Dustin was adopted by the jedi housed on the planet.

Dustin was something of a promising student within the Jedi Enclave in his home world. His mentors are doing well to temper and hone his raw potential in The Force. At a fairly young age compared to many of his contemporaries Dustin was knighted, and furthered himself in the school of a Jedi Sentinel under the specialization of a Jedi Watchman. Diligently working around northern Hutt Space and the Kessel Sector as a protector where he was needed. Dealing with many adversaries generally of a criminal nature.

However, Dustin also had the close aid of his Ossus based allies to the north of him and the SCJ to the west. So he was not entirely alone in his endeavors. Unfortunately though the Jedi Sentinel was not ready for what was to come. Having dealt with scores of criminal and mercenary forces, Dustin was ill-prepared for when the Bryn’adul warmachine encroached onto the territory under his watch.

Although he did the best he could to ward off the alien invaders it wasn’t enough. Try as he might, Dustin could do little more than defend those who had become displaced during the fighting. Helping large masses of refugees fleeing the Bryn’adul onslaught. The fighting and bloodshed had left the Jedi scarred and notably damaged his standing in The Force through the trauma and grief of the conflict.

Now troubled and ashamed by his failures Dustin distanced himself from the Jedi. Spending the most recent chapter of his life as little more than a glorified nomadic mercenary within the galaxy in relative peace since the Second Great Hyperspace War.



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