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Codex Denied Dva'rii-Jul

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  • Intent: To create a homeworld for my upcoming Species.
  • Image Credit: Fantasio
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Planet Name: Dva'rii-Jul
  • Demonym: Dvarrian
  • Region: Wild Space
  • System Name: Kaal-Da'rian System
  • System Features:
    • 1 Sun; 2,567,000 km in diameter
    • 5 Planets, all hospitable but no Sentient Life on the other four
    • Dva'rii-Jul is the fourth one from the sun.
    • A single day lasts about sixteen hours and, by its people, is divided into four different sectors.
      • Kalpari - The first four hours of the rising sun. "Kal" from the word "Kalisis" meaning Beginning, and "Pari" meaning Light
      • Elpari - The last four hours of the the day. "El" from the word "Elisis" meaning Ending,
      • Dulvas - The first four hours of the night up to midnight. "Dul" meaning Darkness and "Vas" from the word "Vasir" meaning Opposition
      • Dulvar - The last few hours of the night until daybreak. "Var" from "Varis" meaning to Defeat Opposition.
  • Location:
  • Major Imports:
    • Alusteel
    • Spices
    • Medicine
  • Major Exports:
    • Durasteel Ores
    • Dvarrian Iron (Small Amounts but very expensive) (Link TBA; Substance Creation in Progress)
    • Mega-Fauna Food
    • Dvarrian Wood (Creation in Progress)
    • Melee Weaponry
    • Gems
  • Unexploited Resources:
  • Gravity: Twice Standard Gravity
  • Climate:
    • Tropical, Hot and Steamy :)
  • Primary Terrain:
    • Tropical Root Jungles
    • Mountainous
    • Exposed Mantle Vein Ravines
    • Expanisve River Systems
  • Atmosphere: Type 1, breathable. High-Concentration of Oxygen may lead to Oxygen poisoning on prolonged visits for humans, though their physical and mental capacities will grow due to it.
  • Capital City:
    • Loprith Van'Parilan - The capital city of Dva'Run, Loprith Van'Parilan, is known for getting most of its energy from the nearby exposed mantle vein, using its heat and swiftly flowing lava as a power source. Loprith is a general term for City but Van is an additive, meaning "Great" but is often associated with heat. Parilan means brightness. Obviously, it is a city known for its shimmering gold figure in contrast with the predominant dark reds near an exposed Mantle Vein Ravine. It is one of the only cities not made mostly within roots.
  • Planetary Features:
    • Cities and villages are often made from the roots of enormous trees, though most villages would have started with exterior housing before moving into the roots. The roots carry a constant source of water, flowing up into the tree from the expansive rivers, so they would never have to walk far to reach a water source.
    • For reasons unknown but are likely credited to an unnamed material within the tectonic plates of the planet, repulsorlifts are incapable of pushing back against the gravity. This requires them to perch upon designated trees that are high enough for them to leave the atmosphere without having to deal with the interference. The air there, however, is extremely thin and oxygen packs are recommended.
    • Roads are carved from the roots and most vehicles here and land-based with primitive technology, using wheels and such. However, most simply use animals to get around, as they are less-expensive and faster.
    • The planet is mostly ocean and the world is primarily only two continents, separated by one extreme large and expansive river system.
      • Dva'run - The Northern Continent
      • Dva'ken - The Southern Continent
  • Major Locations:
    • Lodswig La'Vask - The greatest religious and most famous center of the planet - located inside Loprith Van'Parilan as a district. Here, they worship the God-Empress of their people thousands of years ago; Vask, the first of the Master Force-Users of their people and often regarded as the most powerful.
    • Lodswig La'Karis - An isolated religious village-temple on the Southern Continent
    • Van'Vaar Karvel - The Great Red Rivers; the Open Mantle Veins that Loprith Van'Parilan.
    • Van'Vaar Sevuma - The Great Sevuma Rivers; the river systems that separates the Northern and Southern Continents.
  • Force Nexus (Optional): The Southern Continent is a strong nexus of the Light Side due to its strong religious principalities. The Northern Continent is on the Dark Side.
    • Intent: To explain the culture of the Force revolving around the people.
    • Nexus Name: The continent names.
    • Nexus Alignment: Light & Dark
    • Size: Planetary
    • Strength: Moderate
    • Accessibility: Open, as it does encapsulate the entire planet.
    • Effects: Originally, the planet was once a strong in the Dark Side due to the people's constant focus on war and conquest. Entire battles were fought over small petty conflicts, thousands killed senselessly because of the quarrels of the matriarchs. However, many would defect from this, crossing the Great River Sevuma for a peaceful life, and the defense of such peace. The Zalvarians are often ill-tempered, even as they venture through the Lightside, and so are the rest of the species of this planet because of the Force. The Force influences the creature's of this planet to grow big and strong.
  • Native Species: The Zalvarians (To Be Made)
  • Immigrated Species:
  • Population: Sparse
  • Demographics:
    • Gender & Sex:
      • Males, while physically stronger and more agile, are deemed a lesser person than the Females. They are not allowed into politics and certain occupations where a intelligence is the attribute relied on. They vastly outnumber the Females but are never Force Sensitive, which is the primary reason why they are deemed a lesser person. Males lack sight through the Force and during their times separated from the rest of the galaxy, to them, it meant that they were insufficient in intelligence in comparison to the females. Very little of the male population ever marry due to the difference in population. Even when they realized that they were just normal and not deficient when they were introduced to the rest of the galaxy, the culture already had its say.
      • Females are far less common, comprising less than 20% of the population but will often give birth to multiple children at once, with the least amount of children born being four and will often give birth twice in one year.. Thankfully, the infants are small in comparison to humans. All Females are Force-Sensitive and the abilities and knowledge given to them through the Force makes them not only more dangerous even with lesser physical strength, but deemed to be more intelligent, charismatic, and overall more valuable. They are the rulers and leaders of the world.
    • Races:
      • The humans are a rarity, often looked at like a unique sight. While a few humans managed to live here through certain implants, they are overall not influencial to the Zalvarians. The Oxygen level results in vastly lowered life-spans in humans, so they avoid this place as much as possible except when trading.
      • The Devaronians are the most accepted of the races due to their physical similarities and outlook on genders where the females are the leaders.
  • Primary Languages:
    • Zal'shur - The most predominant language on Dva'rii-Jul, it is known for its plain spoken pronounciations. Although speaking it can be hard due to how complex the words can be, figuring out how to say those words is a pinch as there is only one way to pronounce each symbol. Unlike many languages where certain symbols can make different sounds under certain contexts, there is only one sound to be associated for every symbol. These leads to often tongue-twisting and odd-sounding words but is rather easy to grasp and understand. It is often joked, even before being introduced to Galactic Basic, that they could form an entire exchange by repeating one syllable.
  • Dva'run Culture:
    • Dva'run Basic: The lives of the Zalvarians are simple but not easy. For the men, they are often extremely work-oriented and passionate about what they do, often wanting to prove themselves through the art. They will go to great measures to display their skill and strength, especially to females. They are ultimately subservient to the females, and are segregated from them. Likewise, they do not bear a strong sense of family, as most male children born are given away to be raised by the many childless males. The females are raised and educated within higher class groups, trained to use their gifts and expressions. Males are often assigned to older and trusted males of a certain occupation when they are ten. Prior to that, they are trained in a variety of skills by the Brood Maiden who disciplines them, essentially brainwashing them into believing they are a lesser race, while also training them to be as useful as possible, primarily physical conditioning,
    • Dva'run Art: Art in their culture is one of the few things that the Zalvarian genders seem to deem themselves equal on. Art for them long outdated the arts of the Force, stretching back to their ancestors. Even during the times where the Force began to take ahold of their culture, artworks between male and female didn't see a divide. Due to this, many males often take up this line of work as it is the easiest way to prove themselves equal to the Females in one respect and the easiest path to their hearts, but there is much competition for this exact same reason. Their definition of art is mostly limited to paintings and sculptures - they do not view works of fiction as art nor do they do song, as song is thought of as leisure while painting or sculpting is thought of as work.
    • Dva'run Religion: Their religions, much like most religions in the Galaxy, revolve around the Force. The Northerners worship the ways of La'Vask, worshipping their former God-Empress Vask. In their language, the term for the Force is also Vask. In this religion where the Dark Side is very prominent, they do not suffer the same egotism that the Sith do as their entire religion is formed around the worship of another individual, though they do certainly suffer under a different kind. Vask's penchant for conquest and dominion, spreading her name in the annals of Zalvarian culture, needs to be kept on. The followers of Vask are the ones the urges the Matriach of the Northern Zalvarians the most to attack their Southern brethren but conflict has only ever happened twice with them. The military and religion are closely-related, the Battlesisters are some of the most commended generals. The religion grew in popularity by absorbing others into it - or destroying them. Deities worshipped by other religions were assimilated into it as Vask's Court. They were still Gods; in the texts they still existed. There are temples scattered about in their likeness but all shared one thing in common: they were all under Vask. Vask was a supreme Goddess, above all others. They did not restrict the worship of these other Deities, as long as they were not contested to be above Vask, and therefore their followers were not above hers.
    • Dva'run Sexuality: Homosexuality and Bisexuality are rare in Zalvarians, more so than in humans but it doesn't mean they do not exist. In Dva'run, males displaying homosexuality and bisexuality are publicly flagellated by the religious and governing figures. For females, this is simply kept behind closed-doors and if found, is often used to discredit them.
  • Dva'Ken Culture:
    • Dva'Ken Basic: Like the Northerners, both male and female Zalvarian children are raised separate from each other but the treatment is somewhat fairer. All of the children are raised in temples, educated by the religious heads. While female superiority is still felt as there is still a vast majority of them in the leading roles, the male's at least have a place in their higher society. In spite of their more peaceful outlook, the males are also primarily trained in physical aspects as in the end, they will be their primary militant force and they will be what fends off the Dva'run forces when they come. However, they are allowed and encouraged to learn the more esoteric vocations. Education was primarily sought out individually, a student to look for a master. Due to this, they are often lesser in technology in comparison to their Northern Counterparts but more of their women find themselves focusing on spirituality and personal development rather than power-scrounging in politics, which is almost void in the religiously dominated south, so their power in the Force tends to be more developed and realized, not like they have anything else to do, really.
    • Dva'Ken Art: Art is not all that unique from Dva'run culture. The female form is still greatly depicted in art more than male forms. However, they seem to have more developed idea of dances. Dances were a union of sorts between two individuals, not particularly just male and female. As such, Dva'Ken music is far more developed and, pun intended, instrumental. Dances between males and females are often sexual in nature so those that dance together are viewed as lovers or engaged, seemingly regardless of context. Between those of the same sex, it is often normalized and less powerful but still harboring great ideals of friendship.
    • Dva'Ken Religion: They worship Karis who may or may not have existed. It was said that it was she that calmed the raging waves of the Great Sevuma Rivers that allowed those of Dva'Ken to cross. Karis was one of Vask's descendants, born from the one of the lines of the eighty in her brood. The Lodswig La'Vask
  • Government: [ Federal Republic would describe a government such as the United States. Other general terms can be used. ]
  • Affiliation: [ Does this planet fall under the rule of a certain person or faction? Company or group? Link any relevant characters, faction pages, or groups. ]
  • Wealth: [ Poor, Low, Medium, High, Wealthy. Describe, briefly, why. ]
  • Stability: [ Low, Medium, High. Are there major issues causing unrest? Is this a planet of chaos or one of peaceful law-abiding citizens? Is it dangerous for travellers to visit or are you safe as an outsider? Describe the general feel and theme of any overarching government or rulers/leaders in this city. ]
  • Freedom & Oppression: [ Describe the atmosphere of freedom on this planet. Are the people fairly free or is oppression of society and commerce heavy? Does it have a dictatorial ruler? Is fear of the ruling body prevalent? Relaxed and open? Is anything unusual illegal or permitted? ]
  • Military: [ Describe the military capabilities of this planet. Is it completely demilitarized? A fortress world complete with heavy defenses? A space-faring world with a substantial navy? Is it a hive of scum and villainy with no discernible defense structure other than what it's inhabitants have to offer? Or maybe due to low tech the people here are still in the bronze age. ]
  • Technology: [ A description of how technologically advanced the planet is relative to the galaxy. If there is nothing of note, simply put ‘Galactic Standard’. ]
[ Include a history of the planet here. Be sure to cover the following information:
How was the planet discovered? How was the planet settled? When was it settled? Why was it settled? What major events specific to the planet helped shape its inhabitants to what they are today? If there is a Nexus, how did it come about and how did it influence the history of the planet?

Remember that these custom planets may be submitted to the map for the community to enjoy. The more background you set down, the more clearly others will be able to understand your view of your creation. ]


Ylla Caeli'runa

Deryn Kaaldos Deryn Kaaldos

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