Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Dvasia


SITH NAME: Dvasia (Translates to "Ghost" in Sith)

GIVEN NAME: Jacste Selden

FACTION: The Sith Order


RANK: Sith Apprentice


AGE: Early Twenties

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5' 11"

WEIGHT: 165 lbs.

EYES: Shisen N-5 Optical Implants
  • Dark Side Corrupted: Luminous Orange
  • Natural: Bright Blue
  • Left eye is fully cybernetic. Right eye is mostly his original organic eye, but implanted so it can still function.

HAIR: Dark Brown

SKIN: Pale


  • Huttese: Native
  • Basic: Fluent
  • ur-Kittat: Beginner

  • Natural Born Sith: Strong in the force and full of hatred, Dvasia was born for the Dark Side.
  • Tactical Genius: Has a strategically intelligent mind.
  • Lethal Fighter: Jacste is a master of hand to hand combat, force combat and lightsaber combat. His Force affinity makes him a deadshot with blasters as well.
  • Master of Lightsaber Combat: Has mastered many forms of Lightsaber Combat, including a Knight level understanding of Forms I, II, III, V, VI, including Jar'Kai Style dual wielding. His chosen form, of which he's trained in to full mastery, is Form IV: Ataru, but he often uses Form V: Djem So/Shien in conjunction, creating his own, mixed style that's a strong mix of the two.
  • Cybernetic Eyes: Shisen N-5 Optical Implants allow him to see clearer, farther and in any wavelength or spectrum of light required. The eyes are modified by the manufacturer, per request, to mimic the affects of Dark Sude Foece corruption.

  • Perpetual Violence: Jacste is known to have randomly violent impulses and outbursts that he has no ability to control. This has often gotten him in trouble and causes people to fear him. Common people, he'd refer to as weak, call him a monster and a murderous psychopath, but they're right. Since he already had a violent nature he thought he might as well use it to make profit and decided to become a mercenary.
  • Suicidal Bravery: Can be headstrong and reckless at times, as he's young, impatient and carries an ever present need to prove himself.

Tall and lean, with what's referred to as a "fighter's body". He has pale skin, dark brown hair and bright blue eyes, though use of the Dark Side has changed them and caused his eyes to glow an unnatural, bright ember color. Wears black Sith Assassin armor. Carries a black lightsaber, with a hilt resembling that of a katana, hanging from the left hip on his belt or hidden in the sleeves of his robes.
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Jacste Selden was born on Nar Shaddaa to a Sith mother and a non-Force sensitive father. His mother left him on Nar Shaddaa with his abusive father to make him stronger. One day his father, after years of abusing him finally died of what authorities called "mysterious circumstances". What they didn't know was his mother had returned to collect the boy, but only after she convinced him to murder his father as a means to "break his chains".

However after he boarded her ship they were intercepted and attacked by Silver Jedi ships on the way to Sith-Imperial space, where he was to be trained as a Sith Lord. A violent space battle ensued and Jacste was separated from his mother, who was assumed dead, killed in action. The boy was taken back with the Silver Jedi to be trained as one of their own, but not before they wiped his mind of who and what he was. Forgetting his Sith heritage and his traumatic childhood would make it easier for him to train as a Jedi, they thought.

Jacste always felt something was wrong and that he didn't belong growing up at the Jedi temple. One day he received a private message from an unknown woman, who he was unaware was his estranged mother. She still lived. The message told him who he really was and that the Jedi kidnapped and brainwashed him. At this point he was already trained to the level of Jedi Knight. Jacste confronted his master about the message and ended up murdering him for his betrayal before he fled Silver Jedi space, becoming a fallen Jedi.

He had always hated serving the weak who "couldn't", more like wouldn't, defend themselves. The government could have just trained the citizens to protect themselves, but instead they coddled them like toddlers. Jacste believed if you couldn't safeguard your own life you didn't deserve to keep it. You didn't deserve to live.

He grew tired of the lies and having his mind played with. He was never a Jedi, he was just their slave. And so he moved back home to Nar Shaddaa, taking up his father's old residence and seeking to use his power to serve himself alone. The residence was a gift from his mother to his father. A place to raise and mold her son into an heir worthy of power, worthy of her line, and it succeeded in doing just that. It was more a Sith palace than an ordinary residence.

Jacste preferred to work for criminals and warlords for money rather than to serve the weak for free. And so he did as a Dark Jedi mercenary, working mostly for The Hutt Space Consortium and The Sith Order. The Fallen Jedi began collecting Sith Holocrons, ancient artifacts and tomes of Dark Side origin as a means of training himself so he could live by himself, for himself, without allegiance to any master.
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