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Approved Melee Weapon Dxun's Bane

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Manufacturer: Ninurta Slaabur'r, Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Heavy
Melee Type:
  1. Axe
Size: Average

  • Xenoboric micro-pores - When turned on, the axe head leaks droplets of xenoboric acid to enhance cutting power through flesh, minerals and metals.
  • Ultrasonic Vibrogenerator - Vibrates the axe head at ultrasonic speeds and extends axe head's edge by 1 foot when active.
  • Champions trophy - Made from a combination of beskar and maalraa bones. The axe is effective in battle and also a ceremonial trophy piece.
  • Ultrasonic generator, when active, extends weapons cutting edge by 1 foot.
  • Micropores in axe head contain ample amounts of xenoboric acid capable of damaging armor over repeated strikes.
  • Contructed from beskar and maalraas bone and is naturally lightsaber and blaster resistant.
  • Limited range.
  • Xenoboric effects are indiscriminate toward friend and foe.
  • Power cells are vulnerable to exploitation.
The axe features a large, axehead forged from pure Beskar. The Beskar is expertly tempered and folded to give the blade a gleaming, dark metallic finish that seems to absorb light. The sharp edges of the blade are honed to a razor's edge, capable of cutting through the toughest armor with ease. Embedded within the blade are the bones of a Maalraas, the predatory beasts of Dxun known for their stealth and viciousness. The bone is integrated into the spine of the axe head and shaft, reinforcing the structure and adding a primal aesthetic. The bone is polished to a smooth, ivory-like finish, contrasting starkly with the dark Beskar.

The haft of the axe is wrapped in Maalraas hide, tanned and treated to be both supple and durable. The hide is patterned with the distinctive markings of the Maalraas, giving the weapon a feral appearance. The grip is meticulously crafted to provide maximum comfort and control, even during the most intense combat scenarios.

At the heart of the Maalraas Fang lies an ultrasonic vibro generator, an advanced piece of technology that enhances the blade's cutting power exponentially. When activated, the generator causes the blade to vibrate at ultrasonic frequencies, allowing it to slice through flesh, bone, and even dense metals with minimal resistance. The true horror of the Maalraas Fang lies in its hidden feature: a series of microscopic pores embedded along the edges of the blade. These pores are designed to expel xenoboric acid upon impact, a rare and potent acid known for its ability to potentially corrode any material. With each strike, the acid seeps into the wounds, eating away at the flesh, bone, and armor of the axe's victims, weakening them further and ensuring their demise.

Image Source: X

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create a reward for the Great Hunt champion of Dxun
Image Source(s):
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders
Model: N/A
Modular: No
Material: Maalraa Bone, Beskar, Xenoboric acid, Ultrasonic Vibro Generator, Power cells
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