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Approved Ranged Weapon E-60R Ordinance Launcher

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Manufacturer: The Trade Federation
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
Size: Large


  • Marked-Target Firing Lock - also known simply as a firing lock, was a type of ranged weapon attachment that mitigated the chances of unintended casualties. It prevented its user from firing the weapon it was attached to unless the firing lock's sensors detected that there was a clear line of sight to the target that was designated in advance.
  • Integrated Forearm Grip - were weapon attachment kits which increased the grip
  • Ordnance impeller - Ordnance impellers were unusual weapon attachments used to propel explosive devices.
  • Hair Trigger - The hair trigger accessory made it easier to fire several shots in quick succession by reducing the amount of pressure that must be placed on the trigger.
  • The rockets are capable of homing in on a target at close range.
  • A variety of munitions could be used with the launcher.
  • The Missile Launcher can be used in a variety of extreme conditions, including arctic, desert, and jungle environments.
  • In a cost-cutting measure, the launchers were equipped with surplus viewfinder scopes, forcing the operator to manually aim
  • 7 rockets (1 in launcher, 6 carried by operator)

The Trade Federation E-60R Ordinance Launcher was modeled after the E-60R Missile Launcher used by assault battle droids of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars.

However, to adjust to the evolving nature of warfare in the galaxy, particularly following the Imperial Offensive on Coruscant, the weapon underwent upgrades and enhancements to better suit the needs of the Galactic Alliance Defense Forces after recieving a corporate commission from the Galactic Alliance High Command and the Federal Assembly.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: Make a Missile Launcher for the Galactic Alliance
Permissions: None

Technical Information

Affiliation: The Galactic Alliance
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Long Range
Rate of Fire: Selective Fire
Material: Quadanium, Durasteel, Faraday Cage Components, Electronic Components Computing Components
Ammunition Type: Missiles
Ammunition Capacity: Average
Damage Output: High
Recoil: High
Ranged Class: Other
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