Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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EA-9 001

EA-9 001

NAME: EA-9 001
FACTION: FormerSith Empire, Rogue
RANK: Droid
SPECIES: EA-9 hunters
AGE: 1
SEX: Masculine
HEIGHT: 2 meters (6 feet)
WEIGHT: 160 kgs.
EYES: Red Photoreceptors.
HAIR: None.
SKIN: Red, black, and silver.
FORCE SENSITIVE: Not in the slightest.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Droid skin: Having metal for his skin he can hand out a few punches and take some punishment.
Reflexes: Very Fast and lilith for a droid.
360 YO!: His hands and upper body can spin in a 360 degree circle. Rather Gnarly.
Grappler/Blaster: In his left hand he has a deployable grappling hook, and in his right he has a blaster.
ITS ALIVE!: He can talk Galactic Basic and Sith.
Rogue Droid: His kinds of the EA-9 hunter droids after the fall of the Sith Empire was one of the few only made and not stationed out to someone. He has no master and so his processor needs to find a place to find as a "home" or a "Master"
EMP/lightning: well not so good with those.
Water: not this one either.
Force: Even though he knows Shien and Jar'Kai as a lightsaber forms, he does not have the force, which means that he can not properly perform some of the tasks that it requires.
Hyped up Magnaguard and with a rather good set of lightsabers.

Made in a factory he was going to be assigned to a Sith Lord when the Fall of the Sith Empire came. and as production stopped he was one of the few made that didn't have a Master. He knows the lightsaber forms of Shien and Jar'kai. However he has not put it to use and has no real experience in battle. As he is now a droid that has been forgotten, he needs a place to stay.

SHIP: Tie Rapier


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