Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Eakan Askli



Aliases:Eakes, Eak', 'Captain'.
Occupation:Ranger in the Rimward Ranger Corps.
Place of residence:Susevfi, when not working.
Age:Late thirties, early forties.
Character Traits:Loyal.
Faction(s):Rimward Trading League.
Languages:Galactic Basic.
Force Sensitive:No.
Character Alignment:Lawful Neutral.


    "It is the quest for honor that makes one honorable."

    Life in the Outer Rim is never kind, even in places like Susevfi. Born into complete poverty to a family of prospectors, Eakan Askli was never going to be destined for anything. He spent his childhood on a ranch, learning from his father the many century-old agricultural and horticultural practices of local farmers. As soon as Eakan reached teenagehood, his family kicked him out - as they had done to his five older brothers. Father couldn't feed a dozen children, and life as a venerable nomad would mature them and build them into men. At least that's what he said.

    After a handful of years doing odd jobs as a farmhand across the planet, Eakan joined the burgeoning retinue of a powerful cattle magnate. As a retinue man, in essence a bodyguard and retainer, he learned how to shoot a blaster 'good and proper' - and became well acquainted with the life of the prevailing classes of criminal in Susevfi. Soon, due to his increasingly close relationship with the cattle baron, Eakan was dispatched on increasingly important tasks. In due time, he had become a lieutenant in the barely legal operations of the baron's company, and was making more credits than he knew what to do with.

    But life in the Outer Rim is never kind. While carousing at a cantina, a drunken prospector - spited years prior by Eakan's benefactor - shot and killed the baron. The worst of it was yet to come. Eakan was supposed to have been guarding the baron, and so the rest of the retinue blamed him for their boss' death. Unfortunately, he was forced to kill several of his former compatriots in self-defense before being wounded in turn. When the local police apprehended those responsible for the firefight, they were all incarcerated and imprisoned.

    Eakan spent several years in prison, during which time he built connections with local branches of the Hutt Cartel, from whom he gained protection against his comrades-turned-enemies. His eventual release coincided with the formation of the Rimward Trading League, and so rather than allow himself to be dragged further into the criminal underworld by associating with the Hutts outside of prison, he ratted out his cellmates and received a hefty reward. This marked the beginning of Eakan's long career with law enforcement.

    After working odd jobs as a hired gun across the Outer Rim, Eakan returned to Susevfi. Through an old friend and prior connections, Eakan ultimately landed himself a position in the Ranger Corps. He has worked in the corps ever since, and was recently promoted to captaincy.


    Although maybe once considered lean and well-built, Eakan now only maintains the facade of healthiness. Average height, average weight - Eakan truly is an average person. His sinewy, sun-battered face betrays his jadedness, while his long cheeks are typically concealed by a shaggy beard and paired with prominent cheekbones and a well-structured jawline. Eakan usually hides his receding and thinning hairline by wearing a hat or a helmet, or in unavoidable occasions he combs his long hair over the top of it. A sharp but broken nose juts down from between a heavy brow, and is flanked by lively brown eyes; facade to decades of pain and toil.


    +Good Shot: Since his childhood, Eakan has handled blasters. From simple pistols to hunting rifles, he's seen it all - and he's practiced with it all too. Over the course of his life, he has become a skilled sharpshooter and a handy gunman.

    +Criminal Connections: Although Eakan might now be a distinguished law enforcement veteran and a dedicated citizen of the League, he comes from a past full of violence, hate and corruption. He has found it difficult to cut off his past connections with the Outer Rim underworld, and maintains them even still - for work purposes, if nothing else.

    +Harsh Upbringing: Eakan has only seen moderate success in life due to his own personal toils. Circumstance of birth was an obstacle he had to overcome, but the entire ordeal made him stronger. Poverty hardens, and Eakan has overcome.

    Avid Musician: During his travels, Eakan picked up the bass vye as a hobby. In prison, he had more than enough time to practice with the instrument - and when he got out he began performing in rudimentary dusk concerts. He has become a skilled player.

    -Aging Warrior: Captain Eakan is no longer at his peak. Slowly, he is learning to accept the fact that he is growing older - and that with it, he is unable to perform the rigorous physical activities that he did in his youth. Even still, it's a hard pill to swallow.

    -Cigarra Addict: The dodgy and anti-social life Eakan dealt in as a young man left him with various addictions, among them to cigarras. The side effects have been minimal thus far, but his dexterity and stamina are less than desirable when it truly comes down to it.

    Armor & Clothing:
    -Standard issue Rimward Ranger uniform.
    -Mk III protective flak vest.
    -A hat.
    -Civilian clothes.

    -A280 blaster rifle.
    -DH-17 blaster pistol.
    -Merr-Sonn C-22 fragmentation grenades.
    -Merr-Sonn standard issue shock baton.

    -X4 Incom gunship.
    -LC-4 speeder bike (civilian use).

    -Shock binders.
    -Bass vye.

(template credit to Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze )
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