Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Eamon Tragon

Quintus Varro

NAME: Eamon Tragon

SPECIES: Firrerreo
AGE: 35
SEX: male
HEIGHT: 1.95 meters

WEIGHT: 99.8 kg
EYES: brown
HAIR: black and silver, dyed all black
SKIN: golden hue

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Trained soldier: An ex-Imperial soldier Eamon is well trained in military combat, and small group tactics
Engineer: Despite his soldiering lifestyle Eamon's true joy is engineering and creating, his experiences as a soldier have created more a knack for creating weapons of war.
Distrust: Heavily distrusting governments and Force Users in all form Eamon prefers working for himself of private firms. The collapse of the Sith Empire has left him for an incredible distaste for governments of all types, and the Force Users who seem to guide them.
Understanding, but not master: While he has been well trained in combat, in truth he understands the theory much more then the actual fighting. While on the ground in small groups he is much more adept in larger scale warfare or Force forbid space warfare he is much more a student of theory then actual experience or ability.
APPEARANCE: Eamon is a rather brooding figure, his face often falling into a look of cold anger. While not so much a threatening appearance it is one that keep most people from poking at him.

Born on Bastion Eamon spent his younger days in schooling, his major study into droids and their brains more specificity lead him into history and the hey day of the droid army in the Corporate Sector's attempted secession from the Republic. While doomed to failure the effectiveness of the Droid forces were undeniable, and Eamon became quite obsessed with the subject on the whole. Leaving college life behind though he stayed on Bastion due to a budding romance and took on a job in a small local firm creating domestic models of droids.

As the planet came under the dominion of the Sith Empire though things changed quickly, and while due to their proximity to one of the great powers of the galaxy they had already been heavily influenced things changed drastically upon their official take over of the planet. Eamon found himself in compulsive military service, and just as suddenly the young Firrerreo found himself serving in the Imperial Military, his background getting him into a spot as a combat engineer. While initially unhappy after the training he found himself enjoying the grade of toys he could play with, and while his life wasn't quite his own anymore he was still on Bastion, and married life continued on.

Then came the Republic. A trooper on garrison duty was simple and as long as you could avoid the wrath of the more violent Sith, it was easy. That ended when the Republic invaded, its grand idealism leading it in a crusade against the Sith Empire and it's billions of citizens as the Republic brought death and destruction with it's ideas of Freedom. Eamon's hatred grew for it as the number of friends he buried, he found a sudden allegiance to the Empire as the invaders moved further into the Empire, eventually soliciting help from the Mandalorians, and the dead continued to pile up, in the name of freedom. Who's freedom he wasn't sure, the Mandalorians he accepted, the Empire had thrown the gauntlet first, and they simply took it up. The Republic there was never a really straight story on at his level, Imperial media said one thing, and Republic another.

In the end it seemed it was just an issue between Sith and Jedi, and the Republic decided to kill a whole lot of people to solve it. Only the Sith just up and left leaving behind the Empire to crumble, leaderless and abandoned to the guns of the Republic. Governments or the Force which was the true evil, to this day Eamon was undecided, but washing his hands of the whole thing he left the smoking rubble that was his life and moved on, anger an ever present bile in the back of his mind.

SHIP: n/a

KILLS: n/a



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