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Approved Location Earthen Rampart

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: Expand on Tephrike and flesh out a location established in rp and other submissions.
Image Credit: Here. Here. Here.
Canon: N/A.
Permission: Can use Archangel stuff since I own the company. Blanket permission for anything made by Val here.
Links: Into Darkness, After Darkness, Tephrike.

Military Base Name
: Earthen Rampart.
Classification: Temple, Fortress.
Location: Nexus City, Tephrike.
Affiliation: Dominion of Light, Battlemaster Mahtara, Cassius, Tephrike, Jedi Inquisition, The Guiding Strictures of Ashla and Mace Windu to Lead to Correct Thought and Belief, Grand Army of Light, Windian Jedi Order, Ecclesia of the Followers of the Divine Ashla in Her Beatific Form as Mistress of Hope and His Glorious Form as Master of Victory.
Population: Heavy.
Demographics: Mix of Temple Guards, Jedi, droids and misc. support personnel. The Dominion is a multi-species society, so one can find members of a variety of species here. Humans, Twi'leks, Togruta, Rodians, Mirialans, Zabrak, Devaronians and Duros are quite common. There are also a few Wookiees, Mon Calamari and Gungans. The Temple Guard is composed solely of clones. Many, though not all, Jedi are clones, too.
Accessibility: The Earthen Rampart is very difficult to access. The general population of Nexus City knows it exists, as it is important for them to know that the Dominion is still watching over them. But it is heavily fortified, located underground and not accessible for unauthorised individuals. The Jedi in command run it as a military base, and the Dominion is a nation at war. As a result, security is very tight. The Dominion is an isolationist, totalitarian theocracy that believes itself to be the last bastion of order and civilisation on Tephrike, so it will respond aggressively to any intrusion attempt. The government has declared a state of emergency, so martial law is in force and the base cannot be accessed by members of the public without authorisation.

Description: The Earthen Rampart lies beneath the Grand Jedi Temple of Nexus City. Located in Skywalker Square, until recently the Temple was the seat of the Windian Jedi Order and centre of power of the Dominion of Light. The visitor was greeted by huge statues of legendary Jedi Masters such as Lord Hoth, Grandmaster Yoda, Master Mace Windu, as well as of the Jedi Lords who ruled over Tephrike. Holographic projections of old Jedi recited lines of the Jedi Code, more or less inaccurate quotes of Jedi sages and general words of wisdom from Tephrike's rulers. Jedi Temple Guards and Inquisitors watched over all, always on the lookout for signs of heresy within and without.

However, the Jedi Temple was levelled by Firemane during its brief, but intense campaign against the Dominion. Many Jedi perished in the bombardment. While parts of the Temple have been rebuilt, many are in a state of disrepair. The Earthen Rampart serves as its de facto replacement. It represents an expansion of the already formidable subterranean facilities of the old Temple. It is a cavernous network of catacombs, tunnels and underground facilities. The subterranean headquarters is equipped to withstand orbital bombardment.

The style of the building is utilitarian rather than elegant. Ares such as the Room of a Thousand Fountains harken back to a 'more civilised age', but on the whole the facility is not designed for comfort. The elegance of the Old Jedi Temple has largely been abandoned in favour of practicality. Propaganda is found throughout the Earthen Rampart, extolling the virtues of the Dominion and exhorting its warriors to be ever-vigilant in the face of the threat posed by the servants of the dark side, wherever they may lurk. Likewise, surveillance droids monitor the various halls and corridors.

It has dormitories, training rooms, meditation chambers, medical facilities, forgery, armoury, prison cells, offices, a war room as as well as a concealed hangar. Furthermore, a cloning facility has been set up and the Temple Guard is based here. Security is extremely tight. Security cameras and checkpoints have been set up throughout the base. The Windian Jedi Order is very militant and this is a time of total war, where they find themselves engaged in a war to the knife against the Dominion's enemies. As a result, the base is far more militarised than what is typically expected of facilities associated with Jedi. A significant contingent of Temple Guards and Jedi is stationed in the Earthen Rampart at all times. They also patrol the old Temple above. This structure has been partially rebuilt, but is not in use. Instead it has been fortified.

In contrast to a typical Jedi temple, only a small number of Padawans and Younglings are actually stationed here. The bombardment caused heavy casualties among the Jedi, so the Dominion's junta does not want to put all its eggs in one basket. Firemane may have withdrawn from Tephrike, but its warships and bombers could easily return. Moreover, the Dominion is engaged in all-out war with its native enemies. Thus training has been distributed across several facilities outside of the capital. This means that most of the Jedi present in the base will be trained soldiers instead of neophytes.

To reduce the risk of the Order being decimated by renewed Firemane bombardment, the Dominion has set up a Hidden Temple outside of the capital. Its existence is a well-kept secret. The more sensitive tomes and holocrons have been evacuated from the Jedi Archives and brought to this safe place. However, the Earthen Rampart is still a key military base and allows the Dominion to keep order in the capital and direct the war effort against its adversaries.



Old Temple: Strictly speaking this is not a part of the Earthen Rampart, but it is located directly above it and its lower level facilities have been incorporated into the base. Built in the style of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Once it was the seat of power of the Dominion as well as the main training centre of the Windian Jedi Order. Then it was levelled by Firemane bombardment. Parts of the structure have been rebuilt and a lot of rubble has been cleared away, but on the whole it is still in a poor state. For the time being, it stands as a reminder of the 'Rain of Fire'. However, the premise is still heavily guarded, as it is an access point for the base. Checkpoints and defences have been set up.

Room of a Thousand Fountains: Resembles the famous chamber in the old Jedi Temple on Coruscant by the same name. Located in the lower levels of the original Temple, it survived Firemane's bombardment. As with the historical room it tries to emulate, there is an artificial waterfall. The water streams out into various pools and streams. There are small arching stone bridges, and the room is filled with meditation pads and benches along the flagstone walkways. Moreover, there are planting beds with all manners of greenery.

Corridor of Heroes: Another leftover from the old Temple. The name is unintentionally ironic. One one stretch the heroes of the Old Republic such as Mace Windu, Yoda, Lord Hoth, Obi-Wan Kennobi and the Barsen'thor. On the other side are the matching heroes of the Dominion, such as Zaras Dant, Mahtara, Tyian Kree, General Kennobi and Grandmaster Aegus. Here the Grandmaster was ambushed and murdered by Jedi Councillors Cassius, Varus and Karana. His last words were 'You too, Cassius?', while he lay dying against the statue of Mace Windu, for his attacker was his own clone. Regretfully, Cassius struck off his Master's head. Officially the Grandmaster was killed in a Firemane bombing run while he was heroically touring the ruins to help trapped survivors escape the rubble and provide medical assistance. To claim otherwise is most unwise.

Great Hall: Located in a vast tunnel, this chamber serves as a meeting place for the Order in those situations when its members have to gather. Propaganda movies are sometimes shown here. Turbolifts lead to other areas of the Earthen Rampart. Depending on their sensitivity, these may require special clearance to access. The hall is monitored by security cameras and surveillance droids. Several divisions and departments of the Windian Jedi Order have offices for their members near the Great Hall. The same applies to liaison officers from government ministries and the Grand Army of Light.

Hall of Healing and Restoration: The medical facilities of the base. It is a place for medical studies and treatment for all kinds of diseases and injuries. These facilities is run by the Healers of the Windian Jedi Order. In addition to providing care to the wounded, the healers also study various diseases, especially those created via preternatural means such as Sith alchemy. This section includes a healing crystal room.

The Akk's Lair: Nickname for a highly secured compound in the lowest levels. Here the command and control apparatus is housed. Security is the tightest here, as the leaders can find refuge here and direct the war effort against the enemies of the Light. It also connects to secret passages that allow the Jedi to move in times of crisis, presenting possible escape routes, and an underground train. In addition, the Hall of Ritual can be found here. While smaller meditation chambers are scattered throughout the base, this is a place for the Masters of the Order to come together and hone their power. Located deep inside the lowest levels, it is quite safe from bombardment. Focus crystals are spread throughout the room, helping the Masters harness the energies of the Force.

Faithful Chosen of the Light Growth Chamber: A special wing of the medical facilities. This area contains the cloning facilities of the base. The Dominion believes that certain skilled individuals are too valuable to it clones them. This is called the Blessed Lineage Project. The fact that clones may not necessarily want to be obedient drones and follow in the footsteps of their template is dismissed. In addition, cloning is also a way to restore lost body parts. This wing is largely self-sufficient, with its own facilities to accommodate any newly grown clones before they are exposed to the rest of the Order. Access to this area is restricted and it is under heavy guard.

Archives of the Wisdom of the Noble Forebears: Self-explanatory really. Study and self-improvement is a vital part of the life of any Jedi. Thus they are well-advised to learn from the wisdom of their forebears. However, many sensitive tomes have been relocated elsewhere to reduce the risk of thefts and break-ins. Lecture halls and study areas have been included. Obelisk-shaped mounts project inspirational lines from holy Jedi texts and holographic projections of past Jedi masters are there to offer their wisdom to Jedi and guide their studies. The Dominion is a conformist society and discourages its citizens from questioning orthodoxy. For there is only the shining light and the darkest abyss. The Head Archivist has their quarters here, and some rooms have been set aside to house the offices of the Jedi Inquisition. An open mind is like a freshly tuned sod. Unless it is sown with the generous message of the Light, the insidious weed of heresy will take root. Thus any information visitors can get on the 'net is censored. It helps that Tephrike is too isolated to be connected to the HoloNet.

Chambers of the Lightwarden Watchers: A series of chambers many Jedi like to avoid, for this is where the Jedi Inquisition has its offices. This is not their headquarters because the secret police is too large and many of its Inquisitors are not even Jedi. But it uses these offices to liaise with various Congregations and sub-branches of the Windian Jedi...and keep an eye on them. Its grim reputation is well-deserved, but many of the Inquisitors who work here are clerks and bureaucrats. But there are always a couple full Inquisitors on duty - always watching. Conveniently, their offices are close to the Archives.

Prayer Hall of the Twin Aspects - to the Windian Jedi the Light is a deity and its name is Ashla. Bogan Prodosia and Bogan Phobos is a foul fancer, but in this hall the paladins are illuminated by Ashla's light. Mace Windu Thought and the Ecclesia forbid making imagery that portrays Ashla in the likeness of a living being, but it is allowed to depict the Divine Ashla indirectly through imagery of salvation and victory. The hall is a rounded chamber, high ceiling, with statues of Victory and Salvation one on either side as you enter. Specifically, Victory will be shown as a Jedi with blade plunged into a beast representing the Dark Side, whilst Salvation will show a Jedi with hand out stretched to aid.

Centre of Contrite Reflection: This is the detention centre. Sadly, there are always individuals who refuse to recognise the wisdom and benevolence of the Dominion. These malcontents, traitors and heretics need to be isolated from society before their corruption spreads. Some can be redeemed after being shown the error of their ways. Others are beyond redemption. In that case, it is best to eliminate them before they can commit further sins and stain their soul. Ray shields and heavy turadium doors protect the cells. Special containment technology is used to safely imprison Force-Sensitives. In case of rescue or escape attempts, gas can be released. Propaganda blares out of loudspeakers. Prisoners are seldom held here for long, as the Jedi Inquisition has special prisons to contain, question and re-educate enemies of the Light. Common criminals are handled by the Arbiters, heretics and enemy agents by the Inquisition.

Forge of the Light's Blades: The Windian Jedi Order is not composed of pacifists or flower children. Nor do they subscribe to the idea that the Jedi should use the Force only for defence, never for attack. The Light requires fervent warriors. Here they have the resources needed to construct Force Imbued weapons and armour.

Training Facilities: Here the occupants can hone their skills as warriors of the Light. In addition to the typical training rooms, it also has a rifle range. The Windian Jedi are not averse to using a blaster or slugthrower to cleanse enemies of the Light. This section can also accommodate sparring arenas, obstacle courses and so on. Moreover, meditation rooms, the armoury and the quartermaster are located here.

Temple Guard Barracks: Here the brave, stalwart Guardians of the Sacred Temple and the Holy Person of the Wise Council are based. The Temple Guard is a special corps of clone troopers who are fanatically loyal to the Dominion. They protect important installations such as the Temple and serve as a means of coup-proofing. They are recognised as a component of the Dominion's armed forces, but separate from the Grand Army of Light.

Dormitories: Self-explanatory really. These are the living quarters of the Jedi who reside here. The Jedi are sorted into different quarters by rank. Masters have greater privacy and more spacious quarters, but they are still very utilitarian, and austere. The Dominion expects its Jedi to adhere to a vow of poverty. Of course, this does not prevent corruption, but those who are smart about it do not flaunt their illicit wealth. An office or workshop space is attached to the private accommodations of the Masters, who also have remote access to the archives.


  • For starters, the Earthen Rampart is located underground. Its most important facilities have been set up far beneath the earth. A full suite of electronic countermeasures means that even dedicated sensor ships will have trouble detecting it. A shield generator protects the base from bombardment. It also helps that it is located beneath the earth.
  • Two HVs-2 hypervelocity guns have been set up to fire on hostile capital ships in orbit. The cannons are concealed when not in use. Due to the Dominion's tech level, these weapons are easier to maintain than turbolasers would be.
  • A Radiant Obelisk of Ashla's Divine and Eternal Judgement guards the entrance to the base on the surface, holding vigil over the ruined temple and ready to unleash the power of the light upon darksiders, unbelievers and fiends and empower the faithful.
  • Ventilation shafts are filled with locked grates, motion sensors and extremely narrow, with a lattice of crosshatched, intersecting planes made of turadium, There are also traps for the intrepid adventurer, such as enclision grids. Moreover, nets ensnare explosives, objects and animals. In short, this is not the place to sneak in through ventilation shafts or use them to make a daring escape.
  • Anti-personnel turrets, mass driver cannons and heavy machine guns can be found above ground. There are also flak cannons and quad lasers. Due to a secret deal with Archangel, the Dominion has been able to set up Preserver Defence Turrets to impede access to the base. The sole entrance is heavily fortified and the door is made of Turadium. Inside the base, intruders would have to deal with security cameras, an auto-turret network, motion sensors, sonic projectors and ray shields. The most critical blast doors are made of turadium. This material is very difficult to cut through, even for lightsabres. Ferrocrete has been used to reinforce the walls and floors. Neuranium has been used for crucial areas in order to both shield from radiation and stop most scans. This means the base is very difficult for sensors to scan it.
  • Security checkpoints have been set up at major junctures. These include powerful scanners and enclision grids. Sensitive areas require keycards and retinal scans. Retinal scanners are able to determine whether or not the retina they are scanning belongs to a living person. When the turrets are active, they will fire on individuals who do not possess a clearance keycard and are not logged into their facial recognition system. Wasp droids monitor the base itself as well as access areas, including the old Temple. Some rooms are only to accessible to those with the Force via an internal hatch release, meaning they are not accessible externally. Thus one has to know it is there and have the Force to use it.
  • There is a large Temple Guard garrison. There are also battle droids and a small group of HRDs. In addition, the base is the seat of the Windian Jedi Order. Thus intruders will have to contend with an elite force of Windian Jedi warriors. While the skill level, number and abilities of the Jedi varies, there will definitely be a force of Knights with some Masters to provide leadership. Lightsabres are extremely rare on Tephrike, so most Jedi will use basic Force Imbued melee weapons, such as swords and halberds. They are not averse to using guns and lightbows either. Unlike most Jedi of the past, they wear armour. Many Younglings and Padawans have been relocated to facilities outside of Nexus City, so most Jedi present here will be experienced combatants. The Temple Guard is fervently loyal to the point of fanaticism, but their weapons tend to be older than the galactic standard and their zealotry can work against them. Some of the Jedi are Consulars trained in mental and empathic abilities, which is helpful for spotting infiltrators or assaulting enemies through use of illusions.
  • A hangar that can accommodate small starships and a couple squadrons of starfighters is situated inside the base. Its underground location gives it good cover from enemy attacks. The pilots are Jedi aces or clone pilots. However, the starfighters tend to be older than contemporary galactic standard.


Tephrike has been isolated from the rest of the Galaxy since the outbreak of the Gulag Virus. Originally colonised during the twilight years of the Old Republic, it was subjugated by the Galactic Empire. The human supremacist regime established by the Empire was overthrown with the aid of the Rebel Alliance and the planet emerged as an unstable, multi-species federation.

Then the Gulag Virus sent the Galaxy spiralling into chaos. Warlords, Jedi, Sith and rebels vied for power. Prolonged warfare and the use of primitive weapons of mass destruction brought great devastation to the planet. Benign intentions turned to evil over time. Jedi who sought to restore order and reunite the planet fell to the darkness they claimed to oppose, while still believing that their intentions and actions were good. In so doing, they followed in the footsteps of Atris and Joruus C'boath. Believing that they alone could lead Tephrike out of the darkness, they created a theocratic dictatorship.

Renegade Jedi established a Sith cult called the Disciples of the Vader, for they idolised the long-dead Vader as a god and believed it was his will to enslave all those who could not wield the Force and were not human. The Republican Guard, a faction that glorified the Old Republic and staunchly opposed Force-users, was founded by disgruntled clone slave-soldiers and racial minorities that declared war on both Force cults. In between these three extremes, several smaller factions tried to carve out a niche for themselves. The planet was locked in stasis, divided by riven groups trying to recall a past they did not remember. Here, the dark age never ended.

The Dominion built Nexus City as its capital. Far away from the ruins of Palmyra, the old capital that had been destroyed during a brutal battle between Jedi and Sith, they could create their perfect society. Every citizen would have a place - and stay in it. The Dominion did its best to emulate Coruscant, seeking to transplant its lost grandeur into a wholly unsuitable environment. Naturally the Jedi Temple constructed by them resembled the famous landmark on the galactic capital.

From here the Windian Jedi Order ruled its provinces and prosecuted its war on darkness. Until Tephrike's centuries of isolation were brought to an end by Firemane. The Dominion was divided on how to respond to the arrival of the outsiders. A pragmatic faction led by Battlemaster Mahtara advocated accommodation, believing that contact with the off-worlders could help the Dominion advance and defeat its foes for good. However, Grandmaster Aegus disagreed, believing the 'star people' to be demons and manifestations of the dark side. Having been an isolated puppet ruler for so long, he sought to gain true power and fight what he believed to be the final battle between good and evil. He was supported by Grand Inquisitor Antonius, who saw a chance to become the true power in the land.

When Firemane sent a delegation to negotiate with the Firemane, they were ambushed by extremists, who had been acting on the orders of the Grand Inquisitor. A Firemane operative was captured. In response to this betrayal, Firemane declared war. Mahtara was declared a traitor, but managed to go underground and rally her allies. What followed was a short, but intense campaign. After taking down Nexus City's shield generator, Firemane levelled the Jedi Temple. The Dominion retaliated with surface to air missiles, but Firemane troops landed on the planet. They were able to defeat a Dominion army and take a vital fortress with the aid of the Republican Guard.

Grandmaster Aegus was murdered in a secure facility beneath the Temple by his own clone, Cassius, and two other disgruntled Councillors. His death was blamed on a Firemane bombing. Shortly thereafter, Mahtara entered the city at the head of an army. When the Council refused to acknowledge her as leader, she declared it dissolved, replacing it with a smaller junta that included Cassius and his allies. The new regime found itself in dire circumstances, for the Dominion had been gravely weakened. But it was committed to fighting a war to the knife to ensure the survival of the Dominion, even if this required pragmatic compromises.

One of its first orders of business was to get a replacement for its lost headquarters. The old Temple lay in ruins, as did many other military and government buildings in Nexus City. The Dominion's new government decided to set up a national redoubt in a safe area away from the front lines. However, Nexus City was still the capital and the Windian Jedi Order needed a visible presence in it to maintain order and shore up morale. Otherwise faith in the nation might collapse. Both the faithful and the infidels needed the certainty that the Jedi were watching them.

Completely rebuilding the Temple was deemed impractical, as it would be a waste of resources and paint a clear target on the Order's back. But wholly abandoning it was unthinkable. Thus it was decided to set up a secure facility beneath the old Temple, expanding underground facilities that had already existed. Tunnels were expanded and extensive command, control and communications capabilities were installed. A large number of labourers was mobilised to build the base. To protect itself against attacks from within and without, the facility was heavily fortified. The religious police established an office and a substantial contingent of Temple Guards was stationed in the underground base. The Guards were charged with defending the facility as well as patrolling what was left of the old Jedi Temple.

This base soon acquired the name Earthen Rampart. From here the Windian Jedi would maintain control. It would be a bastion of the Light and designed to be more secure against aerial and orbital bombardment. While Firemane soon started to withdraw its forces from Tephrike after entering trade deals with the Republican Guard, the work on the Earthen Rampart continued. It soon turned out that another group of outsiders had stumbled upon Tephrike.

This time, the Dominion chose diplomacy. The off-worlders called themselves Archangel and seemed to be a group of independent droids. Archangel's leader, Enyo Typhos, did not take part in the talks or set foot on Tephrike, but made use of HRD servitors. Mahtara, being pragmatic to the bone, chose to make a secret deal with them. This gave the Dominion access to more advanced weapons, machines and defence systems. In return the HRDs wanted raw materials and prisoners.

The latter was suspicious, but the regime chose to see it as a way to remove figures who had become inconvenient, such as followers of the Grandmaster and Inquisitors who refused to accept the truth that was being propagated by the Ministry of Enlightenment. Tephrike had valuable ores in abundance. Indeed, they had been a major reason for the colonisation of the planet before the twilight of the Old Republic. Two hypervelocity guns were set up to augment the defences of the base. These would be a nasty surprise for Firemane if its warships ever appeared in orbit and menaced Nexus City again.

The surveillance droids and battle droids provided by Archangel turned out to be quite useful flushing out Republican Guard agents, as the rebel group conducted a string of terrorist bombings and tried to stir up revolt in the city. Even though its nation was hit by Republican Guard attacks and had to deal with revolts, the Dominion's Labour Corps was able to complete construction of the Earthen Rampart within an acceptable time frame.
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