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Ebaron Spyre

"I would perform any crime - any irredeemable atrocity - against this galaxy, for these peaceful people, and this quiet land."

Basic Information
Name: Ebaron Spyre
Title(s): None
Allegiance: Iron Empire
Rank: TBA
Force Sensitive: Yes
Languages: Galactic Basic, High Galactic, Utapese, Huttese
Occupation: TBA


Species: Human/Pau'an Hybrid
Planet of Birth: Utapau
Gender: Male
Age: 81
Height: 6’5”
Weight: 181 lbs.
Complexion: Sickly-Pale Caucasian
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark-Brown
Distinguishing Marks: Furrowed/Scowled Features, Red/Purple Eye Sockets From his Pau'an genetics, Long Arms, Fingers, and Nails from Pau'an Genetics
Voice Sample: Teyrn Loghain

Strengths and Weaknesses

Tactical/Strategic – Without a shadow of a doubt, Spyre’s most powerful and redeeming trait; Ebaron Spyre possesses an exceptional level of brilliance in the assessment and execution of both orthodox and unorthodox tactical maneuvers and strategies. This has both come from years of experience in the field, and his own keen intellect for the matter.

Administrative - Spyre is a gifted administrator, having spent decades administering finances and civil structures and requirements.

Captivating– Ebaron Spyre innately possesses a high level of gravitas and strength of character. Given the floor, Ebaron can control the room with his immense presence and passion like no other.

Undeterrable – Ebaron Spyre is a man staunch in the belief that the end justifies the means, no questions asked. Although this may lead to some form of self-destruction, Spyre is unbreakable, undeterrable, and becomes hell-bent when he looks to achieve his means.

Trained-Dark Jedi - Speaks for itself.


Paranoid – Although a man with a great deal of charisma, Spyre is ultimately distrustful of any man, machine, or entity.

Devil in Plain Sight – Spyre has an innately sinister appearance from his Pau'an genetics, as he possesses pale-skin with dark brunette hair.

Prideful – As a result of his corruption from the dark-side of the force, Spyre is a prideful individual, and aspires greater ambitions, as this actually hinders him to an extent, as he allows for a burning rage to fester in the pit of his stomach for all-time.

[SIZE=10.5pt]Ebaron Spyre was the Human/Pau'an hybrid son of an aging Pau'an force-sensitive city administrator on the planet of Utapau, Ram Spyre, after he had an affair with a human woman. Ram Spyre, however, was a former Jedi, and was technically a dark Jedi. Ram Spyre was a man that looked out for himself in the political scene of things, and used his centuries of political and strategic expertise to his advantage to advance further upward in the world, along with his force-sensitivity. Eventually, Ram Spyre was implicated with a major scandal that involved his force-sensitivity and him being impartial, and was forced to resign from his position. Ebaron Spyre stuck out among the populace in a relatively poor way - a Human/Pau'an hybrid. Understanding that his human-ish offspring would struggle in this environment as pure Pau'ans are the preferred leaders, Ram Spyre informally taught Ebaron in the ways of the force and saber combat as a way of passing down his legacy, so that his son wouldn’t have to tolerate the politically fickle nature of Utapau. Additionally, Ram Spyre had his son attend a military education, as a form of educational upbringing at the same time. In that time, Ebaron developed a high level of self confidence. [/SIZE]Likewise, Ebaron became affluent in the way of the force and saber combat. However, Ebaron was corrupted by the dark-side power, as a result of being around his father's teachings. Slowly, he became manipulative, power-hungry, and prideful. He assumed the role as a city-leader and administrator as most Pau'ans do on Utapau, and instead of continuing further in his father's exact footsteps in an administrative role, as the doom and gloom grew inside him, Ebaron left Utapau, seeking the galactic ambitions of wanderlust, power, and pilgrimage.​

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