The Spirit Whisperer

Name: Ebiah Zambrano
- Witch Spellweaver
- Sith Knight
Species: Epicanthix
Planet of Birth: Panatha
Current Home: --
- Nomadic
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Build: Lean, Yet Strong
- Height: 6'4
- Eyes: Hazel
- Hair: Black
- Complexion: Tanned
- Distinguishing Features:
- --
- Playby: Sun-King Avad
Force Sensitivity: Sensitive
- Force Rank: Sith Knight/Witch Spellweaver

- Witchy
- Spirits, Baby
- Mental Resistances
- Epicanthix Height/Strength
- Powerful Bloodline
- Powerful Bloodline (An Easy Target)
- Alcohol Intolerance
- Bacta Allergy
- Neophobic
- Partial to the effects of the Millaflower
- Languages: Epicant, Galactic Basic Standard, Ancient Sith, Dathomiri
- Force Abilities: Core Abilities; TBA
- Forms: Djem So; TBA
- Other: TBA
Notable Belongings:
- Starships:
- --
- Weapons:
- Lightsaber
- Ritual Dagger
- Gear:
- --
- Knowledge-Based:
- --
- Other:
- --
- Family:
- Saeth Zambrano - Mother
- Ebiah - Father (Deceased)
Darth Carnifex - Uncle
- All The Other Zambranos...
- Friends:
- --
- Other:
- Kobe Seren - Master

- --
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