Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Echoes of Jakku

Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Outfit | Lightsaber
Tag: Open to a Jedi

As Gatz settled The Red Night into the Jakku Jedi Enclave's veiled hangar, he wondered what had even brought him here in the first place.

He called The Vonnuvi and the enclave aboard the herdship home these days. And it had everything a senior Jedi Padawan needed really: living quarters, classes to attend, Masters to go to for wisdom, and plenty of rooms and gardens to meditate in. All in all, his home enclave offered enough resources to Jedi trying to educate themselves—including Inanna Harth Inanna Harth , the very Jedi who was finishing his incomplete training.

And yet, something had called him here. It was like... like a distant echo through the Force, just on the edge of his hearing, bidding that he come to Jakku.

At first, he'd blamed that on Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren . Their meld was long severed, but it had left behind a connection that was always with him. It was no longer that steel tether that had bound them together too tightly, but if he focused his mind he could still feel her. Like the current of a lazy river, gently pulling him in her direction. But he'd dismissed that idea as soon as he'd thought of it. If Briana had been the one calling him to Jakku, then she would have, like, actually called him.

Then he thought Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus might be at fault... only to come to a similar conclusion. She, too, would have reached out through normal means.

Whatever had beckoned him to Jakku had been an instrument of the Force—and not an instrument that he was familiar with. It was mysterious. Which was annoying, because Gatz hated mysteries. He was far too dumb to solve them. But trying to resist coming here had been like trying not to scratch an itch: easy at first, but more difficult as time went on.

As he stepped off The Red Night's boarding ramp, dark hood pulled over his head, Gatz wondered if he'd really come because he felt like he was meant to be here in this moment, or if he just lacked impulse control.

Location: Jakku Enclave Temple
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber | Hydrangea Moonblade | Emergency Beacon
Tag: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

Lily had only spent a few nights at the enclave on Jakku, still carrying a holomap that she referred to regularly. She was devastated at the small living quarters that the enclave had. Something she blamed her Master, Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren heavily for. Fully believing that her Master had forgotten the importance and pleasures of a comfortable wealthy lifestyle. It meant that she had to spend another two days desperately trying to reduce the amount of items and luggage she had brought with her. Including a number of high value, very stylish outfits.

Then Briana had the audacity to attempt to suggest she wore a poncho! A poncho!

Clearly the fashionable styles of Naboo had fled her Master's mind. It was scary to think that some day she might attempt to persuade such terrible fashion choices onto her Padawan. Dark days those would be. A shiver went down Lily's spine as she thought about it all. However, she had been able to avoid ponchos and their like for now by remaining within the Jakku enclave and not exploring out in the scorching sun of Jakku.

With her hair braided down her left side, Lily wandered the halls of the temple. Her eyes were still shifting from the map to her surroundings as she was fully attempting to create a mental map in her mind for ease of exploration. She was heading towards the hangar area today, it felt important to know how to travel back and forth on her own. While she was based on Jakku, Lily knew there was many issues in the wider galaxy and a growing darkness that the Galactic Alliance was facing and needing Jedi to help combat.

Being able to find the hangars and transport allowed her to travel and get around without the fears of being reliant on her Master.

As she passed a hangar, Lily spotted a newcomer in the shape of Gatz. She paused and looked over to him, surprised to see someone else in the hangar. And she could only assume it was his own ship that was docked.

"Hi, I'm Lily Decoria. Jedi Padawan, can I help?" She asked, not sure how much help she could be but felt it was important to offer as much assistance as possible.

Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Outfit | Lightsaber
Tag: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

"Hi, I'm Lily Decoria. Jedi Padawan, can I help?"

Gatz blinked, looking in Lily's direction. They'd only met once, when they were helping Briana liberate Lossa from the clutches of The New Way, but Lily wasn't exactly someone he could forget. Even ignoring the fact that he hadn't met many Echani, his days as Briana's brain buddy ensured that he'd known Lily long before he'd actually met her.

He kept that to himself though. It was kind of weird to tell someone you knew them before you'd met them. Like, stalkerish weird.

Gatz drew his hood off his head, revealing his face and windswept blonde locks.

"Hi, Lily." Gatz offered her a smile, though it didn't reach his eyes, "it's been awhile. How are you?"

Maybe the pleasantries were lame and unnecessary, but how else did you start a conversation with someone who was nearly a stranger? He couldn't just start off with "the Force is being weird and it drew me here." Though, he supposed that would make for interesting conversation if nothing else.

But truth was, Gatz wasn't sure if he felt comfortable telling anyone he'd been drawn here yet. He didn't want to sound... silly. Sure, the Force worked in mysterious ways, and it called to many people in odd ways—but it did that to legendary Jedi like Romi Jade Romi Jade and Valery Noble Valery Noble ; to Jedi who served the greater will of the Force, and were blessed with great power and even greater wisdom.

It didn't do that to lesser Jedi like him. If he told anyone that he felt like the Force had called him here, he'd either look crazy, or like he was starving for attention.

Better to keep that to himself, for now.

"I just came by to..." Shoot, what was a good reason for him to be here? "...To see Lossa?"

That sounded like bullshit, even to him. Dammit, he used to be good at lying. What had happened to him?

Location: Jakku Enclave Temple
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber | Hydrangea Moonblade | Emergency Beacon
Tag: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

She tilted her head and realised that this was someone she had met once. He was the dangerous pilot guy who was flying like a maniac in saving Lossa. It had been surprising that Gatz recognised her from that brief meeting, she didn't think she really made much of an impression there. "Hello Gatz, it has been awhile. I hope things have found you well." Lily asked, "oh, I am fine. Adjusting to life on Jakku, the enclave is pretty different to Coruscant I have found for now." Lily mentioned as she gave out a sigh then smirked, she knew that most of her issues were down to life of being wealthy and little to do with the harsh training or actual temple.

It was curious when Gatz attempted to state that he was here to see Lossa. While normally she wouldn't have second guessed that idea since Lossa was one of the higher ups at the enclave, Gatz's body language clearly indicated that he was lying, even before she took in his tone and the way his words flowed. "Are you sure you are here to see Lossa, Gatz?" Lily asked as she looked over to him.

She was curious as to the actual reason for his presence and what he might be seeking, Lily knew that many Jedi were guided by the Force to areas for missions and to offer help to people without knowing there was initially an issue.

Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Outfit | Lightsaber
Tag: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

"Hello Gatz, it has been awhile. I hope things have found you well." Lily asked, "oh, I am fine. Adjusting to life on Jakku, the enclave is pretty different to Coruscant I have found for now."

"Yeah, I can imagine a desert is quite different from what you're used to," Gatz empathized, "I spent the first ten years of my life on Coruscant. When I left the Order to come home to Naboo, I was shocked that a world could be so green. And then when I left Naboo, and saw Tatooine for the first time..."

Gatz trailed off, figuring he'd made his point. He'd experienced culture shock more than a few times in his life. It was hard not to, when the galaxy held so many worlds that differed in an infinite amount of ways. He supposed, though, that that was the beauty of the galaxy—that there were so many different walks of life, and that anyone could come from any of them.

Lily immediately saw through his bullshit and called him on it—though in a gentle way that he appreciated. Gatz still wasn't sure how comfortable he was with divulging the fact that he felt as though he'd been called here, but there was no harm in telling her a small part of the truth, right?

"No," Gatz admitted, "I'm not here to see Lossa. Well, I mean, I'll probably stop in and say 'hi' to her and Briana at some point. But I... this just felt like the place I needed to be. I know that doesn't explain much, but I don't know how to put it into words."

Location: Jakku Enclave Temple
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber | Hydrangea Moonblade | Emergency Beacon
Tag: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

Nodding his head, "Eshan is quite beautiful, plenty of nature albeit a lot colder than other worlds. Being on Jakku, it is definitely a shock to the body about how warm and dangerous the sun can be to the skin." Lily was a very pale woman, like most Echani and being in the sun was always a risk if she wasn't cautious, which was why Briana attempted to suggest the Jedi ponchos that the enclave had. However, Lily was determined to find something like a shawl or cloak that was much more stylish and decorative than the poncho.

Listening to what Gatz had to say, there was clearly something he was not divulging but Lily would not force him to tell her why he had come here, but being drawn here was something strange. "Oh, sounds like the Forced guided you here or was it something that you heard like a distress call? I know the Force can draw people to certain areas, I was guided by the Force to Mandalorian Enclave space and found myself discovering their desires to start a war with the Galactic Alliance."

She offered a polite smile, "so, did you want a hand with whatever drew you here? I am currently free so that I can give you a hand if you want me to?"

Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Outfit | Lightsaber
Tag: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

Gatz had been to Eshan before—smuggling spice. He figured Lily probably wouldn't want to hear about how he used to move drugs though, so Gatz kept his mouth shut and simply listened to how she thought her homeworld differed from Jakku. Though deserts got cold at night, going from a cold wintery world like Eshan to Jakku's infinite summer was probably as drastic a change as one could get.

"I hope you brought sunscreen."

But then Lily moved on, guessing at what had truly brought him, and damn near hit the nail on the head. It surprised him, but then, it probably shouldn't have: her teacher was Briana. And Briana was ridiculously astute. If Lily was even half as shrewd as her master was, then she wouldn't need the personal connection to him that Briana had to figure him out. Hell, she'd already seen through his bullshit excuse for being here.

And that meant there was no point in lying about why he was really here.

She offered a polite smile, "so, did you want a hand with whatever drew you here? I am currently free so that I can give you a hand if you want me to?"

"I'm still trying to figure out why I'm here and what called me," Gatz admitted, "but before I get to that... I should probably get to know the Enclave. Could I bother you to give me a tour, Lily?"

Location: Jakku Enclave Temple
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber | Hydrangea Moonblade | Emergency Beacon
Tag: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

His comment was similar to what Briana had told her. She made mention that Lily should invest in high quality suncream. Though she wasn't even sure if she could tan. Had anyone ever seen a pure Echani who was anything but pale as paper?

It seemed that Gatz had not been prepared for her understanding of the situation. She had taken a rough guess from how he was framing things. However, he seemed very unsure of what he was meant to do. "Usually you will find the Force guiding you to where you need to be. Same happened when I found my Lightsaber crystal, I felt a need to be somewhere and eventually Master Sal-Soren and myself were guided there."

Lily nodded her head, "I can do my best. Still very new to Jakku so if I get anything wrong or get us lost, you have been warned!" Lily giggled and then headed out of the hangar.

"Which direction do you feel drawn towards?" She asked, curious if he wanted to head a certain direction.

Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Outfit | Lightsaber
Tag: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

If only Gatz had known that Briana had made a similar recommendation about sunscreen. He'd have made a joke, like great minds think alike, especially when those minds have been smashed together! Or something else that was largely only funny to him. Stupid jokes were like his bread and butter, though he'd found himself sorely lacking in the humor department lately.

It was hard to find mirth in things, when he felt like he was being pulled apart at the seams.

But even with all the stress piling on top of him, he couldn't help but smile at Lily's warm welcome and eager offer of help. It was nice to have someone empathize with him. It was also nice that she didn't think he was insane for feeling like the Force had brought him to a sandy hellhole. Understanding wasn't something he encountered often, especially in people who were still near strangers.

"Thank you," he said quietly, "I... was worried that some might think I was deluded, or looking for attention, if I told them I felt drawn here."

This isn't Nar Shaddaa, Gatz reminded himself, there are people here who want to help you. Trust them.

Trust was a hard thing for him, even now, after all this time.

"Which direction do you feel drawn towards?"

"It's not a direction," Gatz said softly, still trying to parse it for himself, "just a... a feeling. Like I'm meant to be here now, in this place. Like there's something I'm meant to do here: witness something, or learn something, or..."

He trailed off, uncertain how to finish.

Location: Jakku Enclave Temple
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber | Hydrangea Moonblade | Emergency Beacon
Tag: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

Lily smirked and shrugged, "when it comes to being a Jedi and the Force, I have learnt that things are always going to be weird, unpredictable and abnormal. I often have to leave my enjoyment of logic and sensibilities whenever understanding how the Force works." Lily never felt comfortable or contend with how the Force was such an enigma to understand when she first joined the Jedi Order, it often put her at odds with the lessons that lecturers attempted to instil into Lily.

"I understand, I wasn't sure if you were feeling a direction or anywhere in particular that you might have been drawn towards." Lily mentioned as she walked towards the main entrance area. She felt that made the most logical spot to start with. Wandering, she was curious as to why the Force would draw Gatz here without providing any visions or something clearer. It was difficult to achieve the goal when there was truly nothing to really go off from.

Keeping her hands behind her back, she walked with the grace she had been taught as a noble. "How are you finding the Jedi training?" Lily asked, striking up a casual conversation as they walked.

Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Outfit | Lightsaber
Tag: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

Gatz supposed that he should have guessed that another Jedi would be more accepting of his current issue. And considering who was training her, he also should have guessed that Lily would be more accepting in general. As far as rich girls went, Briana wasn't very dismissive. So there was reason to believe that she'd instilled that very same acceptance in her oldest student.

Maybe he should stop making assumptions of others, and instead let their actions speak for them.

"Maybe as we explore, I'll find something I am drawn towards," Gatz shrugged, "but until then, I figure it's just best to get my bearings. So, thank you for humoring me."

Gatz followed behind Lily... and one look at her posture told him that she adhered to decorum. Briana's influence? Or was that something that was inherent to the Echani Jedi? Maybe he'd ask her later.

"How are you finding the Jedi training?"

"I'm mostly just completing it," Gatz admitted, "I spent ten years with the Order, before I left. There are things I still struggle with, but learning under Inanna Harth Inanna Harth has taken me from a remedial Jedi to... well, a Jedi who actually knows what he's doing. Provided you give me something to whack with a lightsaber, or a wound to mend. Those are, like, the two things I'm actually good at."

Location: Jakku Enclave Temple
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber | Hydrangea Moonblade | Emergency Beacon
Tag: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

"Of course!" Lily did not mind the distraction and it allowed her to test her memory on where she is and how to travel around. Nothing like practical testing and wandering to learn a deeper understanding of the layout of this temple.

Lily was able to walk elegantly and with deep grace well before she met Briana. Lily had been a noble herself, living on Eshan in great comfort and luxury, she had to adjust to the simpler lives of the Jedi which was still an awkward process. She enjoyed the training and practical elements of being a Jedi but she massively missed the way she lived on Eshan, with all the room she wanted, luxurious food and great comforts. However, she knew that living this very different way of life brought her closer to understanding how many lived in the galaxy since few lived her ways.

"I think every Jedi finds certain elements of training easier than others. I find the combat elements of the Lightsaber and the Force easier to use and improve than healing and more supportive Force powers." Lily mentioned, "if you wish, we can train sometime, I always enjoy sparring and getting to improve my skills. Which Lightsaber form are you finding yourself favouring?" Lily asked, she was clearly very keen on combat talk and hearing how others enjoyed combat training and what allured them to the path of fighting.

Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Outfit | Lightsaber
Tag: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

Lily mentioned, "if you wish, we can train sometime, I always enjoy sparring and getting to improve my skills. Which Lightsaber form are you finding yourself favouring?"

"I wouldn't mind that," Gatz smiled, "I don't know how long I'll be here, but I'm sure I can make time for sparring."

Gatz was surprised at how cool the Enclave was, considering the desert was right overhead. Sure, air conditioning existed, and most worlds were colder just below the surface, but Jakku's sun was downright scorching. It could dehydrate a man in just a few minutes, provided he was ill-equipped and not adapted to the arid heat.

"I'm partial to Soresu," Gatz admitted, in response to Lily's question, "but while I'm here... I was thinking of asking Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren for a lesson on Form Five. Form Three's lack of aggression has... left me in tough spots before."

Like on Tython, where he and Inanna had barely made it out with their lives. Perhaps if he'd been given an education in Shien, that debacle might have been a little less painful. Valery Noble Valery Noble had impressed upon him the importance of learning from multiple sources more than once, and what better opportunity was there than to learn at an enclave he'd never visited before?

Plus, it'd be nice to actually learn from Briana, instead of just ripping knowledge from her mind—like he had with Shii-Cho while they'd been melded together.

"But what about you?" Gatz had picked up on Lily's sparked interest in discussing the forms of lightsaber combat, "what's your preference?"

Last edited:
Location: Jakku Enclave Temple
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber | Hydrangea Moonblade | Emergency Beacon
Tag: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

"I look forward to sparring with you! I love fighting someone new, there is so much to learn about a person, the way their body moves, how they feel when in combat and their drives." Lily spoke fondly of sparring and combat, she was an Echani and combat was their language, their ways to express themselves and it was something that Lily loved as well since it helped her understand a person easier.

Listening on Gatz preferences, Soresu and wishing to learn more on Djem So, it was a path that Lily knew several took. Some preferred Djem So and learned a little Makashi or Soresu to be more effective in duelling situations. "That is a solid path, I am learning Vaapad, Master Noble gave a lesson on the technique. I have learned a lot on the other six forms, alternatives such as the reverse Shien as well as the techniques created by Luke Skywalker, and some of the lesser known fighting stances. Jar'Kai has been one that I need to spend more time on, using both hands is a complex dexterous movement."

"I am leaning towards Vaapad as my main Form but I want to master them all. I am already a master in the Echani forms," Lily explained and then gave a gentle giggle, "sorry for rambling. I love to fight and talk anything combat when I get the chance." She gave a shrug, hoping to not have been a bore or scared Gatz away with her rambling.

Gesturing to the main hall, "this is the main hall of the temple. Further ahead is the training quarters if you wished to spar now, but we can save that for another day." Lily gave a polite, warm smile.

Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Outfit | Lightsaber
Tag: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

Gatz didn't want to generalize an entire people by a single trait, because that was definitely species-ist, but Lily kind of fit the galactic image of Echani. But then, her entire culture communicated through sparring, so why wouldn't she? She probably understood people better by fighting them, than she did by talking with them. If he were in her shoes, trying to get to know someone, he'd probably be raring for a fight too.

"Vaapad?" Gatz blinked, "Val must see something in you. That's not a form to be taught lightly. Good for you!"

If Lily could be trusted with Form Seven, then she was probably a hell of a Jedi. Gatz only felt more foolish for trying to withhold his reason for being here from her. Clearly she had a level head on her shoulders, and Briana and Valery didn't train dummies. Well... he supposed Valery Noble Valery Noble had taught him everything he knew about the forms of lightsaber combat, so technically she did train dummies.

But he was an outlier. The other Jedi she'd trained were intelligent and capable.

"This is the main hall of the temple. Further ahead is the training quarters if you wished to spar now, but we can save that for another day."

"I'd like to get settled in first, see a few familiar faces," Gatz smiled, "but I promise: we'll train together before I leave."

A smuggler's promise wasn't worth much. Gatz hoped that a Jedi's promise was, however. He hoped that was what he really was now, almost two years removed from his life of crime.

"You said you were new here. What finally brought you all the way out here, to the desert? Was it just to maintain your training under Briana? Or something more?"

Location: Jakku Enclave Temple
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber | Hydrangea Moonblade | Emergency Beacon
Tag: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

Nodding her head, "Vaapad. I know it is a complex and viewed by many Jedi as a dangerous form to learn, however, with my Echani training and already knowing how to control the way I express my emotions in combat, it felt the most natural form to lean towards." Lily was not under any assumptions she was safer from falling to the Dark Side, nor did she believe that she would master the Form any easier than another Jedi would. It was just Vaapad resonated her more than she had felt the others did. Other forms felt stiff and limited in expression at times.

"I understand. No rush on my behalf." Lily smiled warmly as she did not seek to force Gatz to fight, she wanted them both to enjoy the sparring match and for her to learn as much as she could about the way that Gatz fought and understood the world around him.

She stood and tilted her head to the right slightly as she thought about her answer before she gave it. "I suppose, part of it was that I wanted to follow Master Briana and ensure that my training was as productive as it could be. There was also the move away from Coruscant by all Jedi after the invasion of Tython." Lily had been on Tython during the Dark Empire's attack, she wanted to keep fighting, but staying on Coruscant was not practical for any Jedi. "While I know the New Jedi Order have moved to another world. I decided it made sense to join Master Briana here and while this is very different to the way of life I enjoy living, I think learning from Master Romi, Lossa and the other Jedi here on Jakku will help me."

Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Outfit | Lightsaber
Tag: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

"Hey, if Valery is teaching you Vaapad, then it's because she believes you can handle the danger without losing yourself." Gatz shrugged, "and so must Briana. If they have faith in you, then I see no reason to doubt you."

Gatz could count the Jedi he had full faith in on one hand. The first two of those Jedi had placed their faith in Lily. He didn't have to know her to know she must have been the right kind of person to teach Vaapad to. So, as far as he was concerned, it was neat that there'd be another Jedi running around using Form Seven.

Lily went on to explain her decision for coming to Jakku, and it was pretty much what Gatz had expected. It only made sense to follow one's Master. That was largely why Gatz was still with the Vonnuvi Enclave, even if he'd felt... distanced from the place lately. Like his calling was elsewhere, and he was clinging onto something he needed to let go of.

That was what had drawn him here, after all: a call from elsewhere.

"Probably for the best that you came here," Gatz commented, "the Vonnuvi is so full that I gave up my room so it could be turned into a dorm for Younglings. I imagine the Prosperity is in a similar state."

Location: Jakku Enclave Temple
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber | Hydrangea Moonblade | Emergency Beacon
Tag: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

It was nice to hear that Gatz had faith in Lily's abilities, she was grateful to hear that and she agreed that Master Noble was someone who had a good sense of character to know what was the correct skills to teach a person. Lily just hoped that she could live up to her promise and become the skilled fighter that she dreamed of becoming.

"Well, hopefully things can be sorted swiftly with the Dark Empire, allow us to return to Coruscant so you can get your room back." Lily smiled and could not envision herself living in such cramped conditions, there were so many risks with that. Infections, illnesses, noise, terribly sweating and hot atmosphere. She would rather the desert over all that.

Looking around, "is there anywhere you wish to explore next?" She asked, not wanting to rush off but hoping to help guide him to where he needed to be. She understood that he was here on some mission and she was aiming to help him it the best that she could.

Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Outfit | Lightsaber
Tag: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

Oh, Gatz hoped that Lily was right. But he suspected that the war with the Dark Empire would be a much longer, much more brutal affair than the short conflict with the Mandalorian Enclave. The Empire was already in the Core, and poised to strike at Coruscant. The Enclave had only ever battled the Galactic Alliance at the fringes of its territory. Trying to steal the scraps of GA held space.

The Dark Empire seemed far more capable, and far more frightening than the bucket heads.

"Lily, there may not be a Jedi Temple to return to on Coruscant, when this war is done."

And yet, maybe that was a good thing. For too long, the Jedi had lived in their literal ivory tower, hung over the rest of Coruscant, far removed from the people below who actually needed them. Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble was right: let the temple burn. There were other, better places for the Jedi to be. Places where they were close to the ground—close to the people they were duty-bound to aid.

"No, I think you've given me a fine tour, Lily. I'm not looking for anything specific, and you've given me a general idea of where everything is. Thank you."


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