Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Echoes of Obscurity

Objective: Discuss philosophies of past and future.
Dxun was a heart of Mandalorians, but it was one of many. Their kind could make camp anywhere - this moon was special for different reasons. A birthplace of such a renowned part of their history, one that saw a species turned into a culture. A fortress that stood as a testament against time. But alas, one they could not use as a base - their enemy, too close, too alert, too numerous. It had been left with a minute garrison to look after the sacred place, but nothing more.

A small, discrete shuttle had touched down upon the site once again, and out the crimson armor stepped - pushing a repulsorlift along.

“I had meant to speak with you during the Hunt, but I did not wish to disturb my physician’s work, and the Hunt itself, Careena Fett Careena Fett .”

Carduul had invited her to join him. Something of a formality, to honor the dead, and to honor new beginnings. A personal ritual he offered her to see, though it also served as an opportunity to better understand the Alor of Clan Fett. It was moreso important now, after his encounter with the rival Alor of Clan Kryze.

He had lost lives in the Raid on Manaan, his Preservists having now paid in blood for their belief in the newfound crusade. Dissuaded him it did not, but he felt it only appropriate to gather what he could - most taken and offered by other members of his Neo-Crusaders. With him, were various small trinkets, weapons, all taken from those who met their glorious end upon the watery planet's surface. To herald the new step they had taken, he figured. There were no bodies - there was simply no time. If Careena had any of her own, however, he was far from opposed to her bringing of them.

It was a spiritual thing, almost - a ritual reminiscent of something the Mandokarla would perform. Something you’d not expect a Neo-Crusader to hold value over, but Carduul was far from a true one. Merely the closest resemblance to one. “I heard it was you, after all, who first sounded the call to crusade.” He probed inquisitively, as he stepped unto the sodden dirt and grass of the overcast moon, making his way towards the outskirts of the base.

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C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Fortress, Dxun
| Objective | Meet with the Viper
The Fett matriarch turned their attention to the voice speaking, her attention directed to her host Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl . Her gaze fell upon the man that stood before her and then to the repulsorlift. Death was the inevitable fate that awaited all Mandalorians, but it was a fate that they accepted with dignity - and whom those who survived strove to honor their sacrifices. It was both a burden and responsibility for the living to bear to ensure that such sacrifices were not made in vain.​
She raised her hands to her helmet, lifting it off her head as she tucked it under one arm and closed her eyes briefly, bowing her head down in a moment of silence. She knew all too well the feeling of loss amongst fellow brothers and sisters in arms, and so she respected the gesture. Many had died in the years she fought against Sith, Imperials and fellow Mandalorians, and it was why she continued to fight in their memory.​
As Carduul spoke again, she opened her eyes and replied, <"The call was always there. It simply took the right time for it to be heard."> Carduul was among many Mandalorians that had begun to foster a growing respect for since the call to arms she had declared; a rare occurrence given the history she had with prior factions and individuals. <"Many seem to have forgotten the old ways, but it is good to know that my own clan as well as a growing number have not.">​
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The Old Ways. A quiet, wistful chuckle left the helm. “Yes, alas, such is the case of the galaxy of today. Still, it gladdens my heart to see so many willing to seek their future in the past.” With a short trek through the brush close to the outpost to find a specific spot, it eventually came to a small clearing. And in that clearing was what could only be described as a gravesite of sorts, with only a few weapons stuck into the ground, one or two with helmets atop them. Stones with brief inscriptions, battle-scarred and mangled pieces of armor resting atop. It was not particularly large, but it was clear it had not been their first foray into conflict.

Upon the sight, the Rally Master stopped pushing the repulsorlift, beginning to offload some of its contents. “However, the difficulty, I believe, comes not from a lack of willingness, nor a forgetfulness - those who have joined this cause are proof enough of that.” Was a soft statement sidelong, as he took up a beskad - staring upon the visored reflection for a brief moment. “Rather, it is in knowing which ‘Old Way’ to return to. Our culture has many of its kind.”

Though he represented the image of the Neo-Crusaders, he would be a fool to ignore the rest of their history. It was with this in mind he intoned that to Careena.

Upon which, his gaze tilted to rest upon the unhelmeted woman, lowering the blade with the motion, “I am curious as to your thoughts regarding that very matter, in fact. What do you believe to be the chief problem with Mandalorians, of this age? That incited you to join this very call.” All had been decreed with the emergence of the crusade, prior, t’was true. But often, the specifics changed from person-to-person. Carduul, in his brief time spent rejoined with his vode, had shown a keen interest in the thoughts and beliefs of others. Bygone as he appeared to be, it was clear he valued such respect given unto him, and gave it in kind - even to his foes.

Careena Fett Careena Fett
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C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Grave, Dxun
| Objective | Speak with the Viper
Careena followed alongside Carduul as the repulsorlift made its way to its destination. Upon their arrival her eyes moved from one makeshift grave to the next, taking her time in observing each of the fallen warriors. Their service to their people may have ended, but their stories, legacies, and hopes remained by those who continued to fight. She glanced over at Carduul as he spoke; he was far wiser than most his age, and if his conversation were to suggest further, much more intrigued by their history than simply what they had lived through.​
<"Interpretation has always been the enemy of our people alongside sloth and incompetence. Our people forget that united we are a near unstoppable force of reckoning upon the galaxy, yet we remain divided due to different interpretations of the old ways. There is strength in unity - in sharing a common goal and cause to fight for, camaraderie unlike any other. A united Mandalore has always struck fear in its enemies.">​
She did not hesitate when responding to Carduul's question as she continued, <"A weak leader makes for a divided people. Ever since the Red Coronation those who took the mantle of Mand'alor have proven themselves to be unworthy, steering our people off the path and sowing division tainting its history with ridicule and shame. The Sole Ruler must be able to command the respect of all clans, to honor our ways and pave the way for the next generation to inspire, even if it means putting dissident clans in line through force; Mand'alor commands authority with power and respect, something our latest line of "Mand'alors" have struggled with greatly.">​
<"And what of you, Carduul of clan Akahl? As someone younger, I'm sure you have your own thoughts and interpretations."> She set her helmet down on the repulsorlift, reaching for one of the collected mementos that were soon to be placed at their final resting site; a helmet of a fallen Mandalorian, her eyes fixated on the T-visor for a long period of time.​

He had quietly listened to the response, as he shifted to thrust the sword into the ground not far from the rest. Many idealistic notions had been set forth - unity, camaraderie, a Mandalore that could truly bring about that for all clans. Carduul did not disagree with the title’s importance; he revered it, as many Mandalorians still did. But the fact of the matter, as he had come to see personally on Manaan, was that such ideas were not highly valued anymore.

“You speak truly.” Came an acknowledgement in turn, as the blade buried itself into the ground, and his hand left off. “But such is not an easy feat, not in this galaxy. I hear there are already multiple supposed Mandalores. If you joined for the sake of one, either you intend to uptake the mantle, or search like many others.” He intoned, thoughtful in nature.

Inevitably, the question turned towards him. The smaller T-visor briefly glanced over to the woman, then to the ground, and back again after a short ponder. “I do. Of a great many things.” The Rally Master replied, at first laconically. Though, after a few further moments of silence, “My ‘clan’, if you could call it that, wished to become guides for our kind at one point. They grew too fearful of their efforts of preservation being in vain, however, and thus never did.”

With a few paces, his steps trailed over towards the repulsorlift once more, coming to rest a hand upon the handle with a peer towards the helmet she held. “Though I did not yet know it, I have studied for this crusade for most of my life. And I have learnt from the actions of countless Mandalores before, that ultimately, the act of leading others to honor - to renewal - is itself a mark of glory. One that can, at times, be at the expense of themselves. One greater than even battle. A proper Mandalore is one who understands that, and acts accordingly with the knowledge of our foes, and ourselves.”

With the words, he shifted to uptake yet another small trinket - a torn fabric sigil, depicting the very same movement they fought for. “I believe that the Mando’ade follow the natural flow of life and death, as our banner depicts. Times of greatness are followed by times of darkness, and vice versa. They may be spread however long betwixt, but they come all the same. It is our duty to ensure those times of greatness come swiftly, and for as long as possible. And when it eventually falls to decay, it again falls to the brave-hearted to burn it and start anew.”

If there was any boon to being forced to content himself with passages upon passages, it was the wisdom it had bestowed him with in many aspects of life. Combat, waging war, the understanding of culture. All three were synonymous with Mandalorians, and his strange education had led to a peculiar understanding of it. But it was only education. “Manaan was my first taste of true combat - not for mere credits as a mercenary, but as a warrior. I do not doubt it is the same for others amongst us.”

The helm, visor cracked as it was, held only a few individual markings - just enough for someone to recognize it amidst others when close enough, but otherwise part of a blue sea upon the battlefield. His hand gestured towards Careena, before splaying behind him towards the blade that lay upended in the ground, where its unoccupied, empty hilt was waiting. She held it already. She may as well do so.

Careena Fett Careena Fett


C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Grave, Dxun
| Objective | Speak with the Viper
Careena knelt with the helmet in hand, taking one of the fallen's rifle and driving it into the dirt with one hand alongside the rest before setting the helmet atop the rifle. She continued to listen to Carduul as he spoke, silently assisting with paying her respects for the fallen warriors by setting up their graves at the site. She replied where it was relevant, speaking freely,​
<"I joined for the sake of my people and their heritage. Because we have lost too much and gained too little. It would be a disservice to the brothers and sisters I have fought alongside to let their sacrifices and deaths be for naught. And I certainly would not have Mand'alor let their stories fade to obscurity. Our history is our pride, and we must honor it if we are to truly call ourselves Mandalorians - otherwise what would we be?">​
<"The mantle belongs to the one worthy of shouldering its burden and responsibility. To the one who will steward our people and unite the clans.">​
Carduul went on to speak of his own history, offering Careena some insight to their own world that they were raised in, and the ideologies of those he grew up alongside. They came from vastly different upbringings, but the same spirit nonetheless. She empathized with the words he spoke, knowing all too well that what he spoke was true; for every golden age, there was a dark age - She knew that even with their rising crusades that they too would eventually fall to ennui. It was up to whoever did become Mand'alor to inspire the clans to retain their pride and lives to keep the spirit aflame.​
<"Such is the cycle."> She replied curtly. <"We are doomed to fall in time, whether it be through annihilation from our foes or our own undoing; but I have confidence that no matter what our people will rise from the ashes and burn brighter than before at the right time with the right people nurturing that flame.">​
A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips, despite her tired expression, <"With those like yourself, I have faith in that future to be secure."> She rested a hand on one of the older graves as she spoke, <"Our crusade will weave the stories of great warriors, and I am grateful for my part to be present to see them being written."> She let her fingers slide away from the grave, <"You speak much wisdom, and it warms my heart that history is still preserved by the younger generations in a way that still honor our people as we move forward.">​


Carduul had listened to her response intently. The helm tilted, hidden visage peering with intrigue behind it. “You understand.” He noted in turn, with a touch of mild surprise apparent in his tone. “I was not expecting that, even amongst our number.”

Perhaps he should’ve. Most were far older, far more experienced than he. From what he knew, a majority of this movement would participate for personal glory. It would seem he was wrong. Watching, for a moment, as she set down the rifle and the helm upon it. His gaze returned back to the repulsorlift, taking up one of the last few items; a vambrace, of sorts. “It is a noble goal to join for such reasons. It is wise to be able to discern such truths. I can see why thou’rt Alor.

Shifting to set it down next to the blade he thrust into the ground prior, “Thank thee, for thy words. Though I am a warrior, I am still a historian at heart. I am glad to preserve our Path, and write it as we make it. A first-hand view doth not harm the telling, either.” A chime, with a scant touch of humor at the end. He was honored to hear such praise from her.

With the next short period of silence, though, drew ruminations from his mind. “Hakon has mentioned to me that much of our number has fallen to the influences of outsiders. I was beset by a splinter of a clan in service to the Jetii, of all groups. I did not understand it…and I still do not.” Lowering himself down a tad to set a nearby stone atop the makeshift gravesite.

“I could not call them Dar’manda, for they had not broken the Resol’nare, yet they threaten our very way. All I could find mention of was The Enclave, and later the Protectors, who drew upon this subversive connection.” Hand raised, to gesture towards herself,

“So, I must ask - were you there to witness it, apart of those groups? Or, art thou from elsewhere?”

It was a selfish curiosity to ask her perspective upon such a thing, whether she had witnessed it firsthand. But his nature did not permit him to go without asking.

Careena Fett Careena Fett


C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Grave, Dxun
| Objective | Speak with the Viper
<"I have lived through my fair share of history for the Mandalorians in my lifetime. Enough to not be naive enough by such a limited scope of simply everything happening in the present. Our people's history withstands the test of time through those dedicated to understanding the balance between past, present, and future. I fight not for myself, but for the sake of our people - the legacies entrusted to us and the future we shape for our younger generations. I leave the chasing of glory to our young and outstanding warriors.">​
She glanced back over to Carduul as he mentioned Hakon and the concerns regarding the participation of other Mandalorians in service to their enemies. <"Hakon speaks true. There are those among our great clans and houses, even among the oldest of our people who served Sith and Jedi. Like Munin, who fought alongside Sith or myself who fought alongside imperials; we fought for ways they believed upheld what it meant to be a Mandalorian, representing the best and worst of our people - our brutality and savagery, our nobility and honor, as well as our tenacity to fight odds stacked against us. Ultimately it falls to those who choose to return to their roots and join their brothers and sisters in arms once more, to return such qualities to our people. There, they regain their lost honor and restore their names upon the path of Mandalore. In time the worthy will return to the fold, and heed the call of Mand'alor once more.">​
<"But until such a time where they choose to stand against us, they will be dar'manda and we must accept that fate for them until they choose to change it. Those who bear arms against us will be put in their place so that order amongst our people can be restored, so that we may be united again in vision and cause. If they wish to test our resolve, then we shall meet them on the field of battle, and let the strongest guide our people.">​


He was only further stupefied upon her reveal of prior allegiances - not only for herself, but for another of their number. Careena was in service to the Imperials. Munin to the Sith. And Hakon was a wandering Mercenary. It only further proved how righteous their cause was, how fate had spun its thread to bring such people from vastly different walks of life. United by purpose, by tradition.

And he had further listened to her speak upon their misguided brethren. Her aspirations of why she fought. They mirrored his own like an exact match to a puzzle, on all but one comment.

“They are not dar’manda until the Mand’alor is forged from the fires of conflict.” Came his insistent reply, with a momentary hesitance. Carduul was not quick to ascribe the title - Mandalorians were prone to conflict, even against each other. Dar’manda was a dour title for a reason, one that should not be quickly ascribed to any foe. Their kind had many reasons to fight each other, but the only uniting constant was their leader. When one rose, then he shall be sure in his conviction. “I still do not know why some still believe that reducing our people to be hounds for the Sith, or Alliance, is the path forward…”

“...But thy words ring true. The strongest shall guide our people. That is our Way.”
Conceding on that point. It was a perspective he had not considered before. If he was bested in combat by such a foe, would it not merely be destiny? Perhaps. Still, the prospect offered thus far if such happened did not reflect a good result to that. It would lead to a period of sloth, the whispers of Arasuum triumphing over their people. Decay that would last eons.

That was why he must continue to fight.

To prevent those that would reduce them to hounds on a leash from succeeding. ‘Guardians,’ ‘Keepers of the Peace’ - these things would not be known to anyone by the Mando’ade. That was never their place. Anything else was turning their back onto their own kind, their own history.

“I, too, care deeply for our people. That is why I fight for them, to return that fire they have lost to its rightful place. To all of them - even the ones who cross blades with us. I can only hope in time, they will see the error of their ways. When the Mand’alor sounds the call, I shall brook them no quarter.”

It was a vow. One not lightly taken.

The repulsorlift had no more pieces left. She had given him much to think about - beyond the cycle. T’was true; Mandalorians were a people of action. But it was thoughts and ideals that governed this. Hers had proven why and how she had motivated Clan Fett to sound the call.

And it had proven why he could trust her to lead well.

“Thank thee, Careena, for accompanying this excursion. I learned more than I expected.”

Careena Fett Careena Fett
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C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Grave, Dxun
| Objective | Speak with the Viper
<"From the fires of battle unto the anvil of war."> she murmured quietly.​
<"A wise forgemaster likened us to the beskar he forged. Our people's mettle is tested endlessly. While others remain strong when struck, others give to a force stronger than they can bear, hence why they bend the knee. By my own admission, I fought alongside Imperials out of fear of annihilation of my clan, but we fought for common goals against a common foe; but after the war was won, it became apparent to me that we could only trust and rely on our own if we were to truly be Mandalorians once again. By siding with Jedi or Sith they introduce impurities as they are folded in. It is not to say that the Jedi and Sith have their own qualities that can be respected, but it dilutes our people. Pure beskar is unlike anything else in the galaxy, which is why it is left to us to return them to our fold. There is no shame in having allies, but it becomes a sin to choose to protect them over the people whom you've sworn to honor and serve through the Resol'nare.">​
She looked across the graves as rest were formed. It was not the last that the grave would see, but the untold stories and legacies were left to those that lived. <"The Echani from what I understand communicate through combat. Their emotions and belief conveyed through exchanging blows. I believe in a similar way that we will only fuly understand our wayward brethren on the field of battle, and show them what strong resolve and commitment truly looks like. Crossing blades with them is inevitable, but we should never shy away from a challenge.">​
<"As the Resol'nare asks of us, so too shall I heed their call."> She retrieved her helmet as she lifted it to place upon her head, the return of the stoic and unwavering gaze of its visor. She looked to Carduul as she rested her hands upon her belt, <"And to you as well Carduul. Wisdom like yours benefits our people greatly, and it is my wish to see you continue to teach our people's history and inspire your resolve within them as well. It is an honor to have you amongst our ranks."> She raised a hand into a fist, bumping it against her chest before offering a bow of respect.​
<"Let us continue the fight for our fallen, and create a future for our young.">​


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