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Private Echoes of Peace: The Coruscant Simulation


Courscant | Jedi Temple
Tag: Aiden Porte Aiden Porte


In the heart of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the grand halls buzzed with purpose and the humming glow of lightsabers from training rooms echoed like a distant symphony. It was a time of peace, yet tensions simmered in distant corners of the galaxy, where the Jedi's role as peacekeepers was ever more imperative. Among the myriad of Jedi in training were two older Padawans, Roman Vossari and Aiden Porte, who stood at the threshold of a pivotal moment in their development.

Roman, tall and composed, had the calm demeanor that often drew others to him. He was adept at reading emotions, a skill that served him well in negotiation and diplomacy.

It was during an unusually quiet afternoon that the two were summoned to begin a diplomatic simulation in the Temple's conference room. Roman arrived first, the sunlight pouring in through the large transparisteel windows, illuminating the vast room. He took a moment to center himself, closing his eyes and breathing deeply. The hum of the Force resonated in the air, and he could feel its gentle guidance.

The simulation was designed to immerse the participants in a high-stakes negotiation between rival factions vying for control of a distant planet recently discovered to hold valuable resources. Roman had always been fascinated by the art of diplomacy, dealing with it extensively in his younger years with his family. He believed it was as crucial as combat in maintaining peace in the galaxy. He paced cautiously around the circular table, mentally preparing for the various roles he might assume, hoping to embody the principles of the Jedi.

His sky blue eyes gazed at the door yet again, wondering when his partner would be arriving...

Oh it was good to be back. Before he preferred the nice quiet of the archives, when he was younger. Quieted his mind, focused on the material. Learning, anything and everything he could. Not really content with dealing with the bustle of Temple life. Now that he was a bit older, he couldn't get enough of it. Bumping into familiar faces, catching up with old friends. It was nice, and a very warm return to the life of a Jedi.

However, he still had much to do, he was no Jedi Knight yet. And that came with much more training and further studying of the living force. His schedule was rather busy, his only free time somewhat was on the weekends. But even then he was training, preparing for whatever came his way. Today he was partnered with Roman Vossari Roman Vossari a fellow Jedi Padawan. He was briefed as to the task and the simulation that the duo would be put through.

Aiden was prepared to do his best, hoping to also learn from his fellow Padawan. Aiden was taught that something could be learned from everyone, just focus and listen.

The Padawan made his way through the door and his fellow Padawan could be seen on the far side.

"Forgive my lateness my friend." Aiden voiced as he made his way over the Roman and extended his hand towards him. "My name is Aiden Porte, its good meet you. I look forward to our simulation training today."


As the doors of the training room slid open with a mechanical whisper, Roman straightened his posture, shifting his weight slightly as if subconsciously preparing for what was to come. Roman could feel his own pulse quicken, a mix of excitement and nerves fluttering in his chest. Today would be different, today was about more than just combat or lightsaber techniques. This was a test of diplomacy.

Roman turned to see Aiden Porte approaching, extending his hand in greeting. Roman could see already that Aiden carried a sense of eagerness and determination that mirrored his own.

"It's good to meet you, too, Aiden," Roman replied with a smile, clasping his hand in a firm grip while using his other to give a firm pat on his shoulder. He couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie forming between them, even with their brief interaction. "I've heard you have quite the knack for these simulations."

Vossari approached the center of the room, the holo-simulation platform shimmering into existence like a miniature galaxy. Various projections flickered to life before them: star systems intertwined with maps, holographic graphs depicting trade routes, and even representations of different species. Roman felt a thrill run through him; this was a chance to explore the art of negotiation and the intricacies of governing dynamics without the constraints of their reality.

"Remember, we are tasked with navigating a diplomatic crisis involving two squabbling factions," Roman reminded Aiden, as he gestured toward the floating images. "Tensions are high, and we need to find a way to resolve this without resorting to conflict."

Roman handed Aiden a data-pad he had a moment or two to look at before Aiden arrived. "Right. I've read the details on the factions. The Dreith and the Sarak… it's like a microcosm of galactic politics. They've fought over resources for years. We need to find a common ground."

Roman took a moment to gather his thoughts. He could see the simulation already processing their intentions, balancing the moral fabric of the Jedi with the reality of their task. "Let's see what positions each side holds. We may need to empathize with their fears to find a solution."

As they stepped onto the platform, the room darkened, and vibrant images began to swirl around them. The figures of two leaders appeared in front of them, one aggressive and armored from the Dreith, the other adorned in elegant robes from the Sarak. They stood on either side, their postures rigid, the air between them crackling with unspoken anger.

"Let's do this," Roman whispered, feeling the warmth of excitement stir within him. The holographic leaders initiated their dialogue, their voices overlapping in a cacophony of grievances and blame. Roman leaned forward, focusing on the nuances, their body language, the tension in their voices, and let the Force guide him.

"I've heard you have quite the knack for these simulations."

"I try my best at them. I by means am no expert. Practice makes perfect, or well helps to improve." Aiden said with a small laugh, as he knew there was no Jedi out there that was indeed perfect. Try to reach their peak potential was something good to go by. Aiden moved to get a better view of the galaxy and took the datapad and reviewed what he could while he listened to Roman Vossari Roman Vossari instructions on what their plan of action was.

"Arguing over resources, and its a several year feud. This will be tough and will be a good challenge to us and them. If they are stuck in their ways, we will need find out if there was some underlying cause that fed into this resource gathering." Aiden shook his head slightly as he joined his fellow Padawan on the platform and the simulation began to get underway.

Aiden has seen these simulations before, not this on in particular. But a few others just like it, and it amazed him everytime. It was the ultimate training tool for the Padawans to learn and grow.

The simulation took off and sides began their respective arguments back and forth. Aiden quieted his mind, ensuring the force flow through him as he glanced back and forth as statements and such were exchanged.

It seemed the Dreith were getting more verbally aggressive as it went on, the Sarak seemed to remain poised.

"I feel there is something more than just resources buried at the root of this problem." Aiden whispered to his companion.


Roman nodded in agreement, his brow furrowing in thought as he absorbed Aiden's insight. "That's a keen observation." he murmured, keeping his eyes fixed on the holographic images swirling around them. "Underlying issues often dictate the surface conflicts. We need to dig deeper."

As the debate escalated, Roman noticed the body language of the Sarak leader, a woman clad in flowing robes that seemed to shift colors like twilight. Her posture was rigid, but there were moments when her hand trembled slightly, betraying some vulnerability. On the opposite side, the Dreith leader, a hulking figure clad in dark armor, voice booming with anger, slammed his fist against the table, sending a shockwave through the simulation.

"According to what we discussed, the Sarak depend on the Dreith for mineral resources, but they're also faced with a labor crisis of their own." Roman communicated quietly to Aiden. "If we can bring the focus away from immediate grievances and onto long-term alliances, maybe we could reframe how they view each other."

Suddenly, an idea sparked in his mind, and he turned to Aiden, a mixture of enthusiasm and determination lighting his features. "Let's shift the dialogue." he proposed. "We should emphasize the benefits of collaboration. If the Sarak can provide a steady workforce, they could negotiate better access to resources. That way, both sides have something to gain, no one loses."

Roman turned to Aiden to see if he agreed with his plan of action.

The squabbling continued as while he kept his ears open to what was being said by the Diplomats, he was also listening to what was being said by Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

The Padawan looked over to him with a small smile and nodded his head. "That's a solid strategy and idea." Aiden whispered, glancing back between the two diplomats.

"If they can find the means to work together, put aside all these accusations. All parties will benefit from this. It will lead to strong ties between the two. And by chance should such grievances arise again, they would be able to learn from what could transpire here today. They wouldn't be repeating the mistakes of the past." The Jedi Padawan looked towards Roman and nodded his head enthusiastically. "I say we go for it, my friend."

"I will follow your lead and step in whenever the time is right."


Roman felt a rush of relief as Aiden supported his idea, the weight of uncertainty easing from his shoulders. "Thank you, Aiden." he whispered back, a smile creeping onto his face. He took a deep breath and faced the holographic representation of the ongoing debate.

The tension in the air was thick, but Roman felt the spark of hope flickering. He raised his hand slightly, signaling for an opportunity to speak. When the voices began to quiet, he stepped forward, channeling the serene focus he had learned in the temple.

"Esteemed leaders." he began, his voice calm but steady, "I understand that the past weeks have been fraught with conflict. However, if we take a moment to explore a different path, perhaps we can find a solution that benefits us all."

He could feel the attention shifting toward him, the Sarak leader's trembling hand stilling, and the Dreith leader's scowl deepening. "The Sarak possess not only the workforce but also a resilient spirit that can adapt and thrive in the most challenging environments. Meanwhile, the Dreith have the resources necessary for infrastructural development that can enhance the lives of both their people and the Sarak."

Roman glanced at Aiden, his partner's eyes sparkling with encouragement. "Let us not dwell on the grievances that divide us, but envision a future where collaboration and trade can pave the way for prosperity. If we can establish a partnership today, we can build a legacy that transcends misunderstanding and establishes a foundation of trust."

As he spoke, Roman could sense the tension begin to shift. The Sarak leader's posture relaxed slightly, her eyes narrowing as she considered his words, while the Dreith leader's anger flickered with curiosity rather than hostility.

Aiden closed his eyes as he centered himself with the force. Focusing on the even here and now, despite that it was just a simulation. If you took it seriously here, then it would increase your mind to handle things like this so much better in the future.

The Padawan opened his eyes glancing around the room, Roman Vossari Roman Vossari spoke true and it seemed it was getting through to both sides. He had a very strong knack for this. And it was good to see that the aura moved over both sides.

Aiden stood alongside his fellow padawan and in turn raised his hand.

"Esteemed Leaders...." Aiden voiced as he glanced around the room again. Not wanting to take from Roman, but just to provide some support.

"My colleague speaks truly, to ensure a more prosperous future between the two of you there has to be compromises. Together as one, you both could establish a partnership that could last generations. It will not be easy, it will take a lot of hard work. But if you are willing to give this a chance. Either side will not be disappointed."

Aiden knew that hardly anyone could make it alone in this galaxy. It wasn't true for everyone, but for the majority it was true. Aiden was one of those, he didn't do so well on his own. While he knew that had to change, for now his hope and faith came in seeing the goodness and cooperation of those that were willing to fight for each other.

"I understand the hesitation, esteemed leaders." Roman said, his voice maintaining the calm cadence that had begun to soothe the tense atmosphere. "Change is never easy, and the path to trust is paved with small steps, not giant leaps. We are not asking for blind faith, but for open minds. Consider the potential, a future where the Sarak's industrious spirit and the Dreith's resources are not at odds, but intertwined. A future where trade routes flourish, where knowledge is shared, and where both your peoples can thrive in a way they never could alone."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in, before continuing. "Perhaps we can begin with small initiatives, a pilot trade program, the exchange of specialists for mutual benefit, the establishment of a joint council to address immediate concerns. Each step we take together, builds a bridge of understanding and fosters a foundation of mutual respect."

Roman kept his gaze steady, addressing both leaders directly. "The choice is yours. Will you allow fear and resentment to dictate your future, or will you embrace the opportunity for something greater? The path to peace and prosperity is not found in isolation, but in cooperation."

The Sarak leader, whose name was Elara, shifted in her holographic form, her sharp eyes flickering between Roman and the Dreith leader, whose name was Khel. "Your words are tempting, Padawans." she said, her voice laced with a hint of suspicion. "But we Sarak have been wronged. The Dreith have exploited our people for far too long. How can we trust that this will be different? That your proposed partnership won't simply be another form of exploitation?"

Khel interjected, his voice booming across the holographic chamber. "The Sarak are nothing but a demanding lot, always grasping for more. We have provided them with opportunities, and they have repaid us with ingratitude and rebellion. This talk of partnership is a farce. The only solution is for the Sarak to understand their place and serve the needs of the Dreith, as they always have!"

This wasn't going to be easy....

It was hard to forget the mistakes of the past, this was indeed true. To let go of fear and worry and attempt to move forwards with those that had broke trust was difficult. He couldn't imagine trying to sit in a room between the Jedi and Sith and try to make peace. It was almost just the same as what was being asked today.

That makes it difficult to trust. But he knew that in order to prosper, they would have to try. Roman Vossari Roman Vossari ideas were completely valid and they would work, they just needed to take that first step towards trust once more.

"And, have they not been wronged as well?" Aiden voiced politely as he glanced towards the Sarak representative. "Everywhere, someone has been wronged in one shape or form. The means to negotiate and establish ties as one are the most noble of things. Both of you, your people have common cause with one another to prosper together. Neither needs to be under the heel of the other. Together, side by side. If you would wish it, I will remain here to assist in these ties. To ensure that prosperity, not treachery takes hold today."

Roman observed as Aiden's words hung in the air, a palpable tension still vibrating through the holographic chamber. He felt a rush of gratitude toward his fellow Padawan for bravely interjecting, offering a powerful reminder of the shared experiences of both the Sarak and Dreith peoples. Yet doubts lingered like shadows cast by mistrust.

Roman took a deep breath, centering himself in the force, channeling the calm resolve that had guided him thus far. He stepped forward, his gaze steady on Elara and Khel, ever the stewards of their respective civilizations. The weight of history pressed upon them like a thick fog, yet Roman believed that within that fog lay the potential for clarity and cooperation.

"Wise words, Aiden," he replied, his voice laced with a respectful confidence. "It is true that both your peoples have faced injustice, and I do not seek to diminish the wounds that still fester in your hearts." Roman swept his gaze between the leaders, ensuring they felt his sincerity. "Every relationship, just like every individual, carries scars from the past. Yet it is imperative to remember that it is through unity we can heal those wounds."

With the holographic chamber still hanging in silence, Roman continued, "The Sarak and Dreith, with our disparate strengths, can forge an alliance that celebrates rather than scorns our differences. It is not an act of servitude for one to the other, as Khel suggests, but a partnership where both can bring forth their unique gifts. The Sarak's industrious innovation, paired with the Dreith's rich resources, can spark a renaissance for both cultures."

Khel's face contorted in irritation, but Roman pressed on, undeterred. "Imagine a festival that brings together artisans from Sarak and scientists from Dreith, where ideas flow as freely as trade. Imagine your children learning from one another, nurturing friendships that transcend your peoples' grievances. This is not just a lofty dream; it is a possibility that awaits us if we choose to cast aside our doubts."

Roman's expression softened, the cadence of his voice becoming more impassioned. "Change is a leap, yes--an often terrifying leap. But it is also a chance for growth. A chance to transcend generations of animosity for the sake of a brighter future. All I ask is that you both consider the potential of togetherness, rather than striking against one another."

Roman looked to Aiden, to see if he had anything final to add.


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