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Approved Starship Eclipse-class Prototype

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Manufacturer: Dark Empire
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Length: Very High
Width: High
Height: Large
Size: Very Large





  • VERY HIGH Armaments
  • HIGH Defenses
  • HIGH Hangar Capacity
  • LOW Speed
  • LOW Maneuverability
  • Exposed Aft/Engines


An unfinished project commissioned by the Final Dawn and Epoch Engineering Corporation back in the midst of the Second Great Hyperspace War. Stowed away deep in enemy territory, it was initially worked on by savages within the MAW which had set back production and due to the scarcity of resources, largely abandoned until clean up was finished of the Mawite remnants of Coruscant and throughout the Core Worlds. This vessel was later found and safeguarded by associates of Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe , then-Chancellor of the Galactic Alliance, with the necessary bribes it was kept behind close doors, passing hands between Neo-Imperial loyalists of Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen and Derix Tirall Derix Tirall . At the end of the war, it was largely left alone until recent years seeing a sudden return to it's worksite. Resources suddenly began pouring in, rushing completion of this esteemed idea, this unfinished vessel saw new life.

As Was By Design.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a prototype and something cool for future use in the next invasion.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: n/a
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Technical Information

Affiliation: Dark Empire
Model: Eclipse III-prototype
Starship Class: Battlecruiser (2000m-5000m)
Starship Role: Other
Modular: No
Material: Composite Hull, Kirium Mirrors, Nanolaminate Plating, Impervium, Matrix Armor, Quadanium, CP90 Durasteel, Duralloy, Laminanium, Durasteel, Plasteel, Interior Paneling, Alusteel Skeleton, Glasteel Viewports, Faraday Cage Components, Electronic Components
Armaments: Orbital Autocannons
Mass-Driver Autocannons
Plasma Cannons
'Assimilator' Cannon
Solar Ionization Cannons
Point Defense Lasers
Mk XII Smartgunner Chips
SF-12 capacitor components
Point Defense Ion Cannons
Mk XII Smartgunner Chips
Point Defense Brilliant Missile Pods
IDCS-60 Point Defense Drivers
Heavy Quad Turbolaser Emplacements
Octuple Barbette Turbolasers
Megamaser Batteries
Missile Launchers
Proton Torpedoes
Brilliant Missiles
Carbonite Missiles
Disruptor Torpedoes
Mag-Pulse Warheads
Advanced Concussion Missiles
Rhypalm Missiles
Ion Cannon Batteries
Mass Driver Cannons
Broadside Mass Drivers
Broadside Flak Guns
Null-Burst Projectors
Defense Rating: Very High
Speed Rating: Low
Maneuverability Rating:: Very Low
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: High
Radiation Resist: Very High
Other Resistance(s):

Composite Hull
Deflector Shielding
Particle Shielding
Ray Shielding
Ion Shielding
Molecular Shielding
Xythan Force Shielding
Missile Deactivation Transmitter
Electronic Countermeasures Suite

Minimum Crew: 1000
Optimal Crew: 75000
Passenger Capacity: 20000
Cargo Capacity: Very Large
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