Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Edge of Heaven

The young woman was getting braver in the actions she did. Maybe even more cocky because she was so rarely caught. Her foray today brought her to Saberhing. Here there were many droids and she wanted to continue to test her ability on them. On New Plympto she had come across some she couldn't dominate.

Here on Saberhing, she would be wander among the crowds and gawk at everything around her. There were so many droids to practice on. Of course, she didn't yet know it was Force she was working with.

She sat down on a curb, in an out of a way location and near to a droid facility. Feeling the almost life of them, she reached out to touch the programming of them and felt free. Free do wander through their minds, touching them and not leaving a mark on them. Wearing a smile on her face, nodding her head to the beat of her music, lost to pretty much anything going on around her...

[member="Doran Ren"]
Doran's metal boots clanked against the hard ground as he strolled down the streets of Saberhing, his cape flowing behind him. His heavy breathing apparatus wheezing as his dark eyes scanned the street. He stopped cold and reached out through the force to sense his target, Shes here. He wheezed and continued on to his destination. He peered around the corner to see the girl listening to music sitting on the curb.

The young Ren smirked and began to talk towards the girl. He had heard she was a proficient slicer and though is armor has a, frightening appearance, she might be fascinated with it. I mean the gauntlets are quite the technological achievement. The girl was nodding her head to her music so Doran casually sat down beside her with a clank. His cape was draped around his shoulders and his helmet wheezed as attempted to look afraid and lost. He looked to the girl with sad eyes of his mask.

Maybe her compassion could start up a conversation out of pity. The internally damaged Ren wheezed through his mask and clasped his claw like gauntlets together looking down at his metallic boots.

[member="Aren D'Shade"]
Aren was so lost in her music she did not know of the approach of anybody until he sat down next to her. Letting out a small squeak of surprise and being startled, she gave herself a mental slap about getting to lost in her music again. She turned off the music and looked at the man that sat next to her.

She worked with electronic and could tell right away his suit was very much something she could tinker with. Not that she actually thought about doing it right now.

"What caused you to need the suit?"

The question was blurted​ out before she could stop it and her mouth snapped shut right after speaking. He didn't look at her, but yet he had sat down next to her on purpose. Maybe he couldn't speak and that was why he was silent.

[member="Doran Ren"]
Doran smiled as the girl took notice of him, he wheezed and turned to her "My lungs were destroyed some time ago, the suit forces oxygen through them. Its quite a wonder really, made it myself." He could tell that she was eyeballing the armor and was interested in its design.

He wheezed and extended his clawed gauntlet towards the girl, hoping she would shake his hand. "I'm Doran, and you are." He couldn't help it but he was grinning under his mask. He had to admit the girl was quite beautiful. Doran couldn't really let the delusion of relationship seep in.

[member="Aren D'Shade"]
"Like my brother. He has to wear a mask to breathe too."

Though that mask had changed they had met, he still needed to wear something on his face. Never having asked him why, Aren didn't have an answer if Doran asked why her brother would need one.

Not having any issues shaking his hand, the fact he wore a suit of armor did not bother her.

"Aren D'Shade."

She gave him a slight smile, but it was friendly. Not a touch of guilt showed on her from her playing with the droids in the nearby facility.

[member="Doran Ren"]
Doran's clawed gauntlets clattered as he shook the girls hand. A warmness that he hadn't felt before overcame him, it even rivaled the cold darkness within him. No matter, he had a job to do. "I'm sorry to hear that about your brother, that must be difficult. The Ren needed to show more trust.

His gloved hands pulled down his hood and clasped around his helmet. Suddenly the center of the mask split open with a hiss and a spray of steam to reveal his scarred face, the lower half of which was still covered by a respirator. "I must admit Aren, as a child I told I was force sensitive. I never acted on this of course. But, I sense that same power in you."

[member="Aren D'Shade"]
"I didn't know him growing up or how he got hurt to need the mask. In fact when we met, we didn't know we were related. Was trying to steal his ship, but he caught me. He told me, I can use the Force too."

Watching him as he pulled his hood down to open the front part of his mask, Aren could see clearly the respirator attached that forced his breath in and out. ​

"Perhaps you can find somebody to help teach you? So far, well, I haven't exactly been looking, but nobody can teach me. No idea how to use it or anything."

She ​shrugged her shoulders slightly, but didn't stop looking at him. His appearance wasn't surprising considering he had just told her he had been injured.

[member="Doran Ren"]
"I've always heard of a group that would take in anyone with no judgement, the uh, knights of Ren I believe." Doran thought to himself, So, she knows she force sensitive but never acted on it, and she's a thief.

Maybe his target would be easier to entice than he even anticipated. He tried to flash a handsome smile in an attempt to let her be more comfortable talking to him.

He smiled under his respirator and shrugged looking at the girl with a joyous expression "Here's an idea! I was going to go see about training there soon, why don't you come with me?"

[member="Aren D'Shade"]
When he started speaking, Aren listened to him curiously. As soon as he mentioned the Ren though, she stiffened up and shook her head.

"What I didn't say was when I was trying to steal my brother's ship...I was leaving Zakuul and I'm not a fan of the First Order. If you do go there, I wish you the best of luck though. Personally I feel they would rather have brainwashed servants than free thinkers. Much like organics treat droids. Nothing more than tools."

She didn't speak with any heat or anger, nor did she try to convince him from his course of action.

"I also rely on public transportation to get around. Not sure how you're going to get there, but I don't have a ship to use."

[member="Doran Ren"]
Doran sighed as he extended his hand to place his metal clad fingers on her shoulder. At this point his lies were pointless, it was time to use force.

"Look I'm sorry I didn't want it to come to this, you'll feel better when you wake up, and maybe more cooperative."

With that his gauntlet began to illuminate with electricity through his arm to his fingertips, He had to admit he liked the girl. Too bad it had to come to this." In moments his gauntlet would send a burst of lightning into her that would surely knock her out cold.

[member="Aren D'Shade"]
The blind trust of the young woman had brought this about. He had played to the feelings any normal sentient would and Aren had fallen prey to him.

"Come to wh...? Cark!"

His grip wasn't light, so she couldn't just pull away. However, she had one trick up her sleeve. That ability to play with electronic devices. Usually she applied it droids, but it could be used on pretty much anything. Reaching out with her ability, she touched the tender connections within his armor that powered his gloves. Not actually wanting to kill him...yet, his life support would remain.

If her skill worked like she wanted, it would at least disable his glove from delivering the shock he was charging up for.

"I don't want to be a Ren! No, no."

She had left Zakuul to ​avoid belonging to the First Order. Now here was one of them hunting her.

[member="Doran Ren"]
Doran grunted with frustration as his gauntlet ceases its power. How could she have disabled it so easily? She could have just as easily taken out his life support as well but, she didn’t. She was compassionate towards him.

The young Ren watched her pull away from him and start to back away. “You don’t understand, this choice is being

He extended his left hand and used the force to pull her face to face to him. They’re noses were almost touching. He smiled as he began to use the force to put pressure on her wind pipe. “I didn’t want to hurt you girl, I really liked you. But no one messes with my creations.”

@Aren D’shade
"No, it isn't being! You're...ugh."

Not able to know how to resist a pull, Aren faced him almost nose to nose. That smile he gave wasn't a friendly one, but almost one of pleasure. Like he enjoyed seeing the suffering of others. She was just another one of a number.


It w​as all she could get out, but it was enough. Her companion droid came out from the ally she had been in. Out of sight of the others and had been waiting on Aren to call on her to say it was time to enter that facility.

Seeing her master in trouble, she hesitated only a moment and raised her blaster to point at Doran.

"Let her go Mister or I will be forced to shoot. I am sure we can come to some agreement without further hostilities."

[member="Doran Ren"]
Doran groaned and used his free hand to pull the blaster from the female droids hands, throwing it into the distance. He then used the force to pin the pesky droid against the wall behind it. “No more games love. You’re coming with me.”

He began to force choke her harder hoping to just knock her out. Not kill her.

He wheezed and coughed heavily as he continued to use his force abilities to restrain the droid and incapacitate the girl.

@Aren D’Shade
With no formal training in how to use the Force, Aren did not stand any form of chance against Doran. Only her skill with machines and electronics. However, even she knew there was little chance of her to escape from him. He easily stole the blaster away from EL and was able to restrain her while maintaining a hold on Aren. This greatly surprised her, but her vision was starting to get all sparkly.

Closing her eyes and almost apparently going to relax into his hold and embracy, she tried one last desperate move. Remembering the electronics of his breather, the only thing she could think of was disable that and hope it didn't kill him.

With the last bit of thought, she sent a small surge of her understanding into that and shorted it out. It went beyond its normal programming so it would rebel and fix itself, but it might cause him to let go of her.

[member="Doran Ren"]
Doran collapses as his rebreather shut off. His eyes widened with surprise and fear as he clutched as his chest, wheezing hard.

He lost his grip on both the girl and the droid as he fell to his hands and knees. He had come so close. He could breathe and he would live but just barely.

He looked up the girl who was smirking down at him and practically begged for her to keep him from death. He clutched at her leg and loooked up to her wheezing “P- please.”

@Aren D’Shade
EL regained her balance faster than Aren and ran to her master's side as quickly as she could. Aren shook her head clear to see Doran gasping on the ground at her feet. Both of them practically laying there side by side and he was at her mercy. Like she had been in his moments before.

Shaking her head slightly, having been taken for a fool once by him already, she was reluctant to allow that to happen again. However, she didn't exactly want him to die either.

"Go find your blaster, EL."

​EL was reluctant to move, but seemed to understand having a weapon was a wise choice. As her droid wandered off to look for that blaster, Aren caught her breath back and moved over to be behind Daron.

"Look, you'll be find in a few minutes. In fact, better than fine. I noticed something."

With the, she would gently peel back the covering of the power pack on his back and took out a couple of her tools. If he was enough aware, he might feel some pressure there, but there was no danger emanating off the young woman. She may or may not care about him, yet, but right now electronics were her love and he relied on them to keep himself alive.

Soon enough the suit was back together and the air flow much quieter and flowed easier.

Shaking one of those tools in the direction of his face, a small quip came off her.

"Don't do that again, Daron."

[member="Doran Ren"]
Doran sighed as he felt the girl take a seat on his back and repair his power pack. She didn’t weigh much so It didn’t really matter. Look at him, the mighty Ren, crippled with a girl seated on his back saving his life.

He couldn’t help but smile, every time he lost at least he learned mistakes. She scolded him from her seat as his suits mechanics came to life again. “I can’t breath with you on top of me...”

@Aren D’Shade
Not putting up any fuss to her actions, her repairs were quickly done. When she was done and he was properly scolded, he pointed out he couldn't breathe with her on top of him.

As if Aren just noticed the awkward situation, she let out a little eep, blushed and climbed off him. Clearing her throat, she replaced the tools into her bag and held a hand down to him to help him up. She paid close attention to his actions though and if he were attempt to strangle, zap or hold her with the Force, she was prepared to disable him again.

EL returned and that blaster was proudly displayed on her ship. The droid was clearly pleased with her success at its retrieval.

"I'm glad a peaceful resolution was found, miss."

Aren and Doran stood almost the same height and for some reason she like that about him. Never mind he had apparently just been trying to kill her...

"Did you try to kill me for making you not being able to zap me?"

[member="Doran Ren"]
Doran breathed in as the girl lept off of him. He stumbled up and came face to face with her again. Her droid had returned with its blaster. He groaned and quipped “Clearly I didn’t throw that far enough...”

He locked eyes with the girl as she asked him a question. He couldn’t help but smile looking at her. “Wasn’t going to kill you, but yes breaking my tech was irritating.” He felt weak again and his legs gave out as he propped himself up on the girl to keep from falling. It almost looked like a hug if out of context.

@Aren D’Shade

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