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Approved NPC Edmund Blastfodder’s Holodrama Crew

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  • Crew Name: Edmund Blastfodder’s Holodrama Crew
  • Crew Type: Holodrama Crew
  • Base of Operations: Paraversal Studios, Coruscant.
  • Crew Size: 5 members
  • Loyalties: Paraversal Holograms
  • Description: As ambitious as he is, Edmund Blastfodder is well aware that he cannot make his holodramas completely by himself. So, he has assembled a dedicated and reliable crew to help him make his visions a holographic reality. While they sometimes feud over Blastfodder’s fixation on massive explosions at the expense of other concerns, they get along well for the most part.

  • Name: Bask Plinith
  • Age: 45
  • Species: Muun
  • Role: Producer
  • Languages: Muun (primary language), Galactic Basic (fluent)
  • Description: Bask Plinith is an experienced producer at Paraversal Holograms, and a frequent collaborator with Edmund Blastfodder. Plinith is a Muun, and like many of his species he has a natural aptitude for financial management and a calm disposition. These traits make him ideal as a producer. As his producer, Plinith is usually responsible for reigning in Blastfodder’s more outlandish ideas to fit within realistic constraints like his budget and industry safety standards. While he is all-business on the job, he is surprisingly friendly and jovial off-duty.

  • Name: YQ-9
  • Age: 20
  • Species: RA-7 Protocol Droid
  • Role: Screenwriter
  • Languages: Fluent in over 6 million forms of communication.
  • Description: YQ-9 is a screenwriter droid owned by Paraversal Holograms. It is frequently attached to write scripts for Blastfodder’s holodramas, and has thus become a regular member of his team. It lacks a well defined personality, and mostly just serves a machine that spits out scripts. YQ-9 is usually kept out of the limelight during publicity events, which does not bother it in the slightest.

  • Name: Uji Hantrell
  • Age: 55
  • Species: Mon Calamari
  • Role: Camera Operator
  • Languages: Mon Calamarian (primary language), Galactic Basic (fluent)
  • Description: Uji Hantrell is a professional camera operator who works at Paraversal Holograms. His steady hands and attention to detail make him ideal for capturing the explosive grandeur of Blastfodder’s pyrotechnic wizardry. In personality, he is rather grouchy and ill-tempered, but is ultimately a good person who cares about making sure the holodramas he works on turn out as well as possible. As the oldest member on the crew, he is often viewed as a source of wisdom and experience, albeit wisdom and experience with a few grumbling complaints thrown in.

  • Name: Brodill Untepgraff
  • Age: 39
  • Species: Rodian
  • Role: Editor
  • Languages: Rodese (primary language), Galactic Basic (fluent), Huttese (conversational)
  • Description: Brodill Untepgraff is a holodrama editor at Paraversal Holograms, and a frequent collaborator with Blastfodder. He is in charge of editing the many bits and pieces of holographic footage taken during the shooting process, and compiling it into a single coherent holodrama. Naturally sociable and friendly, he often serves as a mediator during conflicts between Blastfodder and Plinith.

  • Name: Psarr’wassak’Rus
  • Age: 24
  • Species: Trandoshan
  • Role: On-set Security/Bodyguard
  • Languages: Dosh (primary language), Galactic Basic (fluent), Huttese (fluent), Rodese (conversational)
  • Description: Psarr’wassak’Rus is Blastfodder’s personal bodyguard, and is in charge of on-set security. He was hired by Blastfodder after an encounter with a seriously overzealous fan left the director with a broken wrist. Unusually for a Trandoshan, he has a pair of cranial horns which extend backwards from his skull. While Psarr is obviously not allowed to use lethal force unless the situation demands it, he does carry a stun blaster which he will gladly use on any unauthorized personnel he catches snooping around on a holodrama set. He is also an expert in hand-to-hand combat, and his large size means that he can take a significant beating before going down. While he acts silent and serious while on the job, Psarr is surprisingly intellectual, and often provides unexpected insight when asked of his opinion.

Edmund Blastfodder’s Holodrama Crew first met up for the making of the disaster piece Collision. At the time, Blastfodder was a relatively unknown director in the industry, and producer Bask Plinith was taking a bit of a risk in hiring him. However, Blastfodder was able to convince him that his explosive expertise made him the right man for the job. Once that was sorted out, Plinith hired Uji Hantrell as a camera operator and Brodill Untepgraff as an editor. Production of Collision went smoothly, and when it hit the holotheaters it was a major financial success. This success made Blastfodder a major name in the industry, and paved the way for more of his movies to be greenlit for production. Since then, the team has stuck together for Blastfodder’s other movies, and added two new members in the form of the screenwriter droid YQ-9 and bodyguard Psarr. Now, the team is getting ready to embark on its most ambitious project yet: a big-budget franchise telling the story of a race of giant shapeshifting droids invading from another galaxy.
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