Aperion Path
A Path of Pain

"Maybe, there's no purpose in life. But if you linger a while longer in this world, you might discover something of value in it"
Name: Edo
Species: Previously Near-Human, Currently Spiritual Essence
Race: Previously Epicanthix
Age: Unknown
Height: Previously 5'7"
Weight: Previously 95 Ibs
Eye Color: Previously Green
Hair Color: Previously Black
Skin Pigmentation: Previously Pale, Pasty White.
Force Sensitive: Yes
[+] Knowledge/Intelligence - He's lived for a very long time, and has gained tons of knowledge concerning force abilities etc. though he cannot perform them all, that is one of his goals. This is due to him turning himself into merely an artificial consciousness, he has cheated death, and still contains all the knowledge he previously possessed. Since his childhood days he has been considered someone of a genius intellect, and from his associations with different beings and groups, and along with his solo exploits has allowed him access to vast amounts of knowledge in areas such a medicine, and science.
[+/-] Spiritual Essence - His true form is merely an artificial, non-corporeal being. His soul. This is a result of him dedicating his time to trying to achieve immortality through a lost technique called transfer essence. He cannot survive without possessing a host body. After possession he can alter the body's form to present his original form from before he became an essence. However due to his dark side energy, and the fact that his very essence is toxic, it will eventually kill off the host body. Once he has possessed a body he gains knowledge to the abilities of the host, adding them to his mental database. This also gives him a means of learning quicker. He will never be able to use the abilities to their fullest extent, especially the ones that are taxing on the body physically. Through possession he is subject to all the weaknesses and illnesses of the hosts body. He must willingly leave a body, however he can be extracted by a skilled user of battle meditation, the powerful Force Light Ability, and possible spells, but is also forced to leave a body once it is in the process of dying.
[+/-] Illusionist - Due to the very need for a body to be in good shape, he has become a gifted illusionist, hoping to break the guards of his opponents by manipulating them and striking only when he sees an opening. He prefers to mesh these skills with his sadistic personality, by creating false images, or causing pain through trauma. He also uses this to manipulate others especially his potential hosts, by feeding them illusive suggestions. However, those with an extremely high intelligence can see through most, and he fails to combat those who are naturally resistant through these means.
[-] Sadistic - He's quite crazy, and has a behavior disorder characterized by callous, vicious, manipulative, and degrading behavior expressed towards others. He enjoys seeing others experience discomfort, it fuels him. He isn't above throwing others under the bust just so he can see them suffer, or publicly humiliated. While they are a few he trust, and some whom might trust him, he's a snake, and should be kept under close watch.
[-] Thanatophobia - He has an abnormal fear of his own death. Whenever he has a near death experience or thinks if death, he experiences lower ego integrity, more physical problems, more psychological problems, and a decrease in his control of his abilities. His quest for immortality started with this fear, and has thus used this as drive to study the transfer essence ability.
• Edo means to eat, consume, or devour in Latin• Chose the avatar based off the snake eyes which it has. Snakes in some Eastern and Western Cultures represents immortality, or rebirth via shedding the skin.