Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Eerie Omera


Name: Eerie Omera
Faction: None
Rank: None
Species: Arsenian
Home planet: Thalia
Age: 13
Sex: Female
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 95lbs
Eyes: Right eye: Blue. Left eye: Green
Hair: Dirty blonde
Skin: Fair
Force sensitive: Yes
Family: Ellie Omera [Mother]

  • Fighter: Small and fierce, Eerie has taken after her Arsenian ancestry when it comes to combat. Just like her mother, she trains every day to be the best fighter in the tribe. Although young, she shows a talent and determination to rival many older teens.
  • Strong in the force: Like every Arsenian, Eerie is naturally force sensitive. This gives her an edge in most things compared to the average being in the galaxy. Using the force itself for most things is as easy as walking for her. This is mainly do the way the Arsenians will let go and follow the gentle pushes of the force, believing these urges are the will of their deities. Eerie has been know to let go and just flow with the force believing it to just be a natural thing.
  • Farmer: while most would never see this as a strength, it is a skill she quickly caught onto even at an early age. A skill that will help her feed not only her village, but the planet of Arsenae and beyond.

  • Still a teen: While Eerie has shown promise for her age, she's still a teen and has a lot to learn. Along with needing the guidance of an adult for how young she is.
  • A lot expected of her: Most young teens only have few worries in life. School work, friends and the like. The vast majority don't have to worry about becoming the next leader of their village. On Eerie's case, this is a big concern on life. A lot of pressure is being placed on a teen who has to learn all the workings of leadership.

Appearance: Eerie is a small athletic teen with heterocramatic eyes, right eye blue and left green, and dirty blonde hair. Like the rest of the Arsenians on Thalia, she wears earth toned clothes that are somewhat loose fitting. Her normally attire consists of loose fitting brown shorts that reach her knees and a brown or green tunic with a brown or green shirt underneath and bare feet.

Biography: The Omera family line is a proud one of warriors and politicians. For generations they've lived on the same homestead just outside the city of Lesea, the capital city of Arsenae. Eerie is different, however, in the regards that she is the first Omera to be born off world. She never knew the courtyard her ancestors trained in as children, the orchard of Melia trees they tended or the bustling capital city of Lesea. Her life began on the agri world of Thalia. Here the Marsh Oona gently sways in the breeze from their large flooded fields, afternoon showers wash away the occasional ash from ash storms and life itself moves a little slower. The vast majority of her life has been spent farming, and very little if any traveling off world. A life that has given her small hands more callouses than most children her age. Like the vast majority of the Arsenians on Thalia, she's a follower of the goddess Ikona, the goddess of agriculture.

Unlike the rest of the children on Thalia, Eerie has a lot riding on her small shoulders. She is next in line the be village leader after her aunt steps down. A lot of pressure for someone so young. Despite this, she tries her best to prove herself, which sometimes gets a little out of hand. Growing up on stories from warriors of old, she always wanted to be just like them. A dream that is slowly being overshadowed by other plans and expectations to be the next village leader.
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