Well-Known Member
Social Information
• Name: Eevy Wes
• Sexuality: Heterosexual
• Marital Status: Single
• Spiritual Views: Matukai
• Force Sensitive: Yes
• Force Rank: Padawan
• Force Alignment: Lightside
• Faction: None yet
Physical Information
• Species: Human
• Gender: Female
• Age: 24
• Eye Color: Green
• Hair Color: Red
+ High Endurance - She was born with naturally High Endurance. She has the ability to exert herself/ remain active for long periods of time.
+ Physical Strength - She has always had a heavy hand. Her strength level is above average, and then enhanced even further do to her being able to enhance it through the force.
+ Medical Prowess - She is a trained Field Medic/First Aid Specialist, she possesses knowledge of Anatomy and Biology.
+ Agility/Reflexes - Being a trained Field Medic she has greatly dedicated time to see this ability enhanced well past its normal level. This has saw her evasion skills enhanced because she can't afford to be gravely injured or killed on the battlefield.
- Diabetes - She has had the Chronic disease since she was 10, she has to take her meds in order to keep it at bay, but she only ever carries a limited number at a time, which makes an extended stay in a place she isnt orepared for dangerous to her.
- Eyesight - Due to many years of having Diabetes, she has gained eye problems. Her eyes have become very sensitive to bright flashes of light.
- Myopia (Near-Sighted) - Another side effect from the strain on her eyes, she is unable to see things clearly unless they are relatively close. She has glasses to counter this, but she refuses to wear them.
Biography Summarized
• Eevy was an active First Aid Soecialist/Field Medic based out of Coruscant. Her parents held similar professions when they were apart of the military, her mother being a nurse, and her father being a doctor. She grew to love medicine through them, but also wanted to serve in the military. She found her niche in the medical aspects of it, and joined up while they payed for her tuition for her to study at the University of Coruscant's First Republic Medical Academy. She completed training and schooling and began serving in the military as a field medic.
When the sith attacked Coruscant she was active, and immediately began serving her role. The inevitable defeat they suffered saw to it that Relublic forces retreated, and she was one of the last few to make it off world. Taking leave from the Military for a time, she met [member="Ilias Nytrau"] , who would discover her innate force sensitivity and began to mentor her in the ways of the force. He became her master and taught her a different form of healing, one that required the force. Studying under him she became a Jedi, and decided to serve the galaxy in another way.
• Curato Salva
• Force Enhanced Strength
• Force Healing
• Force Enhanced Strength
• Force Healing
• Unarmed Combat - Minimal skills she picked up during her training as a Field Medic.
- Nerve Pinch
• Knowledge of Anatomy - Although useful, it can be used to injure and kill as well.
- Nerve Pinch
• Knowledge of Anatomy - Although useful, it can be used to injure and kill as well.
Lightsaber Forms
• Trákata - Due to her not being able to see objects extremely far, she uses this form in conjunction with her Force Enhanced Strength to get close and personal with her opponents.
Force Forms
• Force Affinity - She unknowingly uses this ability, recovering her energy back as she goes. Giving her access to reserves of energy that are stored up over time.
• Lightsaber Shoto - Sacrificing reach and leverage she has gained range in motion, and dexterity. She uses this in conjunction with her Enhanced Strength, it allows her to get closer to her opponents if the need arises. She also uses it as a medical tool, to cauterize wounds and make small incisions if necessary. It produces a Violet blade.
• She carries a smaller version of a Medpac attached to the back on her pants. This houses first-aid equipment, and the limited number of meds she carries with her.