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Approved Tech EIC-1 Dissolver Cannon

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Niamh Raste


  • Intent: To create a new anti-starship weapon.
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  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A

  • Manufacturer: Eshan Industrial Corporation
  • Affiliation: Eshan Industrial Corporation, The Echani Compact, The Directorate, Closed-Market
  • Model: EIC-1 Dissolver Cannon
  • Modularity: None
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Quadanium Steel (hull and exterior), Heat and Energy Capacitors, Steel, Sodium Hydroxide

  • Classification: Corrosive Plasma Cannon
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Base Plasma (Sodium Hydroxide)
  • Ammunition Capacity: Large
  • Effective Range: Average
  • Rate of Fire: Slow
  • Stopping Power: Very High
  • Recoil: Average

  • Ion Sheath: Superheated plasma forms an electric sheath around exposed exterior surfaces which helps to hold the plasma together. This allows the firing of plasma, even in space, without it cooling to an unable state.
  • Metal Eater: Sodium Hydroxide is one of the most powerful known bases. When it interacts with most metals it causes the metal to dissolve into various gases.

  • Dissolution: Whereas ion cannons disperse electrical energy over a target, and turbolasers use powerful gas to "explode" metal, this cannon uses a plasma state of a base to hit a ship and start dissolving the metal of the hull, provided it isn't resistant to high strength bases.
  • Shield Bypass: The ionic sheath typically dissolves at the ray shield, but the short distance beyond it to the surface of the ship is traveled by the base plasma. Particule shields have no effect on things in the plasma state.

  • Slow: By comparison to most cannons its size, it's a slower gun.
  • Base Resistance: Metals with a resistant to bases take much longer to affect.

In order to combat the growing levels of hull design, new weapons are in development at Eshan Drive Yards, a subsidiary of Eshan Industrial Corporation. One such weapon is the Dissolver Canon. There are quite a few metals with resistances to acid that come naturally, but few that are resistant to high strength acids. However, liquids in space tend to solidify, becoming largely ineffective as a weapon. However, by heating the base to a plasma state, and firing it down a charged barrel, the plasma retains its shape and state of matter long enough to reach the typical distance of a standard turbolaser. Once it reaches its target, the ion shell generally dissipates against a shield, but the plasma passes on to the ship, unaffected by particle shields. The base reacts with most metals by dissolving them into a gaseous state. This new weapon will be a game changer on the battlefield.
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